Discussions is smoking the sole choice of the smoker obesity obesity as a global issue obesity in the us people relationships rights should smoking be restricted in a democrartic society? smoking ban in Long Island smoking in the US smoking rstrictions in the US the age of enlightenment or ignorence? the duty of government the internet age the obesity epidemic the purpose of the internet age the rights of smokers US citizens

The Age of Enlightenment or Ignorance?

According to various reports, we are the time of year where people begin to renege upon or abandon their new year resolutions. Whether an individual has given up smoking or pledged to undertake an increased daily exercise program, the two week period between the end of January and middle of February oversees a watershed in their aspirations, as they their good intentions are challenged by the rigors of everyday existence. More often than not, resolutions that are formed in good spirits are broken do the detriment of a persons health or well being.
Worryingly, these health resolutions that are conceived in order to benefit an individual are being disregarded despite the wealth of information that surrounds them. The age of internet has afforded citizens access to a volume of information that is unprecedented, but despite this there is an inherent lack of motivation to abandon habits that continue to damage the health of society and its members. This raises questions about the World Wide Web, and whether it is ushering in an age of enlightenment or ignorance.

A Dilution of Relevant Information
 The statistics surrounding health in the US. As the rate of US citizens suffering from being overweight or obese rises towards 70 percent, and a further 20 percent still choose to smoke on a daily basis, there are increasing concerns of an nutrition and health epidemic in the country. Yet these issues continue to remain prevalent despite the fact that their related information is not only readily available, but also advertised and promoted on various affiliated products.

This suggests that although people are aware of the dangers posed by tobacco and high fat food types and beverages, they are continuing to use and consume them as staple factors in their chosen lifestyle. In an age where the freedom of researched and detailed information is prevalent, it is reasonable to surmise that the issue lies with each individuals perception and understanding of the published data. This may be the case, but there is also an argument that the vast and diverse nature of the information is causing its message to be undermined.

For example, the increasing influence of the internet as a resource is encouraging more and more media outlets and experts to post their collection facts and opinions online. In addition to this, there are an burgeoning number of independent research groups who are commissioned to conduct tests on the same health related issues, and the combination of these factors creates a surfeit of information on a single topic which often offer contradictory points and areas for concern.

Selective Information and Independent Thinking
In an instance where conflicting data represents an issue such as smoking, individuals are more likely to construct the information in a way that suits there desires. This means that by being selective in the information that they digest, they can create numerous justifications for smoking and practice it with a clear and apparently considered mindset. This suits a basic human desire to do something that they find enjoyable and pleasant, without having to face the psychological consequence of potential health concerns and internal, corporeal damage.

This is independent thinking but at its most destructive, as it is based on a selective rather than objective interpretation of accepted information. It also highlights an example of how the internet can both educate and spoil conceptual or behavioral trends within its many pages, as it is largely without moderation and provides such a myriad of diametrically opposed viewpoints that is impossible to discern any semblance of true validity. In effect, it is the vast number of sites that look to inform that actually devalue a health related message or warning.

Diminishing Freedom to Protect Society?While the US must never undertake any process that negates its democratic values, they must surely be allowed to implement law to protect the health of its citizens. Society may have the right to smoke and eat exactly what they wish, but there are increasing calls for the government to take a portion of control and be a little more dictatorial to battle the associated of induced lung cancer and obesity. It is a wonderful ideal to allow people the freedom to live as they wish to, but this is a privilege that can be abused if not regulated.

With various states such as New York already moving to ban smoking in public arena’s such as sidewalks and parks, the portents are that the US government will be encouraged to pass more stringent laws on social practices that endanger individual and collective health. While this may be seen as an affront to human rights or entirely undemocratic by some, it may be argued that it is in fact reflective of officials who look to be decisive and make decisions for the greater good of their subjects.

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398 thoughts on “<span>The Age of Enlightenment or Ignorance?</span>”

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