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Mylar – an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader : usenet

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Well since more people seem to be using this, I figured it was time to at least have my presence here so that I can help out with problems and discuss things.

Mylar can be found here (with screenshots):

For those that don’t know, Mylar is an automated comic book downloader based on Headphones. While the template remains the same, the innards have been completely rewritten obviously (comics are not the same as music). It’s been in active development now for over a year, and has come quite a long way in that short time thanks in large part to the users that have helped with enhancements, ideas and of course bug reports.

The development branch is the most ‘up-to-date’, as the master only gets updated monthly – primarily due to the fact that alot of the stuff going into the development branch hasn’t been tested fully (or at least to a level that I’m comfortable with). If something’s broken, the dev branch will have the fix more quickly than the master.

Mylar does the following (amongst other things):

Monitor the weekly comic release list for series that are being watched (ie. pullist)

SABnzbd / NZBget / Blackhole support

Multiple newznab support, as well as built-in support for DOGnzb and A Raw Indexer is included as well.

Torrent support for both CBT and KAT via Watch directory OR send-to-seedbox (post-processing has yet to be introduced for this as of yet)

RSS Feed support for both nzbs and torrents

Alternate Search Names per series

Post-Processing (both via SABnzbd and Manually-run)

Notifications on snatches/downloads (NMA, Prowl, Pushover)

Custom Folder and Filenaming options

Metatagging (through the awesome ComicTagger)

Readlist / StoryArc managements (ability to keep track of story arc issues, download missing issues, etc)

Import existing directories as series (available, but mixed results)

If there are any issues / problems, please check on github for a solution or submit an issue.

As an FYI, Mylar has the ability now to use only ComicVine data and does so by default (up until earlier this year, it was a combination of GCD and ComicVine and resulted in a lot of problems for many users). So if you tried Mylar before the switch, you may want to check it out now 🙂

via Mylar – an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader : usenet.

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