For its supporters, it is a victory for liberal society, and one that epitomises the true nature of free speech. It does not conform to a diluted acceptance of democracy where people are allowed to only access information deemed suitable by particular government regimes, but instead delivers the principles of western culture in their ideal form. The main argument that corroborates the services of Wikileaks is that is informs society on issues that have a great relevance and impact of contemporary life, which otherwise would remain unknown by the vast majority of individuals.
However, various US government officials have criticized Wikileaks as being disruptive and potentially divisive to national security. Their concerns have been raised by several instances since the sites conception, which have been perceived to be detrimental to international operations and the safety of various US officials. The basic premise of all of these issues concerns the inherent lack of editorial discretion and guidance regarding the sites publication policy, which in effect allows thousands of documents to be published without the requisite levels of analysis and interpretation.
To use relevant examples, in July of 2010 Wikileaks took the initiative to publish over 77,000 thousand documents chronicling the war in Afghanistan, and produced a series of posts that was referred to as the Afghan War Diary. They followed this up in October of the same year with a further 300,000 documents that were submitted and printed as the Iraq War Logs,with the support and endorsement several commercial media entities. These true and often harrowing documents were items that would have been made public were it not for the existence of Wikileaks, and their distribution was considered a major success in terms of liberating the freedom of information and speech amongst society.
There are two questions that could be raised from these publications. Supporters of the website could enquire exactly what threat these documents pose to US citizens and society, and insist that they in fact serve to highlight a corrupt series of conflicts that were based in half truths and suppositions. In contrast, government officials would be entitled to ask how the publication of these documents benefits the wider interests of society, and would argue that the uncensored distribution of these posts only aspires to benefit a hidden political agenda and create dissension amongst the voting ranks of the US.
This ideal is something that the US government cannot deny, as its ethos is at the very heart of democratic purpose. With the freedom of speech and liberal rule, citizens are allowed to form and express their thoughts independently, empowering them to live as full and as educated a life as possible. With this come a great deal of trust and responsibility handed from the government to its subjects, who are expected to act and subsist with due respect to the democratic rights they are afforded. Wikileaks simply gives citizens a chance to maximize their rights to freedom, and objecting to its purpose may well be seen as an affront to democratic living.
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