2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class Clinton coalition Comments Competition Conservative Consumer Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Great Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Obama. Paul politics President Reagan Recession recession. depression records Reforms religion Republican rights Ron science Screening searches South Survival Taxes trust United States

Newt Gingrich For President 2012, Part 3

This article analyzes the recent developments in U.S. politics, regarding presidential elections 2012, after the victory of Newt Gingrich in South Carolina Republican primary. Discusses the most popular arguments forwarded by leading candidates in this race. Focuses on jobs and economy.

2012 Abuse Advertising Aliens Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Criminal debt Deficit Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Great Growth healthcare history. ideologies. Illegal immigration Immigration individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul politics President Recession recession. depression records Reforms reforms religion Republican rights Ron Roosevelt searches South Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States war

Demlicans 14: Healthcare And Immigration Reforms, Elections 4

This video is the fourth in a series on U.S. healthcare and immigration reforms, their need, urgency, roadblocks, cost and consequences. Provides a historical perspective to the issue and gives it a scholastic touch. Analyzes the positive and negative roles played by immigrants in United States.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth healthcare ideologies. Illegal immigration Immigration individual jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul phone politics President Recession recession. depression records Reforms reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches security South Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 13: Healthcare And Immigration Reforms, Elections 3

This video performs a detailed analysis of the need, hurdles and different views regarding comprehensive healthcare and immigration reforms. Analyses these very important issues in the light of political interests, national security, and economy and financial problems, country is facing.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Black Blog Carolina. change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth Hampshire ideologies. Immigration individual Iowa kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Paul Peace politics President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 11: Healthcare and Immigration Reforms, Elections

This video analyzes the Republican primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, and discusses the possible outcomes in South Carolina, and Florida, as well. Brings into focus the possible implications of these results on general, congressional, Senate and House races, and presidential elections, this year.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Boehner Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Competition competitions. Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Gingrich global warming. Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Mitt Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Nuclear Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics pollution President racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt science Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 10: Republican Nomination Process, Democratic Party 4

This video analyzes the Republican nomination process for 2012 presidential elections. Discusses, in detail, the 2008 and 2009 bailouts. Explores the constitutionality and legality of bailout for the world’s largest and richest corporations. Examines the taxation in United States.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class Climate Clinton coalition Comments Conservative Constitution Consumer Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections employment. environment Evolution family Gingrich global warming. Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Mitt Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Nuclear Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics pollution President racism Reagan Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Romney Ron Roosevelt Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Demlicans 9: Republican Nomination Process, Democratic Party 3

This video is the third in a series that analyzes the Republican nomination process and Democratic party. Brings into focus the candidates like Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Compares them with incumbent president and potential Democratic party nominee Barack Obama.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class Clinton coalition Comments Conpetition Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Mitt Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Romney Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Demlicans 8: Republican Nomination Process, Democratic Party 2

This video is the second in series evaluating the nomination of presidential candidate in Republican party, and as a whole. Evaluates the current front runners like Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. Discusses their chances against incumbent president and democratic party nominee Barack Obama.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class Clinton coalition Comments Conservative Constitution Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Democratic Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nomination nomination Obama party Paul politics President presidential. Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States war

Demlicans 7: Republican Nomination Process, Democratic Party

This video analyzes, in detail, Republican nomination process for presidential elections in 2012. Gives a look to the whole process, candidates, ups and downs, potential winners and the ultimate 2012 presidential race. Evaluates, Romney, Newt, Paul and Santorum, in particular.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Cain change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Conservative Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nuclear Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics President presidential. racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Demlicans 5: Paul, Newt And Obama 2

This video is second in a series on possible match ups between Ron Paul, Republican congressman and Barack Obama, Democratic party nominee and incumbent president of United States, and Newt Gingrich, former Republican Speaker of House of Representatives and Barack Obama.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Bachmann Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Bush Cain change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance elections Elections employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Nuclear Obama Obama. Paul Peace politics President presidential. racism Recession recession. depression records relationships Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Demlicans 6: Paul, Newt And Obama 3

This video is the third in a series on possible match ups between Republican congressman Ron Paul, and incumbent president and democratic party nominee Barack Obama, and between former speaker of United States House of Representative Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family global warming. Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Obama. Peace politics pollution president President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships rights Roosevelt Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust U.S. United States war

Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 3

This is third article in a series, analyzing the candidacy of Barack Obama, Democrat and incumbent, in 2012 elections for president of United States. It discusses, in detail, the circumstances he took office in, his agenda for 2008 elections, and his accomplishments and achievements.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class Climate coalition Comments Constitution Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections employment. environment Evolution family Gingrich global warming. Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Obama Obama. Pakistan Paul Peace politics pollution President Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Demlicans 4: Paul, Newt And Obama

This video analyzes the potential match ups for president in 2012, between Republican party nominee Congressman Ron Paul or former speaker of House Of Representatives of United States, Newt Gingrich, and incumbent president and Democratic candidate Barack Obama.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog change cheating checks choice coalition Comments Constitution Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Gingrich Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Obama Obama. Peace politics President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust Uncategorized United States war

Demlicans 3: Newt VS. Obama 2

This video is the part two of an analysis on potential match up between Newt Gingrich of Republican party and Barack Obama, Incumbent president and Democratic party candidate. It discusses in detail unemployment, economy, debt, deficit and 2008 financial crisis.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Pakistan Paul Peace politics president President racism Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

Ron Paul For President 2012

This article analyzes, in detail, the ideology, program, personality, politics and agenda of new front runner, in Republican race for president, in 2012, Ron Paul. Discusses in detail the U.S. economy, finances, budgets, corporate lobbies and welfare, and corporate bailouts.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Gingrich Great Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media medicare. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt Peace politics President Reagan Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights searches security social Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Newt Gingrich For President 2012, Part 2

This article analyses the the Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other entitlement and welfare programs, their problems, causes of these problems, and proposed and possible solutions.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obama. Peace politics Recession recession. depression records religion Republican rights searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 2

This article highlights the fact that current economic, financial, political, information and influence issues are far more complicated then the way they are presented and dubbed by popular media and some politicians, sold out to corporate lobbies. It emphasizes that the substance and real solutions are way more important then some popular slogans, now, then ever.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change checks choice coalition Comments Constitution Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections family Gingrich ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Newt politics Recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Newt Gingrich For President 2012

This article provides a detailed, in-depth and neutral analysis on Newt Gingrich and his candidacy for presidential elections in 2012. Discusses his political agenda and election manifesto. Brings into lime light his personality, and past and present contributions to our society, country and nation.

2012 Abuse Articles Barack Blog change choice Comments Constitution Consumer Criminal debt Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance elections employment. family Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obama. politics president Recession recession. depression records Republican rights searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Barack Obama for President 2012

This article analyzes the candidacy of Barack Obama for 2012 presidential elections. Discusses in detail the current economic situation and what is going right, and what is going wrong. Compares him with Republican hopefuls for nomination. Tries to figure out what needs to done and who can do it.

1720 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating choice Comments Criminal debt Deficit deficits Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Growth Knowledge. Mississippi News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics recession Recession recession. depression records searches Survival trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 8

This is the eighth in a series of articles on global recession, it’s causes, effects and fixes. This particular article analyzes the possible role played by paper money, in the light of Mississippi bubble burst in 1720 and John Law’s experiment with it in France.

1987 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Class Comments Consumer consumer. crashes debt Default Deficit Depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. IMF individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies market News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics Recession recession. depression recessions records relationships searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 7

This is seventh in a series of articles on economic recessions and depressions, their causes, effects and cures. This particular article focuses on common factors in various global economic downturns. Tries to explore similarities and differences in causes and solutions.

Blog causes change choice Comments Consumer cures. debt Default Deficit definition Depression economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. IMF individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics pollution Reagan recession Recession recession. depression records relationships rights searches Survival Taxes technology theories trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 6

This is the sixth in a series of articles on global recession, it’s causes, effects and cures. This particular article focuses on theory, causes and policies regarding recession. Compares different points of view on this subject. Analyses in the light of past recessions and current events.

Articles Backgrounds Blog Class Comments Consumer debt Default Deficit deficits Depression depressions Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics recession. depression recessions records relationships rights searches Survival technology Uncategorized United States

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 4

This is the fourth in a series of articles that provide a historical perspective on causes, consequences and fixes for economic depressions and recessions. This particular articles focuses on theoretical bases and research on economic depressions and recessions.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog checks choice Class coalition Comments Consumer Deaths debt Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family great Growth Hoover ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace phone politics racism recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States Volunteerism volunteerism war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 3

This is the third in a series of articles on economic recessions and depression, their causes, consequences and fixes. This particular articles focuses on president Hoover’s volunteerism. Sounds like a great idea, but, seriously failed in practical world. Does it mean that government and private sector partnerships never work?

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Deaths debt deficit Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth Hoover ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 2

This is second in a series of articles on historical analysis of causes, consequences and fixes for recessions and depression, a frequent happening in Capitalist economies. This particular article analyses thirty first U.S. president Herbert Hoover. Great depression hit us during his presidency and his reforms to fix it are largely considered as failures.

Abuse Articles Black Blog causes Celebrations change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fixes. great Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 1

It is now a historically proven fact that depressions and recessions are regular happenings in capitalist economies, including U.S. economy. In this series, we are going to examine the causes of various recessions and depressions, their consequences and fixes that worked, keeping politics and ideology aside.

Abuse Articles Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Criminal debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economies. economy economy. finance employment. evolution Evolution Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway politics Reagan records religion Republican rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 11

This is eleventh in a series of articles on national debt, budget deficits and U.S. credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Series provides a very wide and in-depth historical perspective. This particular article emphasizes on the evolution of economic and political ideologies.

Abuse Articles Blog change cheating checks choice class-struggle Comments Consumer Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama politics poor Reagan records religion Republican rich rights science searches Survival Taxes taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 10

This is tenth in a series of articles on U.S. debt, budget deficits and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. The series provides a very broad based and in-depth analysis. This particular article focuses on class struggle, discrimination, control and freedom.

Abuse Articles Blog Bush buying-power change cheating checks choice Clinton credit Criminal debt Default Deficit deficits democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Growth ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama politics Reagan records religion Republican rights Survival Taxes technology trickle-down trust Uncategorized United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 9

This is the ninth article in a series on national debt, budget deficits and downgrade of U.S. credit by Standard and Poor’s. Series provides a very broad based and in-depth historical perspective. This particular article focuses on the discussion over Reagan’s trickle economics versus buying power of an average citizen.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice coalition Comments Constitution Courts credit Criminal debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. evolution Evolution family Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics records relationships religion rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 8

This is the eight in a series of articles regarding U.S. debt, deficits and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. The series provides a very broad based and deep analysis of this issue. This particular article emphasizes on the evolution and responsibilities of government.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Comments Courts credit Criminal debt Default Deficit defict democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Growth ideologies. individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics records relationships rights science Survival Taxes taxes. technology trust United States

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 7

This is the seventh and last in a series of articles regarding U.S, deficits, debt and credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Tries to find out what made us the greatest country and nation in the world and what is causing our downfall. Provides a very broad based and deep historical perspective.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Boehner change cheating checks choice Climate Comments Courts credit Criminal Deaths debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan Peace politics pollution racism relationships Republican rights science Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 6

This is the sixth in a series of articles regarding the debate on U.S. debt, deficits and government facing first ever credit downgrade done by a reputable authority. This article analyzes the argument regarding taxes, business regulations and labor unions, in historical and global perspective.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Barack Black Blog Celebrations change choice Climate coalition Comments Deaths debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections 2010: Commit to Vote. employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News Nuclear Obama Obama. Pakistan Peace politics pollution president racism Reagan records relationships religion rights science Survival technology terrorism trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 5

This is the fifth in a series of articles, regarding U.S. debt, deficit and recent, unprecedented, credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Examines the economic, financial and fiscal policies, and successes and failures of president Obama in these sectors.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Bush change cheating checks choice Climate coalition Comments Constitution Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default deficit Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace politics pollution president records relationships religion Republican rights science Screening searches Sports Survival technology terrorism trust United States war

Get Mad! Country Going Down, Part 4

This is fourth in a series of articles regarding U.S. national debt, financial deficits and the credit downgrade by Standard and Poor’s. Series focuses on a very broad and deep historical perspective. This particular article analyzes the presidency of George W. Bush.

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