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Quantum Energy Frequency Density Matter Ayahuasca

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Do you know that for all practical purposes, as of now, Physics stays divided between two entirely contradicting theories? One is the regular large-scale, macro, classical Physics which revolves around Theory of Relativity. The other one deals with the smallest possible scale also known as Quantum level. This is being termed as particle Physics. Both types of Physics are in serious contradiction with each other. This essentially means that one or both of these are false or plainly wrong. Physicists have been trying very hard to devise a Theory of Everything which actually means a theory which might be able to remove the contradiction between the two branches of Physics and provide may be some validity to both of these.

The problems arose when Quantum mechanics experiments constantly and reliably denied the common and basic principles of everyday Physics. One important, scientifically proven principle of Quantum Physics is Heisenberg uncertainty principle which denies the determinism in regular Physics and mathematically proves, what we see is just one of the probabilities converted into observed reality by our own act of observation. It has also proven successfully that matter or particle do not exist until an observer observes and it is actually the act of observation which creates what we call reality or particles or material world. The only things that exist at the quantum level are the different densities, frequencies, and wavelengths of energy.

Quantum mechanics experiments have also proved that every particle exists at more than one location at the same time. On the other hand, in essence, these particles are nothing but energy waves. This is called Duality and was proven by double slit experiments. Quantum mechanics has also shown that the transfer of information is not limited by the speed of light. It is actually instantaneous and does not depend upon distance at all. This is called Quantum entanglement. Even in particulate or material state over ninety-nine percent of all matter is hollow. Mathematical calculations also show that about 70% of all mass in the universe is black matter, something that cannot be detected by any current methods available. We are also surrounded by incredible amounts of black energy, currently not detectable as well.

In the light of these latest discoveries, the statement that I believe on what I see or what I can perceive through my senses sounds extremely idiotic and self-deceptive. As a matter of fact, we can sense only a very small proportion of what actually exists through our five senses. Most of the existence is beyond our senses and perception.

Dependence of matter on consciousness or observer for its existence also proves that consciousness is something far beyond, different and external and is not same as the brain. So, the reality is very different at its fundamental level as compared to our regular perception. There are definitely higher levels of consciousness and brain is not its sources. The brain appears to be like an antenna for a higher level of self or consciousness.

The Quantum Physics models have successfully and conclusively shown that the perception of reality totally depends on observer or the creator of reality. It depends on our knowledge, education, beliefs, genetics, environment, and physical and mental state. It varies highly between individuals of a species and between different species, too. Even a given individual’s continuously changing perception depends upon the change in circumstances. So, the fundamental levels of reality for a given individual do not only change spontaneously all the time, those can also be changed by intent. We use all kind of different methods to affect someone’s perception of reality, most common are education, training, orientation, beliefs, culture, and religion, etc. Still, all these commonly used variations in perception of reality lie within a very small spectrum of possibilities.

So, is there a method/methods to broaden our perception of reality? One of the major factors that keep us trapped in this 3D reality which is very limited due to its dependence on our senses is the distraction caused by noise. With noise, I do not mean its literal sense or sound. Our brain is bombarded with information through our senses all the time, a process that continues to affect our minds even during sleep. Since these stimuli and this noise comes through five senses, it keeps us trapped in five senses based limited reality.
That is why shutting down this noise or distraction is commonly used to broaden the perception of reality or to access alternate realities beyond the five senses. This method is commonly known as meditation. You simply block input from all your senses, as much as you can and focus on the source. Gradually, it enrolls more and more neuron into the action, broadens your mind, improves comprehension, sparks dormant capabilities, ascends you spirituality and ultimately connects you with the source.
Due to various factors like genetics, environment, education, family, culture, and religion, it is very hard to disconnect yourself from this noisy distraction. This is where external help becomes very important. External help could just be getting more knowledge and information, reading and observing, getting affiliated to a spiritual group or just followers an ascended master. These methods are being used for thousands of years and work perfectly fine for so many people. Everyone does not have to re-invent the wheel time and time again when we can easily obtain what is already learned and just bring it to the next level by our own practices and struggle.
For thousands of years, truth seekers have also found many naturally existing substance to be of great help in this long and hard journey. Fresh and pure air, water from natural, running streams, organic food, love, and sex, all are found to be extremely beneficial. Psychedelics are very special and important substances on this list of perfect spiritual aids. While Psilocybin, mushrooms, LSD, DMT and other similar substances are often successfully used for this purpose, Ayahuasca really stands out. It takes you on a longer trip and makes it easier for you to comprehend the information obtained during your spiritual journey.
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