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Patent US6277855 – Method of treating dry eye disease with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor … – Google Patents


The invention provides a method for increasing hydration and lubrication of lacrimal tissues in a subject in need of such treatment. The method comprises administering to the subject a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist such as nicotine and its analogs, transmetanicotine and its analogs, epibatidine and it analogs, lobeline and its analogs, pyridol derivatives, para-alkylthiophenol derivatives, and imidacloprid and its analogs, in an amount effective to stimulate mucus secretion in the lacrimal system. Pharmaceutical formulations and methods of making the same are also disclosed. Methods of administering the formulation include: topical administration via a liquid, gel, cream, or as part of a contact lens or selective release membrane; or systemic administration via nasal drops or spray, inhalation by nebulizer or other device, oral form (liquid or pill), injectable, intra-operative instillation, suppository form, or transdermal form. The invention is useful for treating dry eye disease and corneal injury.

Source: Patent US6277855 – Method of treating dry eye disease with nicotinic acetylcholine receptor … – Google Patents
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