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Inertia, The Property of All Matter

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Inertia is the property of all matter. It is not a theory. It is not just a mathematical concept, either. It is a physical property shown easily with highly reproducible experiments. All physical objects tend to retain their state of rest or motion, which is called Inertia. It is directly proportional to the mass of the body. It means that an object originated to be at rest, remains at rest, or remains linear in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Like an electron, a fundamental particle does spin and retains that spin forever. Whether it is true or not, if we assume the existence of singularity before the Big Bang, it raises some very fundamental logical questions:
1. Where did the mass and infinite gravitational force that shaped singularity come from?
2. Per the law of Inertia, the singularity must only keep getting denser and denser, and it should never cause a so-called Big Bang. The question is, what caused the Big Bang?
3. The rapid inflation period was very short, and then it slowed down for reasons that were not understood or explainable.
4. Gravity is a force that attracts particles or matter. On the contrary, the force that caused the Big Bang, inflation, and expansion must be the opposite of gravity and much larger and more robust than gravity to overcome the inert gravity in singularity and cause rapid inflation in the opposite direction. Where did that come from?
5. The force that caused the Big Bang, rapid inflation, and the Universe’s expansion is supposedly Kinetic energy, which must be massive enough to overcome immense Gravity in a singularity and completely outclass the incredible potential energy in an infinitely dense singularity.
6. Considering that the Universe is expanding ever-increasingly even after over 13 billion years, the Kinetic energy burst at the Big Bang must have been incredibly immense. What produced that massive amount of Kinetic Energy?
7. If you go back in time roughly at some point, you get a Singularity formed and kept together by infinite inward forces. What produced this massive amount of outward energies that completely outclassed the infinitely powerful inward forces?
8. As expected, instead of accepting the Cause, Atheist Science has come up with several inadequate explanations, as usual, just for the sake of denying the applauded Cause while trying very hard to maintain the Atheistic dogma.
9. Supposedly, Spacetime originated at the time of the Big Bang. But there are many “before” questions, some of which I have mentioned already. The more fundamental question is since Spacetime did not exist “before” the Big Bang, where does ” before” come from, i.e. What meaning can “before” have when Spacetime does not even exist?
10. The only logical explanation is a Cause above and beyond Spacetime. But, not surprisingly, when it comes down to Atheistic Science, just like any other religion, dogma always beats logic.
11. Hence, some are still holding on to the steady-state Universe that has been and can be easily proven wrong by highly reproducible observations and measurements, such as redshift.
12. “In this model, galaxies, planets, and other forms of matter are locked in continual recreation, and since the density remains the same, old astronomical objects become unobservable as new creations take their place.” Interestingengineering.com. It is so stupid that I think that believers of this stupidity must shoot themselves in their heads. These idiots try to deny cause and effect by introducing an infinity. According to their logical fallacies, if something is for an infinite period, it no longer requires a Cause. At the same time, someone even with an IQ of 50 can readily appreciate the logical reality that at the beginning of any so-called infinity, there is an absolute logical requirement for a Cause. There is no effect, infinite or finite, without a Cause. There isn’t, and there can’t be.
13. To their complete dismay, incredible evidence shows that even Spacetime is not fundamental. It is the creation of the most basic existence: Consciousness. You would think that they would accept this evidence-based, absolutely logical solution to the problem that has been unresolved forever. But you’re mistaken. Dogma beats logic and evidence again.
14. The second explanation is “The Bouncing Cosmological Model”. If you were expecting it to be even more stupid than the first explanation, you will certainly not be disappointed. When it comes to stupidity and idiocy, Atheistic Dogma beats even Theistic Dogma by far. Just like there is no explanation for the origin of immense Kinetic Energy at the time of the Big Bang, there is zero scientific, logical, evidential, Mathematical, experimental or observational evidence of any kind showing what may make the Universe bounce back into a singularity.
15. Next is the Plasma or Electric Universe Theory. This theory is so stupid, even at face value, that discussing it wastes time. In this theory, gravity takes a back seat, and the Universe becomes electrical. It does not even answer the most fundamental Hows and Whys. Someone should tell these brainless people that fundamental logical issues do not go away just by replacing one force with another.
16. The next one, the Black Hole Origin theory, again does not solve the first Cause issue. In my opinion, it is even more illogical than the first three.
17. I tend to lean towards the last one, Simulation Theory, simply because it is logical. Evidence in its favour is piling up, and unlike Atheistic dogmatic science, it does not and cannot dodge the logic of the First Cause.
Finally, when they realise that their explanations are insufficient and bound to be rejected by intelligent, thoughtful, and thinking people, they often argue that science is evolving. Do not get panicked; we will ultimately find the correct answer and the perfect theory. But dogma is not evolution. It is devolution. The more they try to deny the obvious and logical, the deeper and more complicated the problems become. The worst aspect is that every new excuse turns out to be even more stupid than the ones before. Apologetics of Atheistic dogma is even worse than apologetics of Theistic dogma.

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