2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Creativity Criminal Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fraud Great Growth ideologies. individual Insolvency Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Privatization Process records Reforms reforms rights Screening searches security social Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Social Security Insolvency, Reforms, Fraud, Privatization

This article analyzes the retirement options for Americans, in the light of rapidly ongoing, current depletion of funds in Social Security reserves. Explores causes and solutions to the problem. Brings into focus the inherent structural deficiencies in Social Security System. Compares it with other options like privatization. Criticizes the current policy of kicking empty can down the road, being practiced both major political parties and major media outlets.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer County Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Future Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics records Reforms rights Screening searches security Students Survival Taxes Teachers technology trust U.S. unions United States

U.S., Teachers, Security, Unions, Students, Future

This article analyzes the dilemma of continuously falling and pathetic standards in our public school systems. Covers all the aspects, important factors and popular arguments on rational bases. Compares public education system with privatized education system. Shows, how a privatized school system can automatically take care of all the grievances with current public school systems. Addresses the cost affordability issues, too.

Abuse Advertising Allies arms Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship coalition Comments Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution Great ideologies. Illegal individual Iran Knowledge. New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace Policies politics Process Race records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches security Survival trust U.S. United States war

U.S., Allies, Iran, Arms Race, Security

This article analyzes the reports that an alliance between Russia, China and Iran is in making. Discusses the argument being made by the people who want tougher sanctions or war against Iran. Evaluates the serious risks and benefits associated with an strike on Iran. Explores our options in this case. Proposes that the best policy is to stop interference in other country’s affairs. Otherwise, continued negotiations are the next best option.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fear Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media money New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan Policies policy politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Risk Screening searches security Sports Survival Taxes technology Terror terrorism trust United States war

Terror, Security, Money, Fear, Policy, Risk

This article analyzes that the enhanced security and wars related spending in United States, since 9/11, in the light of U.S. annual budget deficits and rapidly growing debt, to almost unbearable levels. Points out that we may be winning this war physically, but, terrorists have been successful in their scare tactics by putting us on the track of uncontrolled and unchecked spending on security and wars related expenses.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth healthcare ideologies. Illegal immigration Immigration individual jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul phone politics President Recession recession. depression records Reforms reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches security South Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 13: Healthcare And Immigration Reforms, Elections 3

This video performs a detailed analysis of the need, hurdles and different views regarding comprehensive healthcare and immigration reforms. Analyses these very important issues in the light of political interests, national security, and economy and financial problems, country is facing.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Gingrich Great Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media medicare. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Peace politics President Reagan Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights searches security social Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Newt Gingrich For President 2012, Part 2

This article analyses the the Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement and welfare programs, their problems, causes of these problems, and proposed and possible solutions.

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