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Patent WO2007005643A2 – Novel aryloxyphenylpropanamines – Google Patents

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The present invention relates to a non-radioactive, heavy-atom isotopologue of Compound 1 containing one or more deuterium in place of a hydrogen covalently bound to carbon. The Compound 1 isotopologues of the invention are inhibitors of norepinephrine uptake and possess unique biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic properties compared to the corresponding non-isotope containing compounds. They may also be used to accurately determine the concentration of Compound 1 in biological fluids. The invention further provides compositions comprising these heavy-atom Compound 1 isotopologue and methods of treating diseases and conditions linked to reduced neurotransmission of norepinephrine.

Source: Patent WO2007005643A2 – Novel aryloxyphenylpropanamines – Google Patents
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