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Warfare and Welfare Keeps It Going

J.McLaughlin Homepage
Since the so-called birth of civilization in the known history of humans, they have been killing, murdering, stealing, defrauding, lying, and deceiving each other. The worst forms of this evil are warfare and welfare. Warfare takes murder to the epic level, and welfare takes stealing to incredible heights. This, of course, is the absolute opposite of peaceful and voluntary trade in free markets. Warfare and welfare have other devastating effects, as well. For these purposes, the governments take away the precious and hard-earned wealth from the creative, innovative, inventive, entrepreneurial, hard-working, and visionary people, forcefully wasting it in murder and conquest or rewarding laziness.
The benefits governments get are more territory, resources, and tax slaves. Still, it also keeps people scared and gains at least superficial loyalty and favor by presumably free handouts. A whole apparatus of the military-industrial complex and welfare machinery is generated with vast vested interests attached. Politicians, power brokers, bureaucrats, media, academia, and contractors get on the boat to wet their hands. For them, it becomes a matter of survival and well-being to protect this fraud and keep it going at any cost. That is why you will never find a scarcity of people defending their slavery everywhere and anywhere.
Modern science, Physics, Biology, Neuroscience, Psychology, and behavioral sciences are now discovering the long and widely known fact that the world we experience is not material. What we call matter is simply the neural decoding of various energy frequencies projected by consciousness. Consciousness is fundamental. The completely baseless, unscientific, and fictional denial of the Cause is rapidly evaporating away, and more and more people are now questioning the Atheistic paradigm of modern fictional science. The foundational assumptions of so-called scientific theories are far wilder and non-intuitive than the most traditional prevailing views about consciousness, reality, and the universe.
I mean, the most basic assumption of Atheism is that there is no Cause. This utter foolishness makes the whole construct outright ridiculous right at the very first step. Most theories that branch out of this stupidity are not more than increasingly desperate, complex, and wildest guesses and attempts to maintain the house of cards somehow. One fictional story after the other, presented as a scientific fact, has been the hallmark of so-called modern science. I am not denying the factual and logical science that has benefited us a lot. Newton initiated and energized the Industrial Revolution, Revolutionary ideas from Nicola Tesla and incredible inventions like:
“Alternating Current Power Systems
The Development of Radio
The Tesla Coil
Fluorescent and Neon Lighting
The Hydroelectric Power Plant at Niagara Falls.
Remote Control
Tesla Turbine
The “Teleforce””.,
Eeisten’s Theory of Relativity and discovery of Photoelectric effect paving the way for the digital revoltion, Quantum Mechanics leading up to the digital revoltion, Computers and software, Internet, Airplanes and flying, all are the miracles of honest hard work purely based on logic. But when Atheistic science replaces logic with ideology, it all becomes a complete mess and an incredible waste of time, energy, and resources. It leads to entirely unnecessary conflict and division. What do we know? The authors of Atheistic science fiction also have to protect their jobs and status by doing everything they can to keep the religion of Atheism going. The bottom line idea in this religion, just like any other, is to extract as many resources as possible by hook or by crook.
One scam after the other. My goodness. Just to keep the people in the loop and keep the fraud going. Lies and deception right on your face without an iota of science backing it. Their primary focus is to re-direct and redistribute the wealth. Get more and more in grants, consultations, advisory, technocracy, useless and baseless research, and efforts to reinvent the wheel repeatedly. Mouthpiece experts, celebrities, institutions, media gurus, propagandist academia, stupid policy makers, and advisors are all blood-sucking vampires. Their livelihoods depend on theft, coercion, bossing around everyone else, force, authority, and power. Nonetheless, somehow, it is for your good. Give me a break.
Electricity will bring the dead back to life, Eugenics, MK Ultra, UFOs do not exist, Ancient documents are myths, COVID lockdowns, Fiction of anthropogenic climate change, and the hoaxes of the religion of Atheism never end. And if you dare to challenge them, they again use the same weapons devised by the Theistic religion. It used to be called apostasy. Now, it is a conspiracy theory. You are suddenly cursed into conspiracy theory. An eternal condemnation is your fate now. You deserve nothing but the wrath of the gods of atheism and their pawns. No one should listen to you. You deserve no job, and you are canceled. A total boycott becomes your fate. Life is made as hard as possible for you.
This is besides the undeniable fact that what is called conspiracy theories at the time turn out to be true all the time. But do any of them apologize for ruining many lives, careers, and families? Accept the mistake? Of course not. Never. COVID-19, UFOs, 9/11, Eugenics, MK ultra, WMDs and countless others. You could not even say a word against these open and utter frauds then. The dissent was getting canceled and censored. Incredible amounts of tax money were getting wasted, young people were getting put in harm’s way, cronies were getting rich, and economies, finances, and supply chains were getting destroyed. Did it matter? No.
So, how do we tackle this problem that has existed for thousands of years worldwide? How do we get rid of it? How do we break these chains? How do we end slavery? How do we set ourselves free? How do we return power to the only actual reality, i.e., the individual? There are specific baseline talking points that deceive people and keep them trapped: divide and rule, Truth comes from authority, and people in power care about you. The historical evidence shows conclusively that none of this is true at all. The exact opposite is true. All we have to do is to come out and scream the truth out loud.

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