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The US as a Declining International Force

Traditionally, the US has been revered as one of the most significant national influences across the globe, especially in terms of international affairs and trade. For decades it has led the way with regards to innovative technology, financial growth and cultivating democratic relations with other countries, often with positive and generative effects. However, as the country enters a period of domestic turbulence, there are increasing concerns that it’s influence is diminishing, and that the resident government is stretched too far in attempting to resolve home and international issues.
Resolving Recent International  Issues

This is an interesting concept, and poses a question as to whether the nation’s government are caught within a disruptive cycle of indecisive and poorly directed rule. In this instance, this means that the nations governor’s are suffering a collective crisis of confidence in their principles and methodology, and perhaps attempting to meet one challenge too many to restore their sense of self and relevance. For example, the US continue to immerse themselves in international affairs and turbulence concerning Egypt and Libya, while domestic protests and economic issues have continued to spiral and have a negative impact on society as a whole.
Of course the US have a history of international interaction, and have sought to tackle and resolve several issues in overseas countries, attempting to instil democracy and its values with a view to securing a long term peace. With this in mind, there are many supporters of the US governments intervention in global disputes, especially those which involve innocent civilians perishing at the hands of a self serving tyrant. While this a noble intention, it is one that is ultimately better served when the mediating country in question is not experiencing domestic threats to their harmony.
This is the delicate equilibrium that faces the contemporary US government, as they seek to maintain their fading status as an international force while satisfying increasingly urgent domestic requirements. As a nation that has an historic reputation for being extremely active in global affairs and promoting the values of democracy, it is only understandable that its government should wish to continue this, but this perhaps betrays a lack of understanding concerning their current domestic situation. Not only this, but it is an ambition which fails to note the US’s reduced standing amongst it’s global contemporaries.
A Decline in  International Standing

This standing has not reduced to the point where the US has become an irrelevant force, but it is certainly not the economic power that it once was. This is an issue that has been developing gradually over the last decade or so, but its manifestation has been accelerated greatly through the global recession and painstaking recovery. Put succinctly, US bankers and lending organizations were heavily criticised for their role in causing the global recession, whereas the emerging economic forces of China and India are leading the world into a period of fiscal recovery.
It doesn’t stop there however, as the US have also fallen behind in terms of technological innovation, and the application of an aggressive and successful global business model. This decline is reflected in the opinions of the citizens of the US, who are generally fiercely proud of their nation and its historic achievements. Recent polls have suggested that 47 percent of this demographic consider China to be the leading international power, as opposed to 30 percent who still regard their own country as the most influential and economically relevant.
This general opinion reflects the changing landscape of international power, and is one that the US government may do well to consider. After all, the country is still a strongly competitive and influential national power, but may require a period of domestic consolidation in order to restore their former glories and continue to impart the values of democratic rules where they are inherently absent. By concentrating on the economic and social issues that trouble its domestic society, they can reduce poverty amongst their citizens and become stronger in their own internal functions.
Attempting to Sustain Global Relevance

The intentions of the US government are often noble, and reflective of a country that take’s its role in the world and responsibility for global harmony exceptionally seriously. However, there is an increasing feeling that the US is becoming less stringent and more ill considered in their international involvement, perhaps in an over zealous attempt to sustain their relevance as a global force. Subsequently, the government’s time and wealth is being distributed across too diverse a range of activities, and leaving the country unable to prosper on either domestic or international shores.
So, a period of consolidation would see the country concentrate on resolving its own pertinent issues, from satisfying union and public sector worker disputes to reducing the rise in poverty throughout the southern states of the US. This would not only boost it’s economy and fiscal standing, but also cultivate a feeling of pride and worth amongst it’s citizens. It is from this foundation of domestic strength that the US can continue it’s role as an international mediator, and restore it’s standing as a dominant global power.

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