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If not the wildest, imagination is one of the wildest human qualities. Every imaginative, intelligent person wonders where the imagination comes from. Yet, another more fundamental question is lingering: If not all, is some imagination original, i.e. appeared out of thin air? From very young children to writers, creators, inventors, designers, painters, etc., the question is how someone even comes up with something that looks completely new and strange to most people. Does it come from past lives? Another dimension? or yet unknown or unsuspected source? Is it the creation of consciousness? Mind? Brain? How do you create or develop something you, and possibly no one, have ever seen, heard, tasted, smelled, touched and experienced before? Where do the imagery, shape, form, colours, qualities and other details come from?
Atheist science has no answer for it. Like most other things, it assumes it is a physical brain creation. Of course, none of these so-called scientists, doctors, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and behaviourists know how, why and where in the brain. It is how they call their wildest guesses a science, while science is supposed to have only the things proven by reproducible lab experiments. If the view does not fit their paradigm, they will immediately label all evidence, testimonies, documentation, data, logic, and experiments pseudoscience. But their wildest guesses somehow become science. They even have a terminology for it “Theoretical” like Theoretical Physicist. I agree that all science starts with a theory, but theories were never supposed to be baseless, wild assumptions, as imagination comes from the brain or evolution. I mean, evolution might be true in social phenomena like learning, knowledge, relationships, behaviours, communities and even science, but in matter, energy, life, universe, humans and animals? No way, Jose? Your guess is just as good as mine or the guesses of so-called scientists.

The most likely origin of imagination is memories from somewhere. Especially in very young children, it looks like they remember something from somewhere. It could be from dreams, other lives, dimensions, or worlds. In adults, it is usually like a bulb lights up. Writers, singers, songwriters, poets, researchers and scientists must create a particular environment, go into a specific state, take a drug, etc., to let their imagination go wild. How do you imagine and develop a magical world, alien world, heavens, underground world, and weird creatures? What makes the brain think and imagine if it is a data processor and pattern recognizer?

We also imagine the future across spacetime. We imagine possible outcomes, which will likely be no data processing and pattern recognition. Think about the creation of Romeo and Juliet, Mona Lisa, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Poirot, and Cinderella. The creation of the first fire? First wheel? First domesticated horse? First bicycle? First chariot? First combustion engine? How do you imagine these things and bring them into existence from a non-existence?
Ask any great visionary, and they tell you, universally, that imagination and ideas just come out of nowhere, unexpectedly, sometimes even in dreams. The Hippocampus is assumed to produce imagination, the same part of the brain to which memory is connected.
“In recent years, scientists have discovered another essential deficit that burdens people with hippocampal amnesia: they can’t envision the range of possibilities that must be considered to make plans.”
It strengthens the view that imagination is memories from other lives, worlds, and dimensions. The Hippocampus is the relay centre of the imagination circuit, just like it is for the memory circuit. Just like memories, there is a source of imagination; the hippocampus relays and processes the information. Just like memories, imagination is not stored in or originates in the Hippocampus.
It is incredibly annoying to see that complicated branches of science like Neurology are nothing but —layer over layer of wild assumptions, all in the name of science. One latest example is a study published in Here is a quote from the study:
“According to lead researcher Alex Schlegel, a graduate student in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the answer lies in the human brain’s “mental workspace”, a widespread neural network that coordinates activity across several regions in the brain and consciously manipulates symbols, images, ideas and theories.”
Can you see how they make a wild assumption and then stretch it to the infinity? The deceptive term “Mental Workspace” is nothing but neurons running between different vaguely divided brain parts. The “Manipulates symbols, images, ideas and theories” part is just as wild of an assumption as it can be. These neurons do nothing but, for example, if you are watching and hearing lightning and thunder happening in clouds, these neurons coordinate between the visual and auditory cortex to make you realize that the source for both is the same. Those two are in some way related to each other. All this “manipulate this ard that” is entirely baseless and nonsense, primarily made to justify their latest wild assumptions. Manipulation assumption is not even the fundamental flaw in the study. They completely overlook that the problem at hand is the origin of imagination, and it is logically tied to the origin of “Symbols, images, ideas and theories”, even if this made-up “manipulation” is accurate. These have to originate somewhere, somehow, before possible or impossible manipulation. They overlook the origination entirely, play with unexplainable manipulation using fancy terminology like “Playground”, and deceive readers into thinking that we are getting closer to discovering the origin of imagination like we have found an essential link in the chain.
Not even close. The source of imagination is still unknown to Atheist Science. Its location in the physical brain is still undiscovered. It is like a guy holding a rope, thinking he got the snake. Please, don’t be surprised. Cognitive Dissonance is a routine in Atheist Science. Usually, there is no logical link between data, findings and inferences. It always turns out to be 2+2=5, or If you jump off a sixth floor, you will find yourself in outer space or some other stupid conclusion. It is the Leaning Tower of Pisa that can never be straightened.


Born in 1964, business owner, from Woodbridge, VA, owns ExcitingAds! Inc. ( and blog ( He was born in Mirpurkhas, Sind, Pakistan. His elementary school was ST. Michael's Convent High School, Mirpurkhas, Sind, Pakistan. Graduated high school from ST. Bonaventure's Convent High School, Hyderabad, Sind, Pakistan. His pre-med college was S. A. L. Govt. College, Mirpurkas, Sind, Pakistan. Graduated from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Sind, Pakistan in 1990. Earned equivalency certification from Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, Philadelphia, PA in 1994.