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Mortality, Lifespan, Genetic Manipulation and Growth - Huge selection of new and used golf equipment
Since birth, human tissues go through a balance between growth in size and quality versus the cells decay and death. For about the first twenty-six years, this balance is positive in terms of physical growth which means that human beings continue to grow for the first twenty-six years. It takes about thirteen years for a human newborn to reach a stage in his or her life which in modern science is called puberty. This is the point at which an individual human gets the ability to independently self-sustain life and reproduce. From this point on, the human brain, body, muscular strength, and other important features continue to grow until around the age of twenty-six years. In between the ages of twenty-six years and around thirty-four years a human being enjoys the peak physical capabilities. At age thirty-four, the human physical growth becomes negative. It means the cell decay and cell death surpasses the cell growth and division. In the beginning, the decline is very slow and gradual and it is not until the age around 40-45 when a person starts realizing the decline in physical capabilities and the awareness of mortality becomes increasingly intensified with passing age. This realization starts a race against time. People start becoming more and more obsessed with things like financial stability, paying off the debt, family’s future, kids education, and retirement, etc. Risk taking and adventurism in most cases reaches almost zero. People become more likely to follow an established path rather than being risk takers, innovative and creative.

This typical story of a human lifespan has written, “life is short” all over it. We start hearing this phrase very early in life, but, it becomes painfully meaningful in the forties. Although the life expectancy has almost doubled in last century, it still lingers in the eighties. A short human lifespan has hard, deep and long-lasting implications on humanity. When a person dies, regardless of how much he spreads his knowledge, skills, and experience, a wealth of investment is lost and gets disappeared with him. This loss is even more pronounced in the case of more intelligent, more successful, more knowledgeable, and more skilled people. It is a huge hindrance in growth, development, and improvement of human kind.

Generally speaking, we tend not to learn much from other people’s experiences. Each and every one of us tries to re-invent the wheel, at least to some extent. As a species, we also have the very short attention span and poor memory. We lose the track of past very quickly.
After the age of 34, generally speaking, our knowledge, our skills, our wisdom, our spirituality, and our experiences continue to grow and keep getting better. But, our physical capabilities keep declining until death.

The result is that we can trace human quest for immortality, durability, and agelessness as far back as possible. With remarkably improved standards of living, thanks to Capitalism, and improvements nutrition, and health care, thanks to science, we are living considerably longer. But, the longevity and quality of life still seem to be far from ideal.

Do you really think, all this is by accident? or really this where evolution lead us to? or this is the result of an intelligent design?

To find a satisfactory answer to this question, we have to have a serious look at human history. Obviously, with a serious look, I do not mean text book type, nor the academic type, nor the one projected by corporate media and not the one told to us by elite governments. I am talking about a long, careful and deep research. I am talking about a complete and unbiased analysis of historical accounts and evidence with an open mind.

Throughout the course of human history, in every culture, in every part of the world and in every civilization, we find competing views which can be easily divided into two major groups. One is mainstream, officially endorsed and accepted view and set of knowledge and the other is an alternate, suppressed and demonized view and set of knowledge. It really does not matter which culture, which civilization, which part of the world, which period in history and which era are we talking about. We find out that there has always been, anywhere in the world, an official version which is tied to status quo and then there is a competing alternate view and set of knowledge which challenges the status quo. The official version is usually all about a collective strong control of a small group of the elite over masses and alternate view usually represents the individual struggle for freedom from this stronghold of the elite. This official version has taken different forms in different periods of history within different geographic locations in the world. It could have been a religion, a collective ideology or highly oppressive dictatorship or monarchy. The bottom line with official version is always that it trumps the power of few over the rights and freedom of everyone else. It is usually done in the name of safety, security, and stability. The notion usually is, if few would not have power and control over the rest, then there will be chaos, violence, and insecurity. People would be killing each other on streets and property and families would not be safe. Ironically, a careful review of history shows that this control of few over the rest of us only pits one group against the other and causes unending hate and wars.
The wickedly hidden, secret human history tells us that all this is neither by accident nor the result of evolution. It is the result of an intelligent design. Thanks to the Internet, it is now becoming increasingly difficult for the elite to keep our true past, as a secret. Ancient accounts are being discovered literally in millions, conveying to us our true history from original sources, unedited, in the form of cuneiform tablets and manuscripts. The hundreds of thousands of incredible megalithic structures are being discovered all around the world which shows that our past was not as dumb as we were told.
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