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Socrates, Questions, Answers, Logic, Intent, Safety


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Female s heart Red Gold Acetate,Metal Prescription eyeglasses – Eyebuydirect s Honey
$61.00 (Retail $88.00)
Meet Honey, the geometric frame that ™s as every bit on-trend as it is sweet. With a heart-shaped design in cherry…[Read More]
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Always assume that you know nothing. Start exploring and researching from scratch. This process filters out all the previous indoctrination and beliefs, giving you a more comprehensive and unbiased view of the issue. Question all the information that you get and seek logical answers. Rely on your intuition as well. Scratch the possible intent deeply by following the money and power strings because these factors often drive the intent. Always remember that your and your family’s safety comes first. Do not sacrifice yourself and your family on preoccupations, intrinsic bias, and false information. If your first instinct and logic are challenged by something, it is most probably not true.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the money trail did not lead to the Hydroxychloroquine, Advil, and Vitamin D. These cheaper solutions would not make anyone much richer. The big bucks were in expensive patented vaccines. So, that is where the money trail leads you. Big Pharma, the Healthcare establishment, the scientific establishment, the Media, crony politicians, and bureaucrats all had their compass set to the vaccines. Why would they let this opportunity disappear when they know the system is set to protect them? Theoretically, the entire reason for the existence of this establishment is to promote the health of the masses and protect them from damage caused by diseases and drugs.
But this is not how you make big bucks. This is not how you rip off the taxpayers worldwide. You have to be smarter than that. So, you roll up your sleeves, bundle all ethics and morality, and throw it out the window. You are all about big bucks now by scratching each other’s backs. Nothing is beyond the extent they wanted to go and did go. Lies, deception, false information, censorship, butchering science, and murdering people were all on the table, and indeed, they used all these options. From the beginning, it became clear that Hydroxychloroquine, ibuprofen, ivermectin, and Vitamin D are very effective COVID-19 Treatments. So, the first and foremost task of the crony health establishment became demonizing any alternatives and all competition to the vaccines.
Ivermectin was labeled as a drug for horses even though many drugs, including Penicillin and Aspirin, are used both in animals and humans. A very safe drug like Hydroxychloroquine was attached to serious side effects without any clinical evidence. Ibuprofen was contraindicated in COVID-19 infection without presenting any clinical evidence or data. Even an essential Vitamin like vitamin D was not allowed. Millions and even billions around the world in countries like India and many other places, including the USA, widely used alternative treatments and survived even before vaccines and after vaccines, while blind faith followers of the establishment were suffering and keep suffering from a lack of treatment and vaccine side effects.
People advocating alternative treatments and questioning vaccines were brutally targeted. The establishment wanted to ensure no one would ever hear about or from them. They were blamed for spreading misinformation, conspiracy theories, ignorance, dangerousness, etc., while the short and long-term efficacy and safety of vaccines were never established. These vaccines were then used to siphon the money to the healthcare establishment as planned. Beneficiaries included a wide array of institutions like the FDA, NIH, CDC, big pharma, corporate media, and crony politicians. It was a complete mess. Just a few decades back, no one would have imagined that something like this could happen in America.
Constitutional rights, natural rights, freedom of speech, choice, consnet, hypocratic oath, all were out the window. No ethics, morals, laws, common decency, traditions, or norms mattered. The health establishment’s agenda would override everything and anything, period. Life was made miserable for the people who were resisting. They were losing jobs, they could not fly, they could not exit or enter a country, people were forced to wear completely useless masks that caused incredible environmental pollution, and they had to use a far more expensive option. In contrast, much cheaper and effective options were available. Big media and internet giants were censoring resistance left and right.
The worst victims were children who had near zero risk and who did not need vaccines and restrictions at all. Schools were closed for a long time and were only replaced by hastily and poorly established online classes much later. Social isolation became a nightmare. Kids did not see their grandparents for years, social gatherings were banned, entertainment and leisure were nearly non-existent, and Churches and other places of worship were also closed. God forbid you forgot your useless mask at home. Hecklers would target you, would not be able to enter any business or place of worship, could not even buy a bottle of water. Many people became unemployed, and many small companies closed forever.
The economic and financial disaster was even worse. Shortages, high prices, the breaking of supply chains, the absence of staff, and rising business and government debt were getting increasingly severe. The effects are still being felt and will be felt for a while. Life became worse than death for many people. Psychiatric problems hit the ceiling, suicides were on the rise, and many died because they could not get routine check-ups and treatment or because they could not get to the hospital or because the hospital was already overwhelmed. Tons of taxpayers’ money were wasted on useless ventilators. COVID tests were unreliable, with very high false positive and false negative rates, but these were the only thing between your freedom and imprisonment.
Air travel became a nightmare. You had to get testing done within a short window, fill out tons of paperwork, and stand in long lines, which were not only highly inconvenient but also had a high cost, raising prices across the board. All this for something that was killing less than one percent of the under sixty population. Still, anyone who unfortunately tested positive, correctly or falsely, was taken and treated as a time bomb. TV was 24/7, showing the number of infected people, while it was tough for ordinary people to find out actual mortality and morbidity rates.

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