Freedom to Fascism ~ Is the Federal income tax law constitutional? – YouTube
This article analyzes Capital Punishment, in the light of eighth and fourteenth amendments of Constitution of United States of America. Raises the question, how can death penalty be not cruel and unusual punishment, specifically prohibited by eighth amendment? Citations from constitution and dictionaries are provided, extensively. Makes it very easy to understand and appreciate the intent and meanings.
This article analyses the current state of affairs at the centers of power, in this nation. Shows, how it was intended to be in our constitution, and how is it now. Discusses reasons and factors behind the mess in our political system and mass media. Unwraps the mutually beneficial relationship between big media and two major political parties. Points out, why is it so hard to break the corporate control over these centers of power.
This article analyzes the falsely presumed presidential authority to issue executive orders, in the light of constitution and history. Points out that president of United States has no constitutional authority to amend constitution, with an executive order. This country belongs to “We the people” and the legislative authority lies totally in the hands of congress of United States of America., while only courts have the authority to interpret constitution. Sheds the light on fact that infringement on the right to bear arms, is just another step towards establishing full blown tyranny in this country.