Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Banking Blog Capital change cheating checks choice Citizenship coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal crisis Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Fed Flow Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms Regulations relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust Uncategorized war

Fed, Banking Regulations, Capital Flow, Crisis, Part 15

This article analyzes the Keynesian theories regarding fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and financial crisis, in the light of the experience of 1973-75 recession. Effectively shows that increased money supply or inflation through government manipulation is not the solution for financial crises. As a matter of fact, government interventions just mess up the economy, even more. History has shown us that time and again,

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Creativity Criminal crisis debt democracy Discussions economic. economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution Gingrich Growth Housing housing ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul politics President racism Recession recession. depression records recovery Reforms religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 15: Republican Nomination Process, Housing Crisis

This video analyzes the U.S. economy and housing crisis in the light of 2007-2008 financial crisis, 2012 presidential elections and Republican party race for nomination. Discusses the recovery under Obama administration and current numbers.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth healthcare ideologies. Illegal immigration Immigration individual jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul phone politics President Recession recession. depression records Reforms reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches security South Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 13: Healthcare And Immigration Reforms, Elections 3

This video performs a detailed analysis of the need, hurdles and different views regarding comprehensive healthcare and immigration reforms. Analyses these very important issues in the light of political interests, national security, and economy and financial problems, country is facing.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Consumer Criminal democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections Evolution family Gingrich Growth Hampshire healthcare Hoover ideologies. immigration Immigration individual Iowa kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Obama. Paul politics President racism Recession recession. depression records Reforms reforms Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States

Demlicans 12: Healthcare And Immigration Reforms, Elections 2

This video is the second in a series on Healthcare and Immigration Reforms in United States, in the light of election campaigns for 2012 presidential elections. Performs a bipartisan analysis of needs for reforms, different proposals and solutions, and the healthcare reforms under Obama and Democratic government.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth Hampshire ideologies. Immigration individual Iowa kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul Peace politics President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 11: Healthcare and Immigration Reforms, Elections

This video analyzes the Republican primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, and discusses the possible outcomes in South Carolina, and Florida, as well. Brings into focus the possible implications of these results on general, congressional, Senate and House races, and presidential elections, this year.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Criminal Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution Growth Hoover ideologies. individual Knowledge. Media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Obama. politics president President racism Recession recession. depression records Republican rights Roosevelt Screening searches Survival Taxes trust Uncategorized United States

Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 4

This article is the fourth in a series on incumbent president and projected Democratic Party nominee for 2012 presidential elections in United States, Barack Obama. It analyzes his policies, record, achievements, failures and challenges. Provides a historical perspective to his presidency.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Boehner Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition competitions. Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Gingrich global warming. Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Mitt Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Nuclear Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics pollution President racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt science Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 10: Republican Nomination Process, Democratic Party 4

This video analyzes the Republican nomination process for 2012 presidential elections. Discusses, in detail, the 2008 and 2009 bailouts. Explores the constitutionality and legality of bailout for the world’s largest and richest corporations. Examines the taxation in United States.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog change cheating checks choice coalition Comments Constitution Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Obama Obama. Peace politics President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 3: Newt VS. Obama 2

This video is the part two of an analysis on potential match up between Newt Gingrich of Republican party and Barack Obama, Incumbent president and Democratic party candidate. It discusses in detail unemployment, economy, debt, deficit and 2008 financial crisis.

2012 999 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Black Blog Cain cheating checks choice Comments Criminal Discussions dropout economy economy. finance elections employment. family Herman ideologies. individual marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics presidential. Republican searches Survival Taxes taxes trust Uncategorized United States

Herman Cain’s Drop Out, Taxes

This video covers a very wide range of currently hot political topics. Starts with the discussion on drop out of Herman Cain from 2012 Republican political race. Broadens down to U.S. politics and taxation. Brings into focus and compares the federal taxes and taxes in various Republican and Democratic states. Covers different forms of taxes like income tax, consumption tax, property tax, car tax and capital gains taxes.

Articles Backgrounds Blog Class Comments Consumer debt Default Deficit deficits Depression depressions Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics recession. depression recessions records relationships rights searches Survival technology Uncategorized United States

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 4

This is the fourth in a series of articles that provide a historical perspective on causes, consequences and fixes for economic depressions and recessions. This particular articles focuses on theoretical bases and research on economic depressions and recessions.

Abuse Articles Black Blog causes Celebrations change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fixes. great Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 1

It is now a historically proven fact that depressions and recessions are regular happenings in capitalist economies, including U.S. economy. In this series, we are going to examine the causes of various recessions and depressions, their consequences and fixes that worked, keeping politics and ideology aside.

Abuse Articles Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Criminal debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economies. economy economy. finance employment. evolution Evolution Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway politics Reagan records religion Republican rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 11

This is eleventh in a series of articles on national debt, budget deficits and U.S. credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Series provides a very wide and in-depth historical perspective. This particular article emphasizes on the evolution of economic and political ideologies.

Abuse Articles Blog change cheating checks choice class-struggle Comments Consumer Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama politics poor Reagan records religion Republican rich rights science searches Survival Taxes taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 10

This is tenth in a series of articles on U.S. debt, budget deficits and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. The series provides a very broad based and in-depth analysis. This particular article focuses on class struggle, discrimination, control and freedom.

Abuse Articles Blog Bush buying-power change cheating checks choice Clinton credit Criminal debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama politics Reagan records religion Republican rights Survival Taxes technology trickle-down trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 9

This is the ninth article in a series on national debt, budget deficits and downgrade of U.S. credit by Standard and Poor’s. Series provides a very broad based and in-depth historical perspective. This particular article focuses on the discussion over Reagan’s trickle economics versus buying power of an average citizen.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Bush choice Comments debt deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections 2010: Commit to Vote. employment. environment family H ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics pollution religion Republican rights Survival technology terrorism trust Uncategorized United States W

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 2

This is second articles in the series on causes and factors behind current U.S. debt crisis and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor. This piece of work focuses on president George H. W. Bush, his presidency and time. Highlights the positive and negative long term effects of his policies on Economy and finances.

Abuse Articles Blog cheating choice Comments deal debt deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. family ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. labor News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. NFL politics racism Republican rights searches Survival trust Uncategorized unions

NFL Reaches New Labor Deal

This article performs a very broad based analysis of sports, politics, finance, deficits and unions, in the light of recent NFL labor deal. Highlights the dirty politics and the rapidly growing gap between rich and poor. Tries to dig out the causes and proposes the solutions. Points out to the fact that while rich, powerful and famous are still enjoying their constitutional right to organize, the poor people are frequently denied this right.

choice cyber crime cyber theft database database theft democracy Discussions federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online fraud people PlayStation protecting US society relationship relationships rights Sony technology the age of cyber theft The Age of Cyber Theft for Profit the evolution of technology the pace of technological evolution Uncategorized US citizens US government US society

The Age of Cyber Theft for Profit

The act of stealing has always been considered as a form of personal violation, especially when an individuals home or personal space is invaded to obtain their possessions. The various modes of theft have diversified over time however, so that it is now far more likely that citizens will become vulnerable to online predators and the machinations of cyber thieves. The remote and anonymous nature of cyber theft makes it extremely difficult prevent, while also providing a degree of security for those who perpetrate it.

We live in the age of the cyber thief, whose aim is to seek both illicit and significant profit through the collection of personal data and financial information. This can be sourced from discarded household bills, poorly protected personal computers or even through the information contained on company specific databases. These can be stolen and traded between relevant parties, and the information can included can lead to the theft of your wealth and financial assets.

Recent Events and the Rise of Cyber Theft

Just last week the new broke that the personal information of over 77 million Playstation users has been exposed, after a computer intrusion compromised and accessed Sony’s relevant customer database. Although the identity or purpose of the thief has not yet been revealed, the most likely answer is that the database was infiltrated by a cyber thief who wished to use the information for financial gain, whether by using the personal information for themselves or illegally selling it on to interested parities.

article 2 of the consitution Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions donald trump federal government ideologies. immigration immigration in the us Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US natural born citizen News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights the birther bill the birther movement the US constitution Uncategorized US citizens us citizenship US government

Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US

Barack Obama has been forced to face several questions surrounding his exact origin of birth since his inauguration as US President, which either reflects a genuine concern or a unwelcome prejudice that lies beneath the surface of the social fabric. As Arizona governor Jan Brewer this week vetoed a bill that would have required presidential candidates prove their eligibility for office, America took a positive step towards challenging the concept of eligibility and also towards focusing their issues on the key issues that currently bight the US.

Although other states are moving forward with similar bills with a view to enforcing them, they are less likely to succeed in the wake of Jan Brewer’s decision and the inevitable protests against racial prejudice, repression and a specific interpretation of eligibility. Given the Arizona states reputation for backing more radical legislation concerning immigration, their stance came as something as a surprise to those who dispute the merits of the the so called ‘Birther’ bill, and raised relevant questions concerning both the existing law and exactly which qualities are important when running a country.

The Right to Set Presidential Qualification Requirements

Of course the US constitution does afford states the right to determine how its representatives are elected, while also allowing them to ensure that their candidate meets existing constitutional qualifications. What it forbids is any state attempting to impose new legislation that forces qualified candidates to refrain from standing for election, as this addition of criteria is unconstitutional and opposes the democratic foundation of the US. What has further confused recent issues is that the relevant article in the US constitution is open to interpretation in terms of being a natural citizen of the United States.

abortion abortion as a method of birth control abortion in the us birth control choice democracy Discussions family federal government ideologies. kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people planned parenthood planned parenthood and sexual liberty Planned Parenthood: A Victim of Circumstance? relationships religion sexual health Uncategorized US citizens US government

Planned Parenthood: A Victim of Circumstance?

As the US desperately seek ways to trim their $1.5 trillion budget deficit before the close of 2011, certain organizations are coming under increased scrutiny with regards their exact need and purpose. Planned Parenthood is one such entity, and has subsisted in the US for decades, despite being at the center of consistent controversy during that time. Now, as an organization that courts direct opposition and receives an estimated $363 million annually from the government, it has emerged as a potential target for expenditure cuts.

Opinion and Criticism

Planned Parenthood has divided opinion in the US for years, and has both staunch supporters and opposition from different individuals and social groups. Those who agree with its presence and purpose feel that it offers and invaluable outlet to pregnant females and families, offering advice and family planning in the strictest of confidence. Conversely, its opposition have claimed that the organization is divisive and carries questionable morality and values, and in essence encourages a casual attitude towards sexual liaison.

The organizations cause has not been helped by recent incidents, which have caused the dismissal of two members of staff and excessive media coverage. In stings conducted by Live Action, one staff member was filmed accepting donations from a racially bigoted donor, while another was captured offering to facilitate birth control and abortions for under-age girls. These incidents were distasteful in the extreme, and have caused an even greater backlash from economists and religious groups nationwide.

catholicism Discussions Facebook ideologies. multiculturalism muslims in society News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships relationships within society religion religion and social media religious intolerance social media the evolving face of catholicism the issues with multiculturalism Twitter Uncategorized US citizens US news Why Society Must Refrain from Marginalizing Muslims

The Evolving Face of Catholicism

The majority of religions have their roots based in ancient scripture and teachings, and as such are fairly inflexible in various aspects of their culture. However, as technology and accepted knowledge has advanced at an increasing pace, so too many religions have sought to adapt and reflect a more contemporary mindset. While this has been generally considered as beneficial and a significant step in religions maintaining their relevance, it has been questioned in some circles as distasteful and opposed to religious values.

Catholicism is an example of a religion that has long since been considered as inflexible and archaic in its values, until recent times have seen it evolve to cater to a more contemporary view of existence. In addition to modifying its views on abortion and marital union, it has also begun to communicate with followers through Facebook and other social media sites, creating a modern version of the faith that is far removed from its previous incarnation.

Religion and Social Media

The link between Catholicism and social media began in earnest last September, as the Pope visited the UK and the church used the medium to publicize the trip and its details. It has since retained this page and advanced the presence further, creating an additional layout to promote the Pope’s impending beatification in May of this year. This is one of the most significant instances of an established and major religion utilizing online media to reach out to their followers, and has prompted mixed emotions in response.

extremes in political opinion how to foster economic prosperity News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people political shootings politics relationships the economic recovery the economy in 2011 the global recession Uncategorized US citizens US government

Assessing the Extremes in Political Opinion and Action

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting of democratic representative Gabrielle Griffiths at a neighborhood meeting yesterday, a sharp and sudden focus was drawn against the increasing extremities of feeling that exist within contemporary US politics. Although an exact motive for the attack that killed and wounded others has yet to be determined, their are rumblings of the accused gunman being extremely hostile towards the current government regime and also especially vocal about his inherent dislike and reasoning.

This reaction is extreme and entirely unjustified in a civilized society, but the instance is not isolated in terms of the level of threat and deep rooted animosity toward the existng political government. There have been several occasions in the last 18 months and 2 years where democratic representatives have been subjected to verbal abuse or vandalism, as concerns and issues with economic policies and health care legislation have combined to produce increased levels of frustration and discontentment with government representatives and legislation.

A Diversity of Opinion

While this particular instance and general type of political protest is repugnant, it is not the only reason for concern in federal circles. At the entirely opposite end of the spectrum, there continues to subsist a growing apathy towards voting and policies in particular geographical and age related demographics, and one which is born of the same levels of disenchantment that fuels acts of violence and anarchy. In a society where two opposed and yet deeply similar and related political issues are pertinent, there are several conclusions and portents that can be drawn.

Facebook News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people people and Facebook relationships the effects of the social network on relationships the growth of Facebook the influence of Facebook in society the social effect of the social network the social effects of Facebook the social network Uncategorized US citizens

The Growing Influence of Facebook and the Social Network

The concept of the social network has shown immense growth since its inception, and has emerged as a key resource for communication and interaction in contemporary society. Facebook stands as the single biggest social network, and recently revealed that it now boasts over 500 million users worldwide, providing an ever improving computer interface accessible in hundreds of countries.

It was recently revealed that private investors have sunk $500,000 into Facebook in 2010, which has elevated the corporations market value beyond the staggering level of $50 billion. This rate of investment and corporate growth have made the brand currently more valuable than the Times Warner Group, Yahoo and the popular Internet trading site EBay. Given the nature of the site and its purpose, this level of global and financial expansion is quite remarkable.

The Present and the Future for Facebook

As a social networking entity, Facebook continues to expand and develop unabated. It continues to gain new investors with ease, while also being able to source and capture alternative and smaller social networking resources. In 2010, statistics even suggested that the site had surpassed as Google as the most frequented web resource, which is another remarkable feat given the multipurpose structure of Google and the range of business and personal services that it offers to the consumer.

community community and society how community tackles social issues ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships the relevance of community in modern society the value of community Uncategorized US citizens US fllod reaction US floods

The Relevance of Community in Society

What became apparent however was the sense of community and togetherness that had been fostered through hardship, as countless residents gathered to assist the Red Cross operatives at the scene. This reflected an incredible selflessness of character, as individuals put their own issues and suffering aside to help the rescue efforts and clear the debris from the roads and man the refuge centers and facilities.

The Community in its Traditional Sense

This reaction and communal spirit displayed in common is the instances of emergency and natural disaster, and serves as a comforting reminder of the best side of human nature and behaviour. However, this sense of community and selfless distribution of time raises another question, as it is at odds with the behaviour and conduct witnessed in every day life and contemporary society.

divorce government marriage marriages modern relationships News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships the relevance of union in contemporary society Uncategorized US citizens why get married?

How important is Union in Contemporary Society?

Various governments across various civilizations have eschewed the virtues of marriage and long term union in contemporary society, and some have even introduced legislation and incentives to encourage marriage and the development of a family unit. However, as the global rate of divorce spirals towards a troubling 50 percent, and the rate of divorce in the US alone stands at approximately 48 percent, there is an increasing concern as to the relevance of union in a modern society.

The thought processes involved in attempting to create marital and relationship harmony is simple. Governments regulate society, to make its citizens law abiding and maintain their safety. The concept of the family unit, and all of the values of clean living and moderation that are incorporated within, ensure that it is used as a tool with which to govern and maintain a social equilibrium. This abates the concern that single individuals are more vulnerable to external influences and corruption without the support of family or their communal values.

The Modern Relationship

While this trend of government thinking is clear, it is also a little misguided in contemporary surroundings. The nature of relationships and union has changed dramatically over the course of 4 decades, and the relevance of marriage slowly diminishing alongside the revolution in dating and methods of courtship. Quite simply, the encouragement of traditional family units and values becomes less pointed in a society where couples no longer begin their relationship in the traditional way, especially where marriage is often seen as an expensive luxury or a mere title.

education and the internet inteenet internet censorship internet usage kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. parental advice parental guidance people relationships the consequences of internet use the effetcs of internet use the internet as an educational resource the internet in contemporary society Uncategorized US citizens

Internet Usage and Education

For all the advantages in terms of convenience, speed and delivery that the internet has provided to the average consumer and household, there are increasing concerns as to its influence on social conduct and etiquette. These concerns are centered on the fact that the premise of the World Wide Web has been outweighed by its impact, and despite its supposed benefits to individuals and families alike, it is often citied as a prominent factor in decreasing values and social behavioural trends.

The fact remains that while consumers can purchase and internet users can seek information through the vast resources of the internet, there is less and less need to venture into the outside world and communicate with other human beings through traditional conversation. This type of secluded environment in which young adults are thrust can contribute towards a restricted and introverted outlook on life, and in extreme cases develop anti-social behavioural trends amongst users.

Internet Usage and Education

One of the primary concerns around internet usage is its influence on the education of teenagers and young adults. With regards to the vast resources available on the World Wide Web, there are two schools of thought. One would consider that the diversity of information and opinion is beneficial to further education, and actively encourages the development of a considered point of view. However, there is a further notion that the internet’s depth of resource and often uncensored nature is confusing for impressionable minds and often contradictory to curriculum teaching.

dealing with drug use drug issues in the media drug use drugs as a social issue has drug use declined over the last decade? kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. parental advice parental guidance people relationships social drug use teaching bodies the reality of drug usage Uncategorized US citizens

The Reality of Drug Usage and Users

There is often a noticeable dichotomy between public perception and reality, and this ethos is particularly relevant to drug use and drug users. The general understanding of drug use is that it is currently more widespread than ever, and that it is particularly prevalent amongst teenagers and young adults. This theory is developed due to over exposure to sensational media reports and generic journalism, where indistinct statements contrive an unconsidered presentation of actual events.

In fact, the level of drug use between the 18 to 25 year old demographic has fallen between 2000 and 2008, with a total decrease of 0.5 percent. This may seem insignificant, but not when you consider the sum of the US population and also the fact the percentage drop for the same period of citizens who have ever used drugs was registered at 2.4 percent. This secondary statistic is far more indicative of a continual and gradual decline in the number of drug users since the turn of the century.

A Public Perception

So, where does the perception of a worsening drug culture emerge from? Surprisingly, the only increase in the number of drug users is actually in the 26 to 34 year age demographic, where the level of current users has risen from 10.5 to 11 percent between 2000 and 2008. Although this statistic, when considered on its individual merits, may suggest an increase in adult drug use, it not supported by other figures that feature in the same target age range.

affordable gifts christmas gift experience gift idea gifts for families gifts for friends gifts for lovers relationships Uncategorized

Affordable Gift Ideas for Loved Ones

It is estimated that almost 4 million US citizens incurred debt through their Christmas spending in 2009, as price inflation did not fall in line with the economic downturn. This has led many to turn to innovative and cost-effective ways to source gifts for friends, family and loved ones without losing the magic and warmth of the gift exchange experience. Fortunately, there are an ever increasing number of ways in which affordable gifts can be purchased, especially in the instance of a man buying for his wife or partner

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