Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Effects Evolution Fed Great ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies markets Media money New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies policy politics President Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Statements Survival Taxes trust United States war

Fed, Statements, Policy, Effects, Money, Markets

This article analyzes central banks, known as Federal Reserve in United States, in the light of growing debt and budget deficits in United States. Provides a deep insight into the money generation and printing process.

Abuse Advertising Articles Black Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Coercion Comments Competition Constitution Courts Creativity crimes Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections Evolution family Great Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Laws Lobbies marriages Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Prohibition Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes taxes technology trust United States war

Prohibition, Taxes, Coercion, Crimes, Laws

This article analyzes police violence on streets, in the light of current events in Ferguson and New York. Provides a broad and deep historical perspective. Clears the hype created by corporate media and corrupt politicians.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks china choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions Dumping economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Non-market Policies politics Process protectionism records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust U.S. United States

Economy, Non-market, Dumping, Protectionism, U.S., China

This article analyzes the economic, business and consumer damages caused by protectionism in United States, in the light of current AD duties placed on Chinese imports. Sharply criticizes the the AD duties option in WTO charter, non-market economy, NME, status of China and its abuse mostly by U.S. and other major developed western economies. Highlights the fact that China is not even a non-market economy, anymore.

Abuse Advertising arms Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizens Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions employment. Evolution family government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Military New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches spending Survival Taxes trust United States war

Spending, Constitution, Arms, Military, Citizens, Government

This article analyzes the philosophy of freedom, in the light of authority enjoyed and exercised by the institution of government. Explores the role of media and education system in continuation of this modern form of slavery. Provides extremely logical and reasonable arguments. Explains why government is inherently suppressive. Discusses the origin and history of government. Cites very obvious examples of job creation and right to bear arms.

Abuse Advertising Articles Authority Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition congress Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution executive ideologies. Illegal individual ISIS Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

ISIS, War, Constitution, Authority, Executive, Congress

This article analyzes the distribution of power under constitution of United States of America. Shows, why is it critical for all citizens including government officials to abide by constitution and law under all circumstances. Provides a very wide based and deep historical perspective. Describes the potential cost and consequences of constitutional violations. Reminds the oath to protect, preserve and defend constitution.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs Drugs. economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media Militarization New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Peace Police Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships religion rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States war

U.S., Police, Militarization, Constitution, Terrorism, Drugs.

This article analyzes the issue of ever increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement agencies, in the light of current incidents. Provides a detailed constitutional and historical perspective. Brings into focus the never ending, costly, useless and baseless domestic and foreign wars. Sheds light on unfortunate fact that U.S. government wants to solve every real and perceived problem with a new war.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family Fast Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual international Jobs jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships Republican rights science Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology Track trade Trans-Pacific trust United States war

Trade, International, Trans-Pacific, Fast Track, Jobs

This article analyzes the issues attached to international and regional trade agreements, in the light of proposed trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific trade and investment agreements, being negotiated, recently. Provides a broader and deeper historical perspective. Discusses the Economics and finances of trade. Highlights its effects on job creation, quality of products and services, creativity, innovation, standards of living and prices.

Abuse Advertising American Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget Capital change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitutional Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Errors Evolution family Great human human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics President Process Punishment racism records Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Capital Punishment, Errors, American, Human, Constitutional?

This article analyzes Capital Punishment, in the light of eighth and fourteenth amendments of Constitution of United States of America. Raises the question, how can death penalty be not cruel and unusual punishment, specifically prohibited by eighth amendment? Citations from constitution and dictionaries are provided, extensively. Makes it very easy to understand and appreciate the intent and meanings.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution Exchanges family federal Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obamacare Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Screening searches State Subsidies Taxes taxes technology trust United States

Obamacare, Exchanges, Federal, State, Taxes, Subsidies

This article analyzes the right of federal government to provide subsidies under Obamacare law, in the light of recent federal appeals court decisions. Highlights the disasters caused by this very poorly thought and written law. Brings into focus a more comprehensive and wider perspective. Tries to find real solutions to the problems and issues. Compares free market solutions with solutions provided by government.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Cost Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs drugs economic. economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. On Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches social Survival Taxes trust United States war

War On Drugs, Social, Economic Cost

This article analyzes the socio-economic cost of war on drugs. Highlights its impact on young individuals, and their education and careers. Brings into focus the broken and dysfunctional families, destroyed communities, adversely affected economies, corrupt government officials, law enforcement and judiciary. Explains, why war on drugs is helping related criminal enterprise to grow in size, wealth and power.

2012 Abuse Advertising Appointments Articles Authority Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution executive Great House ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics President records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Senate Taxes trust United States

Constitution, Executive Authority, Senate, House, Appointments

This article analyzes the constitutional check-n-balance between three branches of government, in the light of current Supreme Court unanimous decision over three NLRB recess appointments. Shows, why is it critically important to maintain this balance in order to guarantee fair use of authority, respect for democratic principles and well-being our nation and economy. Provides a historical perspective to this issue.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution family George Bush Great ideologies. Illegal individual Iran Iraq ISIS kids Knowledge. Lobbies Losses Maliki Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States war

Iraq, U.S., Losses, ISIS, Maliki, Iran

This article analyzes current developments in Iraq under a broader and deeper historic perspective. Finds out, what is making this situation, so worse. Highlights all the factors and powers involved, their interests and role in the conflict. Criticizes the U.S. policies to keep arming, training and funding different groups and governments for their vested interests. Shows, how unreliable these groups and governments can turn out to be.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Borders Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. EU Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust Ukraine United States Visa

Visa, Borders, Economy, Jobs, EU, Ukraine

This article analyzes the effects of restrictions and regulation imposed on the movement and mobility of individuals, goods and services. The most basic and common excuses given by governments, in the favor of these regulations are, protectionism and security. Highlights the fact that these regulations neither protect nor secure. These actually destroy the individual freedoms, economies, social fabric, peaceful societies, and ethics and morals.

Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family government Great Growth House ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obamacare Paul Peace Policies politics President Process records Reforms relationships Representation rights Ron Screening searches Senate Survival taxation Taxes technology trust United States war

Taxation, Representation, House, Senate, Government, Obamacare

This article analyzes the debacle of Obamacare. Points out to the fact that it was upheld by Supreme Court only because of a reason repeatedly denied by president Obama and his administration, the fact that it is a tax. As a matter of fact the largest single tax hike in human history valuing upto 700 billion dollars. Proves that it has failed to deliver almost every promise attached to it. Concludes that in no way, it justifies the enormous cost.

Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Banking Blog Budget Capital Carolina. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Courts Creativity Criminal crisis Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Fed Flow Great Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics President Process racism Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms Regulations relationships Republican rights Roosevelt science Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Fed, Banking Regulations, Capital Flow, Crisis, Part 3

This article analyzes Great Depression in a broader historical perspective. Sheds light on the causes and development of disaster. Connects the dots between major studies, articles, accounts and books on Great depression. Separates the reality from hype and propaganda. Points out to the parallels in 2008 and other major economic and financial disasters. Makes it clear, what may be prolonging recovery from 2008 crisis.

Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Banking Barack Barack Obama Black Blog Budget Bush Capital Celebrations change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal crisis Deaths debt Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Fed Flow George Bush global warming. Great Growth Hijacking Housing ideologies. Illegal IMF individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Pakistan Paul Peace Policies politics President Process racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms Regulations relationships religion Republican rights Ron Roosevelt science Screening searches South Sports Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Fed, Banking Regulations, Capital Flow, Crisis. Part 1

This article is first in a series, analyzing the current state of affairs in United States under a very broad spectrum of global background, history, facts exploration, research, politics and Economics. Finds out, if the global and historical class warfare still going on in U.S.? Do we still have a class which is trying to enslave the masses? Explores the attacks on constitution of United States of America. Highlights the facts, why elite class envies our constitution, so much?

Abuse Advertising Amendments Articles Authority Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Boehner change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Default democracy Discussions Evolution executive Great ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Laws legislation Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Peace Policies politics President Process racism records Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States war

Constitution, Legislation, Executive Authority, Laws, Amendments

This article analyzes the issue of powers and limitations of executive and legislative branches of federal government, as outlined in constitution. Criticizes the executive orders, and president’s unconstitutional decisions to postpone or suspend the certain parts of a law, already passed by congress, and signed into law by president, as he has been doing with certain parts of Obama care. Emphasizes the fact that he can only execute the law in its entirety or get it repealed.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution family Great Growth Health ideologies. Illegal individual Insurance Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Medicaid medicare. New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obamacare Policies politics President private Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Medicaid, Medicare, Private Health Insurance, Obamacare

This article discusses the basic insurance model, and viability of Obama care based on that model. Shows, how Obama care insurance model is a clear cut deviation from historically proven model, and why it will not work. Analyzes the behaviors and attitudes of insurance buyers, especially the young ones. Finds out, why Obama care will have a seriously negative effect on already strained federal government budget.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Bill Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections Enforcement Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Of Peace Police Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Bill Of Rights, Police, Courts, Enforcement

This article analyzes the issue of supremacy of constitution in our constitutional democracy. It praises the individual rights acknowledged and awarded by constitution. Stresses the fact that basic constitutional right are inalienable, which means, those cannot be violated or suppressed under any circumstances. This is in sharp contrast with currently dominant government theme which is that the individual rights can be disregarded for safety and security and for people’s own good, as well as to ensure national security.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget Carolina. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George Bush global warming. Governments Great Growth history. Housing ideologies. Illegal IMF individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Laws Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Peace Policies politics pollution President Process Reagan Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights science Screening searches South Sports Survival taxation Taxes technology trust United States war wars

History, Governments, Wars, Laws, Taxation, Rights

This article analyzes history, in the light of different political and economic ideologies and point of views. Highlights the major players and their roles in good, and bad. Compares different interpretations and discusses various proposed solutions. Brings into focus the ideas of authority and freedom. Finds out, how government has been the single most common and destructive weapon, in all the destruction and havoc, ever imposed on humanity.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Peace Policies politics President Process records Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Libertarianism, Utilitarianism, Mill, Smith, Rights, Happiness

This article analyzes, examines and compares the modern political, economic and social theories, and philosophies. Finds out what lead us to where we are now and why? Explains the common terms like constitution, governments, legislature, rights, utility and contract. Measures and calculates the limitations and confinements of authority exercised and enjoyed by government, and delegated by constitution of “We the people”.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds bailouts Bank Blog Budget Central change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Constitutions Courts Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. European Evolution family germany Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal IMF individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

European Central Bank, Bailouts, Constitution, Germany

This article analyzes the outrageous and unending spree of bailouts in Europe and America. Goes deep and wide into the causes and consequences. Sheds light on the role of big governments, banks, corporations and political lobbies in creation and continuation of current crisis. Invites readers to stand up for their rights. Exposes the corrupt tactics and suggests that methods to combat and fight back.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Cars change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Cost Courts Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Electric employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Luxury Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes Taxpayers' technology Tesla trust United States war

Tesla, Electric Luxury Cars, Taxpayers’ Cost

This article analyzes the distortion in free market, created by government picking up the winners and losers, mostly losers. Provides a very broad based and deep analysis of causes, methods and devastating effects on our everyday life, economy, financial status, business, jobs and fairness. Effectively shows, why market forces are far better then corrupt government officials and media, deciding our fate as individuals, and as a nation and country.

Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Boehner Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition congress Conservative Constitution constitution Courts courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George Bush Gingrich Great Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media media. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nuclear Obama Peace Policies politics pollution president President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Constitution, President, Congress, Courts, Media

This article analyzes the balance of power between the three branches of government and president’s insistence on uncontrolled and unchecked powers. Discusses the president’s ridiculous notion that anyone who disagrees with him is somehow stupid. Highlights the role of media, like Wikipedia, in placing a check on government corruption. Emphasizes the fact that people of this country own this country, not the government or their funding corporations. Acknowledges that Obama is turning out to be far more dumb then Bush.

2012 Advertising amendment Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitutional Courts Creativity Criminal Default Deficit democracy dictatorship Discussions Elections Evolution executive family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama order Paul Peace Policies politics President Process Reagan records Reforms relationships rights Ron Screening searches Survival terrorism trust United States war

Executive Order, Constitutional Amendment, Dictatorship

This article analyzes the falsely presumed presidential authority to issue executive orders, in the light of constitution and history. Points out that president of United States has no constitutional authority to amend constitution, with an executive order. This country belongs to “We the people” and the legislative authority lies totally in the hands of congress of United States of America., while only courts have the authority to interpret constitution. Sheds the light on fact that infringement on the right to bear arms, is just another step towards establishing full blown tyranny in this country.

2012 Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Celebrations change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer control Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths democracy Discussions Drugs Elections Evolution family firearms freedom Great Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Peace Policies politics President Process records Recovery Reforms relationships Republican rights Ron Roosevelt Screening searches Survival technology trust tyranny United States violence war

Violence, Government, Rights, Constitution, Guns

This article analyzes the links between violence, firearms and gun control. Breaks down the British statistics in historic perspective. Cites the example of Switzerland. Effectively shows that the firearm ownership has absolutely no link to the rate of violence in a society. It is more related to the other factors like cultural norms and social structures. Evaluates the other benefits of firearms ownership. For example, safety from foreign invasion, no need for standing army, freedom and happily party culture.

2012 Abuse Advertising arms Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitution County Courts Creativity crime Criminal Deaths democracy Discussions Evolution family Growth ideologies. Illegal individual kids Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms rights Screening Survival Taxes trust United States violence

Second Amendment, Tyranny, Gun Ownership

This article analyzes the violent crimes and right to bear arms, in the light of United States constitution and historical background. Explores, why this right was provided and why it is critically important to maintain it. Uncovers the potential dangers attached to the disarming of people. Tries to find out the intentions of government and other groups that want to take away this right. Provides authentic quotes from our forefathers and references from history and constitution itself. Emphasizes that constitution and history cannot be re-defined in accordance with the wishes of liberal groups.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution constitution. Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions Elections employment. Evolution family gay Great Growth Housing human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual Iowa Jobs kids Knowledge. liberties Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Paul Policies politics President Process records Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Gay Marriages, Constitution, Civil Liberties

This article analyzes the issue of the legal recognition of gay marriages, civil rights and the constitutionality of bans. Provides a deep and extensive historical perspective to the issue. Sheds light on the evolution of sexual relationships. Highlights the money, power and influence related issues effecting gay rights, marriage and sexual activities. Offers a criticism of different leading arguments, being presented, in this nationwide debate. Brings into focus the human side of issue. Provokes the American values of equality of rights and protection for everyone.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Depression Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George Bush global warming. government Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Pakistan Paul Peace Policies politics pollution President Process racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war wars

Our Story: Whore Choopo Ganne

This article analyzes, in depth, the issues of wars, national budget deficits and debt, policing of world and new world order. Highlights the grave and real consequences of imperialistic policies. Shows, how the downfall of empire is inevitable, if the current senseless policies are continued, maintained and not changed. Effectively proves that Barack Obama is just as a disappointment and utter failure, as George Bush. Brings into focus the fact that both major parties work for same lobbies and serve the save special interests.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debate. debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gary Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Johnson kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Obama. Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Romney Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Gary Johnson For President 2012, Part 14

This is fourteenth, in a series of articles analyzing the candidacy of Libertarian party candidate for president of United States, in 2012 elections, Gary Johnson. It performs a very deep and extensive analysis of first presidential debate in 2012 election cycle. Shows, how the debate was totally useless, as far as the current burning issues of war and spending are concerned. Both candidates played, each others game, as usual, and did not discuss the issues, dear to the godfathers of their campaign, corporate lobbies.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution freedom Gary Great ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Johnson kids Knowledge. Lobbies markets Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Gary Johnson For President 2012, Part 13

This article is thirteenth in a series, evaluating the candidacy of libertarian candidate for president, Gary Johnson, in 2012 U.S. presidential elections. Performs a very broad and deep analysis of markets, regulations, monopolies, lobbies and restrictions on free flow of capital. Analyzes the role of government and businesses in the growth and development of economy, jobs, markets, trade, and country, as a whole. Provides a review of American history and constitution. Highlights the rights of people and citizens.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gary Growth Housing human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs Johnson kids Knowledge. Libertarian Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Paul Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Gary Johnson For President 2012, Part 9

This article is the ninth, in a series, analyzing the candidacy of Gary Johnson, Libertarian candidate for president, in 2012 U.S. presidential elections. It provides a very broad and deep historical perspective to the evolution of money and trade, and government controls. Has a great criticism of monetary and fiscal policies. Effectively shows, how government regulations adversely effect the economy, in terms of devaluation of money, inflation, depressions, recessions and run-offs. Highlights the chain of events, in human history, leading to current dismal state of affairs.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog budget Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gary Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Johnson kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Nuclear Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war wars

Gary Johnson For President 2012, Part 8

This article is eighth, in a series, analyzing the candidacy of Libertarian Party candidate for president of United States, Gary Johnson, in 2012 elections. Focuses on the budget crisis and wars. Points out, why it is critically important to stop the wars, bring troops home and balance the budget, right now. Unfolds the hype about national security and terrorism. Also discusses the continuously worsening situation of constitutional violations and civil rights. Discusses, how all of our current major issues are intertwined with each other and have the one root cause, two party duopoly in our political system.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Assange Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths Discussions Elections Evolution family Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Julian kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Paul Peace persecution. Policies politics President Process records Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival technology terrorism trust United States war Wikileaks

Gary Johnson For President 2012, Part 7

This article analyzes the civil and human rights situation, in United States and around the world, in the light of Julian Assange and Wikileaks’ case. Finds out, why do we need a president, who truly values constitution, and civil and human rights. Discusses the charges against Assange and Wikileaks. Sheds lights on Assange’s work and Wikileaks. Relates the case to constitutional rights of freedom of speech and right to information. Discovers, why corrupt governments and regimes need secrecy and anyone breaking into it, is considered an enemy.

2012 Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution constitution. Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. law Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. NFL Nomination Obama Paul Peace Policies politics President Process racism Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican restrictions rights Ron Screening searches Sports Survival Taxes technology trust United States voting

Voting Rights, Restriction Laws, Constitution

This article analyzes the every American citizen’s right to vote, in the light of constitution, law, ethics and Democratic principles and traditions. Discusses the arguments of voting fraud and it’s prevention. Uncovers the possible motives behind the new laws, in many states, restricting citizens’ rights to vote. Finds out the possible implications of these laws. Brings into focus, the disturbing trend of disregard for constitution and it’s requirements, on part of both major parties. Sheds light on, how personal and party agenda, and ideological considerations are taking over constitutional requirements.

2012 Abuse act Advertising affordable Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer court Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Growth healthcare human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Paul Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches supreme Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Affordable Healthcare Act: Supreme Court

This article analyzes the controversy surrounding Affordable Healthcare Act and the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, regarding it. Deeply reviews the issues faced by U.S. healthcare system and their effects on budget, deficits and national debt. Compares current scenario with the time when the act will be in full effect. Contrasts U.S. health care system with the other developed countries, in terms of cost, waiting periods and over all healthcare status of population, in different developed countries. Brings into focus the ever growing industry of medical tourism in United States.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George Bush global warming. Great Growth Hampshire Hoover Housing ideologies. Illegal IMF Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Nuclear Obama Paul Peace Policies politics pollution President Process racism Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Ron Roosevelt science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Obama, Banks, New World Order

This article analyzes the global financial crisis, it’s causes, fixes and reasons for repeated failures. It reviews the roles of government, congress, courts, agencies and law enforcement. Discusses the controversial issues like, Federal Reserve, printed money, debt, budget deficits and authority to issue money. Tries to get to the root causes of repeated financial crises and market failures. Sheds light on the role of corporate media and politicians sold out to corporate lobbies. Brings into focus the movement for restoration of constitution and individual liberties.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitution. Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust U.S. United States war

Elections, LGBT, Equality, Human Rights.

This article analyzes the current elections process and political system in United States. Finds out, how much our system satisfy the requirements and demands of the golden principles like, government of the people, by the people and for the people and one person, one vote. Explores the need for reforms and offers sweeping reforms in our political system to tackle the problems of true representation, corruption, abuse of power, direct and indirect bribery and violations of constitution. Emphasizes on the need for an organized struggle and effort in this regard.

2012 Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Courts Criminal democracy Discussions elections Elections Evolution Hoover ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual kids Knowledge. Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obama. politics President Process racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival trust U.S. United States

Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 7

This article analyzes the candidacy of president Barack Obama for 2012 presidential elections in United States, in the light of ongoing challenges to his citizenship status. Discusses in detail, the arguments for and against the validity, legality and constitutionality of president’s U.S. citizenship.

2012 Abuse Articles Barack Barack Obama Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Growth human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Paul politics President racism Recession recession. depression records Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron science Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States war

Drug Prohibition, Cost, Deficits, Elections

This article focuses on U.S. drug prohibition laws, their pros and cons, cost, results and future, in the light of 2012 presidential race in United States. Analyzes the history of drug prohibition in United Sates, with special emphasis on their success and failures.

Abuse Articles Black Blog causes Celebrations change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fixes. great Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 1

It is now a historically proven fact that depressions and recessions are regular happenings in capitalist economies, including U.S. economy. In this series, we are going to examine the causes of various recessions and depressions, their consequences and fixes that worked, keeping politics and ideology aside.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice coalition Comments Constitution Courts credit Criminal debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. evolution Evolution family Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics records relationships religion rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 8

This is the eight in a series of articles regarding U.S. debt, deficits and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. The series provides a very broad based and deep analysis of this issue. This particular article emphasizes on the evolution and responsibilities of government.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Comments Courts credit Criminal debt Default Deficit defict democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Growth ideologies. individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics records relationships rights science Survival Taxes taxes. technology trust United States

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 7

This is the seventh and last in a series of articles regarding U.S, deficits, debt and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Tries to find out what made us the greatest country and nation in the world and what is causing our downfall. Provides a very broad based and deep historical perspective.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Boehner change cheating checks choice Climate Comments Courts credit Criminal Deaths debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan Peace politics pollution racism relationships Republican rights science Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 6

This is the sixth in a series of articles regarding the debate on U.S. debt, deficits and government facing first ever credit downgrade done by a reputable authority. This article analyzes the argument regarding taxes, business regulations and labor unions, in historical and global perspective.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Bush change cheating checks choice Climate coalition Comments Constitution Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace politics pollution president records relationships religion Republican rights science Screening searches Sports Survival technology terrorism trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 4

This is fourth in a series of articles regarding U.S. national debt, financial deficits and the credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Series focuses on a very broad and deep historical perspective. This particular article analyzes the presidency of George W. Bush.

Abuse Articles Bill Black Blog Bush Celebrations change cheating choice Climate Clinton coalition Comments Constitution County Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace politics pollution presodent racism records relationships religion Republican rights science searches Survival technology terrorism trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 3

This is the third in a series of articles that examines U.S. debt and deficit in a very broad and deep historical perspective. It focuses on forty second president William Jefferson Clinton, his presidency, policies and contributions to country’s economy and finances.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog cheating checks choice Comments County court Courts Criminal Deaths debt Discussions economy. finance employment. family human sexuality individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. records relationships rights Screening searches Survival technology trust United States

County, Court Criminal Records

This article discusses the employment and personal relationships related information available on county and court criminal records. Tells the reader, what can be found and what would it mean for the business, from hiring point of view and for a person from the relationships point of view. Highlights certain, related legal terms and their meanings.

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