Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions federal government global terror global terrorism ideologies. individual News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. osama bin laden osama bin laden death politics relationship. US citizens relationships rights secret service terrorism that safety of US citizens in 2011 The Safety of US Citizens in 2011 US government us special forces war on terror

The Safety of US Citizens in 2011

As the news broke today of the death of Osama Bin Laden, so too thousands of US citizens celebrated a significant victory in the war against terror. The known fundamentalist leader and mastermind of the September 11th attacks was captured and killed in a stand off in the Pakistan capital of Islamabad, after nearly a decade of research and the gathering of intelligence led to US special forces discovering his whereabouts and attempting to apprehend him.

The news was delivered globally this morning, prompting extreme emotion in the western world and in the US in particular. As many citizens gathered outside the World Trade Center and in Washington, there was a feeling that at least partial justice had been handed to the victims and families of those who have lost their lives in abhorrent terrorist attacks. However, while this is a significant step in combating those who perpetrate terror and fundamentalist principles, it should be remembered that the threat to civilized society still remains prominent beneath the social fabric.

The Importance of Recent developments

Osama Bin Laden became a revered and much respected figure in fundamentalist circles after the September 11th attacks of 2001, and his death marks something of a watershed in the war against terror. Its significance is especially important given the reported lack of a natural successor to his role, as any organization is liable to become rudderless and vulnerable without a recognized or charismatic leader. It maybe that recent events make Al Qaeda weakened in the face of renewed pressure from the US and similar nations, and provide an opportunity to take a significant stride towards world peace.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions embryonic stem cell research ethics federal government ideologies. medical research News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Part 1 Part 2 politics public expenditure public funding relationship relationships rights scientific advancement stem cell research The Merits of Medical Research and the Population US citizens US government US society

The Merits of Medical Research and the Population, Part 2

The debate that surrounds the application of embryonic stem cell research is intense and passionately fought, but is in fact just a small part of the wider issue of the role that medical research plays in the contemporary age. Apart from the debate that surrounds its purpose and ethical characteristics, there is also criticism of the amount of public revenue that is invested into it for a supposedly negligible return.

Medical research is something that has the potential to create vast improvements in the living condition and prosperity of those afflicted by illness, and as such has remained a significant beneficiary of public funding. Though the investigations and swathes of research that have been conducted have not necessarily made significant steps towards curing long term ailments, the continued and unrelenting pace of scientific progression suggests that this breakthrough is not especially far away.

Natural Selection vs. Scientific Advancements

The supposed lack of tangible results is not actually the main reason cited for opposition to investment in medical research, and it is in fact a moral principle which creates the most significant objection. This is based on the potential eradication of natural selection, which has for years been the single most influential regulator of global and national population. It is the natural process of death that forms part of the cycle of existence, and helps keep the world from the perils of mass poverty and over population.

alabama Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions donald trump economy. finance family federal government ideologies. natural disaster natural disasters News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights storms and tornadoes in the US Tackling the Priority issues in the US US citizens US government

Tackling the Priority issues in the US

As Barack Obama visited the ravaged southern state of Alabama this week, he was confronted by a scene of structural devastation and a local government stretched beyond their means in attempting to support afflicted individuals and families. An estimated 300 people were killed in the series of storms and tornadoes that swept across the southern state belt line last week, with Alabama the most seriously affected ahead of other states including Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia.

As the local government pleaded for more assistance from their federal counterparts, it drew a sharp focus on the perspective of issues in the US, and also highlighted the problems faced by the government as they try to run a progressive and harmonious country. Tragedies such as the one which beset the southern states of the US require instant and significant attention, and subsequently become a priority regardless of the other relevant issues across society.

The Birther Movement and Political Manoeuvres

As the suggestions of the ridiculous ‘Birther’ movement and speculation concerning Mr Obama’s eligibility as president were finally laid to rest this week, so too a rather ugly chapter of political gamesmanship was consigned into history. However, it was unsettling to see an insignificant and covertly malicious suggestion create such an effortless controversy, regardless of its barely disguised motives of racism and political discontent

Applying Fairness in a Modern Democracy Barack Obama budget budget defecit of $1.5 billion budget deficit choice democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economy family federal government ideologies. individual national debt News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics reducing the budget deficit relationship relationships republicans rights tax liability in the US taxation taxing the rich US citizens US government

Applying Fairness in a Modern Democracy

With the discussions continuing to rage concerning budget reductions and the correct policy of taxation in the US, the issue of fairness within a democracy is coming under an increasing focus. It is something that is entirely subjective to each individual and their own circumstances, and yet is often cited as reasoning when debates ensue about democratic policy and government rule. The issue of subjectivity is something that is difficult to incorporate when attempting to enforce a policy or law within a democracy, and can lead to complication in terms of the decision making process.

Taxation is a case in point, especially in the light of the suggestion that the US government will increase the tax liability of the rich in order to relieve the burden on lower income individuals and households. Backed by Barack Obama, it has instantly won the approval of an estimated 72 percent of the US society, who are in favor of focusing on the top two percent of earners in the country to reduce the vast national deficit. This is where the issue of fairness becomes important, and influences the thinking of voters and government officials alike.

The Processes of a Democracy

Democracy affords each individual member of a society a voice and opinion on any prevalent social issue, which can influence a government in imposing legislation and policy. However, a government cannot satisfy the requirements of each independent voter, and so must therefore make a decision that best suits the opinions and interests of the vast majority of it citizens. This is a slight anomaly that can complicate the process of a democratic regime, as some individuals can unreasonably expect that a democratic government should cater their their specific wants and needs.

article 2 of the consitution Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions donald trump federal government ideologies. immigration immigration in the us Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US natural born citizen News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights the birther bill the birther movement the US constitution Uncategorized US citizens us citizenship US government

Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US

Barack Obama has been forced to face several questions surrounding his exact origin of birth since his inauguration as US President, which either reflects a genuine concern or a unwelcome prejudice that lies beneath the surface of the social fabric. As Arizona governor Jan Brewer this week vetoed a bill that would have required presidential candidates prove their eligibility for office, America took a positive step towards challenging the concept of eligibility and also towards focusing their issues on the key issues that currently bight the US.

Although other states are moving forward with similar bills with a view to enforcing them, they are less likely to succeed in the wake of Jan Brewer’s decision and the inevitable protests against racial prejudice, repression and a specific interpretation of eligibility. Given the Arizona states reputation for backing more radical legislation concerning immigration, their stance came as something as a surprise to those who dispute the merits of the the so called ‘Birther’ bill, and raised relevant questions concerning both the existing law and exactly which qualities are important when running a country.

The Right to Set Presidential Qualification Requirements

Of course the US constitution does afford states the right to determine how its representatives are elected, while also allowing them to ensure that their candidate meets existing constitutional qualifications. What it forbids is any state attempting to impose new legislation that forces qualified candidates to refrain from standing for election, as this addition of criteria is unconstitutional and opposes the democratic foundation of the US. What has further confused recent issues is that the relevant article in the US constitution is open to interpretation in terms of being a natural citizen of the United States.

Barack Obama budget budget deifict choice democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economic recovery economy family federal federal government global recession high income households ideologies. independents low income households national debt News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics recession reinvestment relationship relationships republicans rights Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US taxing the risk to aid recovery in the us US citizens us economy US government US voters

Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US

It is a known and accepted fact that Barack Obama’s preferred policy with regards to tax is to increase the liability of the wealthy, while easing that which rests upon the shoulders of low and middle income households. This is a measure that is apparently well supported within the US government, with a vast majority of Republicans, Democrats and Independent representatives all in agreement that individuals or households who earn more than $250,000 per year should bare the brunt of plans to reduce the national deficit.

Not only this, but US citizens also seem to agree that this is the most positive step that their government can take with regards to taxation. The New York Times recently revealed in a poll that an estimated 72 percent of adults approve of increasing federal taxes on households earning $250,000 per year or more, which is a significant portion of the voting demographic in the US. Though this suggests that the government and its subjects are in accordance, there are economic and ethical issues concerning such a practice within a free and democratic land.

A Thriving Economy

From a purely practical standpoint, there are two significant reasons why increasing the tax liability of the rich would be either inconsequential or potentially detrimental to the economy. Firstly, given the effects of the global recession and subsequent recovery, there are a paucity of individuals and households who earn more than $250,000 in the US. This means that by targeting this demographic as opposed to imposing a 1 percent increase on each level of household income, the government will acquire far less reveneue over the next decade than they have the potential to.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic growth economic prosperity economy federal government gloabl recession ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. patience patience is a virtue people politics recession relationship relationships rights social issues social issues in a democratic rule tackling social issues in a democracy US citizens US government Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

It is a long standing theory that patience is a virtue, but it is also one which is not readily available in our contemporary culture. As technological advancement has improved the speed and ease with which everyday tasks can be performed, so too an entire generation has become accustomed to being achieving instant gratification and satisfaction. This impatience and demand for swift resolution has influenced our feelings concerning less relevant aspects of our lives, such as relationships, career advancement and also the governments approach to social issues.

Subsequently we live in an age where we expect to see any issue resolved both swiftly and efficiently, regardless of its complexity or significance. Whether we address social problems such as obesity or look to improve the level of diversity within a range of professional or academic fields, society is fairly impatient with regards to the amount of time it is prepared to afford those who seek to effect change and improvement. This not only does a disservice to a nations problem solvers, but also serves to increase social tension and discontentment.

The Current US and Desires for Growth

The current economic and social circumstances that afflict the US undoubtedly need resolving, but these changes must be effected gradually and with a view to long term prosperity. While it is healthy for a nations citizens to desire both local and national growth and advancement, these feelings cannot be allowed to manifest themselves in short term solutions and an over eagerness to ensure a speed rather than a quality of resolution. For any social change to reap benefits, it must be implemented and cultivated over a significant period of time.

alcohol consumption alcoholism alcoholism amongst youngsters Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age blast choice combating social issues democracy democratic rule Discussions family ideologies. kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships religion rights rleationships snoop dog social issues social issues in a democracy US citizens US government

Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age

Alcoholism is something that carries both a national and global concern, and is seemingly becoming prevalent across a younger social demographic. Both the US and UK have had specific incidents recently which have raised concerns about both the attitudes towards drinking and each notions methodology for regulating the consumption of alcohol amongst their citizens. This week was especially prominent, as the US along saw an infant aged 4 treated for alcohol ingestion, while up to 17 states are currently canvasing drinks producers Pabst Brewing Co. to refrain from marketing their beverages to a youthful market.

While the former incident occurred in Chicago and was the latest in a spate of nationwide incidents where children have consumed alcohol in public restaurants, the latter responds to a brand new drink promoted by rapper Snoop Dog. A malt based beverage called Blast, it comes in a variety of vibrant fruit flavors while boasting packaging and marketing material that is suited to a younger audience, yet it actually contains an exceptionally potent 12 percent of alcohol and is stronger than a typical can of beer.

A Lack of Responsible Awareness

The issue of alcohol consumption is not just a problem in the US, and recent events in the UK saw an 8 year old commence treatment for alcoholism after growing up in a family of negligent elders who were heavy and irresponsible drinkers. This may be the formation of a troubling global trend in terms of the social attitudes towards drinking, whereby it may become something entirely anti-social amongst teenagers and young adults. This manifests itself in alternative social issues, such as violent crime and health afflictions.

anti-social behavior democracy democratic government democratic rule democratic society Discussions family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. obesity people relationship relationships rights smoking social conduct Taking Charge of Social Conduct US citizens US government

Taking Charge of Social Conduct

If the citizens of a democratic nation begin to abuse the liberties they are afforded, at what point should a government take decisive action? Undoubtedly the US federal government exist to regulate society through law and guidance, and have a duty to protect the social fabric from the actions of individual citizens. So in instances where accepted laws or freedoms are being taken advantage of to the detriment of society, there is an argument that the government should take steps to change their rules of operation.

Creating a More Structured Social Environment

It should be said that changing laws to create a more structured social environment does not change the approach of a democracy. What it does is still empower citizens but in a far more considered way, and introduces an element of accountability for individuals and their actions. The act of restructuring the social element of the US would help to tackle many health and behavioral issues, notably those concerning smoking, obesity and anti-social conduct, and ultimately create a more productive and content generation of citizens.

Smoking is a relevant example, especially given the level of statistics and information that exist on its practice and consequences. Despite the fact that the decline in the number of high school children and adolescents who smoke has slowed in the last 3 years, and the eminent research that suggests that smoking addiction is more likely to develop during these formative years, most US states employ a minimum purchasing of 18. This, like the UK’s legislation that allows individuals older than 16 to buy cigarettes, is outdated and not reflective of the damage that smoking can do.

choice CNN democracy democratic rule Discussions Elections 2010: Commit to Vote. federal government ideologies. Internet jon kyle new media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online media people planned parenthood politics relationship relationships rights Senate senator jon kyle social media the online revolution US citizens US government When a Society Mistrusts Their Government when a society mistrusts thier government World Wide Web

When a Society Mistrusts Their Government

Trust is one of the key facilitators that allows a government to prosper, as it is the trust invested by voters that brings a regime into power and enables them to serve the needs of a society. Where this trust becomes diminished, there is a severe danger that citizens will become cynical towards the government and political function as a whole, and create an environment where every political movement is viewed with mistrust and apprehension. It is not only government and politicians who contribute to this situation however, as modern and new media types play an increasingly significant role in the forming of opinion and political viewpoint.

With the online revolution and the subsequent explosion of news websites on the World Wide Web, there are a vast number of daily bulletins and articles for a user to absorb. The competitive nature of these sites and their output can occasionally take hold however, and see content that is published with a view to generating interest rather than educating the reader. This can lead to a situation where stories that cover a similar topic are published on different sites, and contradict each other both on the basic facts and the subjective view of their individual writer.

Mistrust for Political Powers

Senator Jon Kyle’s assertion concerning Planned Parenthood and their function was at the heart of recent controversy, as he claimed that abortions accounted for 90 percent of their overall work. However, as this figure was vehemently disputed and revealed to be closer to 3 percent than Mr Kyle’s original suggestion, his office rallied to issue a support of his actions. They claimed that his words were ‘not intended as a statement of fact’, and caused a public and media outcry that has resonated since.

Mr Kyle has subsequently become the subject of much political discussion and satire, and prompted a serious debate as to the integrity of political assertions in the contemporary age. If his words, issued through CNN and with the purpose of making a serious argument to reduce the organizations federal funding, were not intended to be factual then it is very difficult to understand their exact relevance. More likely, it appears that he has made an ill informed and generalized statement in the belief that there would be no significant consequence.

choice democracy democratic rule discrimination. Discussions education education in dealing with social issues federal government hate groups in the us high school ideologies. intolerance News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships religion religious intolerance rights should everyone retain the right to vote? social issues society tackling social issues the righ to vote The Right to Vote and US Citizens the right to vote in a democracy the role of democracy in society US citizens US government US society

The Right to Vote and US Citizens

The right to vote is a freedom afforded by democratic rule, and has seen many civil conflicts fought to establish or maintain its integrity. While different social demographics have historically been denied this right on the grounds of race or sex at some time or another, the contemporary idea of democracy is inclusive of all individual factions and their belief systems, and seeks to discriminate against no single group or social circumstance. However, if we accept that the idea of voting is a privilege afforded by democracy, then there is an argument to ensure that citizens have earned and appreciate this right.

Balancing Democracy With the Well Being of the Country

While it is undoubtedly undemocratic and abhorrent to discriminate against voters on the generic grounds of race or sex, this is because it degenerates a specific social group without genuine purpose or foundation. However, this does not necessarily mean that every individual should automatically be afforded the right to vote, especially where they have chosen to segregate themselves from general society or hold divisive views that oppose the principles of democratic rule.

A similar logic applies to those who have a minimal interest in or knowledge of politics, who although retain the right not to vote are often pressurized by social expectation to do so. In this instance, individuals may vote without a broad or appreciable understanding of the prevalent social issues, which means that their input is misdirected and that the chosen government of the US may not be a reflection of their true support. Put simply, the drive to ensure that citizens vote could prove to be detrimental to the integrity of the final result.

Any of these circumstances can deter the course of democracy, and create a situation where the elected government regime is either unrepresentative or reflects the interests of those opposed to democracy. What the US and other democratic nations therefore need to assess is whether allowing everyone the right to vote is in the interests of society as a whole, and whether creating stipulations for eligibility could ever be enforced in a liberal rule. What must be elevated above all else is the integrity of the election process, and the importance of selecting a desired government.

choice democracy democracy in the us democratic rule Discussions Facebook How Social Media Has Changed Political Activism ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online revolution people politics relationships rights social interaction social media social media as a corporate vehicle social media as a political vehicle technological advancement the changing face of social media the future for social media Twitter US citizens US government

How Social Media Has Changed Political Activism

Regardless of its original purpose or aspirations, there is no doubt that social media has changed the landscape of social and political activism. As its popularity has grown amongst both renowned and everyday users, so too it has developed a wider range of tools to assist professional and organized applications rather than the mere basics of social interaction. This evolution has seen social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter become perfectly placed for those without authority to voice their opinions and plan group collaborations and organized protests.

From Humble Origins

Undoubtedly, Facebook has set the prevailing trends in social media, and is the model from which other similar outlets take their leave. From its clear and humble origins as a social mediator and connector of faded friendships, it has mastered the tools of remote interaction before stepping authoritatively into the interwoven worlds of business and politics. Considering that it has only existed for over 5 years, this evolution of its services has been both swift and exceptionally well directed.

Twitter has adopted a similar patter on growth, and has broadened its appeal both in terms of available services and its user demographics. While initially considered something as a novelty consideration endorsed chiefly by celebrities and renowned entities, it has become a viable medium for the whole of society to share their thoughts, activities and concepts of enterprise. Twitter, like Facebook, has taken great strides to lend itself to the needs of corporate and political groups, and now forms the basis of many successful business marketing and government campaigns.

barak obama budget budgetary deficit choice compromise in a democracy democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economic recession economic recovery economy family federal government federal shutdown government shutdown News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics reducing the budget deficit reducing the deficit relationship relationships republicans stalemate The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown Part 2 US budget US citizens US govenrnment

The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown Part 2

Yesterday we discussed the current stalemate facing the US government, and the potential for a federal shutdown that would have a discernible impact nationwide. However, while opposing factions of government and personal persuasion are having a stalling effect on the negotiations, it is interesting to consider exactly what the consequences would be should a resolution fail to be reached by midnight on this coming Friday.

Of course he concept of a federal government shutdown, whether it be partial or more widespread, is one that causes great concern for citizens. However, it is a rather vague and ill defined notion, and one that gives little indication as to the exact implications for society at large. So, what would be the immediate or long term consequences of enforced government inactivity, both in terms of the nations financial performance and the welfare of its workers and citizens?

The Financial Implications for a Nation

Financially, the partial closure of government institutions would be especially troublesome, and would create specific issue with regards to tax assessments and the funding of public sector ventures and small business enterprises. In a depressed fiscal climate, the forced inactivity of public sector bodies and their workers will only serve to slow the processes of economic recovery, and create an unhealthy cycle of increasing unemployment and subsequent closure of small and independent businesses.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic recovery economy family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. passing law in a democracy people politics reducing the budget deficit reducing the deficit relationship relationships religion the budget shortfall The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown US government

The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown

Of all the uncertainties that exist in the contemporary world, you would not include the function of your government as being amongst them. Regardless of the popularity of it’s actions or the results of their decision making processes, the government are omni-present in our day to day existence, making conscious and considered strides towards a state of sustained prosperity. However, as democratic and republican representatives failed to reach a budgetary agreement this week, the US is now facing up to the prospect of a partial federal shut down.

The US government have until midnight on Friday to reach an adequate compromise, and ultimately present a clear and concise expenditure plan to ease the nation through its period of economic recovery. However, with warring political factions at odds over the course the country should take and who is responsible for the vast budget shortfall, an agreement seems to be moving further away from the grasp of those who seek to protect the citizens of the US.

An Need for Compromise

Significantly, both parties are opposed in exactly how to reduce the budget deficit, and which areas of public spending should be cut to negate the crippling economic shortfall. While this is understandable when you consider the conflicting principles of each party and their own individual interests, this verbal war of attrition is influenced by other less relevant factors. Of these, the apportioning of blame and responsibility for the nations fiscal woes appears as the most significant.

Can Democracy Function Amidst Civil Unrest? choice democracy democracy in difficult times democratic rule democratic values Discussions economic issues economy how to rejuvinate the economy ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships rights social issues the application of democracy in the us the principles of democracy the US economy US citizens US society

Can Democracy Function Amidst Civil Unrest?

When you assess the current circumstances of the US, then you can see a nation that experiencing serious civil unrest, and becoming frayed and battle weary at the seams of its social fabric. As it continues to tackle domestic economical and social issues, in addition to continuing to play a significant mediation role in the affairs of the Middle East, there are growing concerns as to whether its current model of government is equipped to handle such demands.

Undoubtedly, the US has one of the most liberal and diverse set of principles of any global nation, and as a democratic power its core value is the notion of government for the people by the people. While this itself is an aspect of US rule that should not be questioned, it is becoming increasingly strained as individual demands can often not be met by the economic or corporeal resources of the country. Whether it is working pay and conditions, reducing unemployment or tackling violent crime and morality, the needs of the people may be beginning to outweigh the current capacity of the government.

The Needs of the Individual against the Needs of Society

Before we understand this, it is important to note that democracy is the only true and fair way to govern society, and its principles should form the bedrock of any progressive nation. However, as it essentially grants personal freedom and liberty to individual citizens, this allows them to form independent thought processes and opinions and create demand and a certain expectation of living. As these are unique to each person, and developed in the name of personal interests, they can prove to be difficult to satisfy while maintaining the overall needs of society as a whole.

ATM fees ATM fees and the finanical future banks democracy democrarcy democratic rule Discussions economic instability economy. finance family federal government finiancial uncertainty fiscal awareness lending organizatios News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships rights the banks role in the recent recession the economic recovery the global recession the us givernment US news

ATM Fees and the Financial Future

There is an increasing level of financial uncertainty amongst the citizens of the US, a situation which is not helped by indecisive government or an inherent absence of concise fiscal planning. As the federal government continue to debate the details of spending cuts for the coming fiscal year, so too increasingly inappropriate financial fees and charges are being applied to everyday functions, serving only to make a a difficult existence even more troublesome for family units and individuals of the numerous states.

Put simply, a disproportionate burden of the nations debt is been placed upon the shoulders of ordinary citizens, with the inevitable consequence that they are finding it difficult to manage their finances. It is a frequent but distasteful corollary of many recessions, whereby an issue caused in the main by irresponsible government expenditure or lending becomes an issue for the people, leaving them to face economic constraints amidst rising unemployment and social hardship.

Rising ATM Fees in the US

An example of the everyday expenditure issues are hindering the citizens of the US can be witnessed through rising ATM fees, which apply to non customers who use a machine outside of their network. These fees have been in existence for some time, but their continued rise is at odds with the current financial situation facing most of middle class society. Quite aside from the timing, there is a separate issue concerning the methodology utilized by banks and financial organizations, especially those who retain a large amount of ATM’s within a small geographical area.

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Does Free Speech Only Apply to Those with Nothing to Say?

For those who believe wholeheartedly in the principles of democracy and liberal government, the freedom of speech is something that should subsist without any restriction or imparted conditioning. It is an accepted privilege of democratic rule, that allows individuals to express their thoughts and feelings without the fear of censorship or reprisal, and also affords them the freedom to access information in order to aid an independent quest for knowledge and wisdom.

However, if the core values of democracy are to be maintained entirely, then the freedom of speech and expression must be upheld without exception and in every viable social circumstance. If this is not the case, then the concept becomes one that actually opposes liberal rule, especially in situations where individuals are censored or punished for revealing views which are deemed to be controversial or potentially divisive. The question is whether free speech is an unconditional feature of democracy, or any applicable to those who have nothing to say.

A Case in Point

An example of this issue unfolded in the US this week, as a high school English teacher was suspending for expressing her anger and frustration on an internet blog. The text contained numerous disrespectful or insulting insinuations towards her students and the methods of teaching in contemporary society, although the writer refrained from making specific references to their place of work or individual students.

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