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Intelligence Places Humans at the Top

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Humans always place a very high value on intelligence. There is a mainstream view of intelligence, and then there are other views of intelligence. “the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations: reason
also, the skilled use of reason
: the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)”.
So, from this definition, which comprehensively encompasses the mainstream view of intelligence, we can extract three primary criteria for intelligence: Reasoning, Manipulation of the environment and Abstraction. In Atheist science, all these qualities originate, reside and are processed in the physical brain. The only problem is that nobody knows how and where in the brain. It is shown that lesions to the Cerebrum affect the IQ And related components of IQ depending on the location of the lesion in the Cerebrum, and the lesions in the Frontal Lobe of the Cortex affect what is termed the “executive functions”.
“Trouble with learning.
Visual-motor function.
Executive dysfunction and problems with attention (planning, focusing and inhibition).
Agitation and mood swings.
Aphasia (Broca’s subtype): Trouble getting words out.
Weakness or paralysis in a specific area or side of your body.
Loss of sense of smell (anosmia)”.”
Temporal Lobe lesions cause Apahsis and difficulties in Auditory processing and so on.

The above is a very illogical and unscientific method of making inferences. For example, if you cannot reach a website on your computer, several possibilities might be causing the problem. The server might be down, the Internet provider might be having problems, Broadband cables might be giving trouble for various reasons, Power failures might be happening anywhere along the way, and internet equipment may not be working. Your computer might be having issues, etc. If you immediately conclude that it is due to a lesion or defect in my laptop, you could be wrong on many levels. You may waste lots of money, resources and time in your fruitless efforts, and you may be unable to figure out the issue. Atheist science, of course, not in all cases, but in many cases, makes the same mistake. That way, even after a very long, intensive and expensive quest, it is still behind the starting point. Lesions in the brain or chemical imbalances are not the only causes of cognitive issues. There could very well be issues way back in the chain, and indeed, there are. We know that a baby already knows how to feed herself. She already has, in most cases, what is required to perform this task, like rooting reflex, sucking, making a seal with lips, creating a vacuum and negative pressure in her mouth and swallowing without choking herself. Even in the uterus, babies react to the external, maternal and internal environment and stimuli.
“However, the authors don’t rule out the possibility that consciousness might already start some weeks beforehand.”
“Babies also seem to understand the relation between a statistical sample and a population. In one study, an experimenter

“showed eight-month-old babies…a box full of mixed-up ping-pong balls: 80 per cent white and 20 per cent red. The experimenter would then take out five balls, seemingly at random. The babies were more surprised (that is, they looked longer and more intently at the scene) when the experimenter pulled four red balls and one white one out of the box—an improbable outcome—than when she pulled out five white balls only”
While growing, humans learn a lot, but they come into existence with specific critically critical capabilities and concepts embedded in their consciousness, genes, extended minds, thinking, behaviour and skills. It is like the preinstalled OS, software and apps on your Cell Phone or Computer. You will not be able to make your device without those, but later on, you can delete some, change, update or upgrade others, and even add many as time passes to get the most and the best out of your device.

Humans are not an exception. We are connected extensively with the rest of the universe. It does not give us birth as an isolated existence. It is always taking care of us and is always looking after us. It provides as much help as possible for survival, growth and prosperity. Science is finally getting to a point where it is recognising some of that connectivity. One very important is the electromagnetic fields and spectrum all around us. We are one in every possible way, and the only actual existence is one. A breakthrough is the finding of waveless energy:

“According to the concept above of these three energies (infinite waveless, infinite wavy, and finite wavy energy), the authors discuss and explain (a) the possible relationship that might exist between waveless and wavy energy in our universe and brain and (b) the projected wave concept (vortex), which could explain (1) the duality of an atom, (2) our borderless universe, (3) the absence of wave interference in our three-dimensional (3D) physical universe, (4) the infinite shape (a geometric pattern that is technically repeatable or limitless) of materials in our brain and nature, and (5) the existence of two energy fields (electromagnetic and quantum fields) inside our universe, as well as inside our brain, which could explain the pathogenesis of neurological (particularly psychiatric) disorders.”
The Atheist Neuroscience is essentially doomed now. The human brain is purposefully connected to the infinite within and beyond this universe via energy fields. It is not even real. It is an illusion (Maya) originating from the collapse of nonwave, wavy, and wave function due to the observation effect. It is not a measurement problem, as intelligent people have proposed since the discovery of Quantum Mechanics, including the founders of Quantum Mechanics. Collapse happens due to the observation effect, i.e., Brian creates this 3D illusion for survival, growth, prosperity, pleasure, liking, and enjoyment.
Intelligence, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, invention and imagination are manifestations of the collapse of this infinite creative force resulting solely from observation. The brain processes the interface, commonly known as experience. Atheist science mistakenly and deliberately misidentifies it as the whole, complete and exclusive reality.

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