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Patent WO2013056730A1 – Systemic use of compounds in humans that kill free-living blood-feeding … – Google Patents

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It is disclosed a composition of one or more active compounds belonging to the group of neonicotinoids suitable to be administered to humans and used to kill free-living blood feeding ectoparasites including ectoparasitic arthropods. The group of neonicotinoids includes imidacloprid, thiacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, nitenpyram, and/or its subgroups e.g. nitroguanidines such as clothianidine. Neonicotinoids comprising compositions can be used to kill free-living blood feeding ectoparasites, shortly after feeding on a human host, and in this way prevent such ectoparasites from surviving to pass on pathogens to other humans or pathogen reservoir hosts.

Source: Patent WO2013056730A1 – Systemic use of compounds in humans that kill free-living blood-feeding … – Google Patents
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