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Senses are Limited, Consciousness is Fundamental

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Besides other vital factors, output depends a lot on input. You will likely get some good entertainment or information if you are tuned to a suitable channel or logged in to a good website. In these cases, you enjoy a sound output simply because that channel or website has good inputs. In the same way, a sound output from humans depends on good input. In this 3D physical reality, the critical input comes from five senses. The quality and quantity of your production will rely mainly on the input from the five senses. Different terms like observation, experimentation, learning, education, knowledge, data, etc., are used to understand this input. This is the puzzling fact about inputs from material so-called reality: No light, sound, taste, smell, or touch ever reaches your brain, which lives in a dark, isolated box called a skull. The only input your brain gets from the material world is electrochemical stimuli from sensory nerves. The brain receives this highly indistinguishable stimulus and creates its perception of input dependent on learning, education, traditions, culture, beliefs, and genetics to a great extent. That is how every individual makes their unique universe around themself.
In the beginning, Atheist science made baseless assumptions that eyes perceive images, ears perceive sounds, the nose perceives smells, the tongue perceives taste, and the skin perceives touch. But now, more advanced and higher-level investigations and research reveal that it is invalid. How electrochemical stimuli to the brain generate the 3d perception of physical reality is mainly unknown. So, despite all the claims, material science knows almost zero about perception. No one knows what makes vanilla taste like vanilla and not like chocolate. What makes music sound like music and not noise? What makes a flower looks like a flower and not poop? What makes a perfume smell excellent and pleasant and makes garbage smell bad and unpleasant? What makes you enjoy sex and avoid pain? An incredible series of experiments done by a large number of investigators and scientists have revealed a large number of puzzling scientific facts.
At the top of these experiments, without any doubt, the double-slit experiments that got all of this restarted after a prolonged suppression since the inception of Atheist science. When waves passing through slits hit the screen, these form an interference pattern on the screen. On the other hand, if particles pass through double slits, they produce a particulate pattern on the screen. To the amazement of experimenters, an unexpected discovery happened during the double-slit experiments. If a wave-like light passes through double slits unobserved, it forms an interference pattern on the screen. But surprisingly, when light passes through a double slit while being observed, it forms a particular pattern on the screen. This discovery ultimately led to the formulation of quantum mechanics, the most proven science of all sciences in the history of science. It also led to the whole digital revolution, which played a massive role in raising the standards of living to a great extent. The original discoverers of the wave function collapse explained it how it is. They said that observation collapses the wave function and gives rise to the particles or matter or the reality of 3D material.
But this gave rise to the other questions and led to different conclusions. The most basic question was, what is unique in the observation that collapses the wave function and gives rise to the 3D material reality? The answer was also self-evident: consciousness, which led to the conclusion that consciousness is fundamental. The new statement sharply contrasted with the earlier assumptions of Atheist science and neurology: Consciousness is the product of the brain. The conclusion that consciousness is fundamental also resolves the never-ending puzzle of Atheist science: How does the brain generate consciousness? After a long period of so-called research by many scientists and neurologists and spending tons of taxpayers’ money, material science was even behind the starting point in this case. It was getting nowhere. The conclusion that consciousness is fundamental explains very clearly why material science could not understand the nature of consciousness. It is consciousness that creates the “self” and everything around them. How can the “self” fully comprehend its creator, i.e. consciousness? That is logically impossible. Do you expect a computer or software to determine the programmer or developer?
Of course, this was entirely unacceptable for Atheist science. A wild hunt started, again, to figure out a way to reject, change or modify the conclusions of Quantum Mechanics pioneers and founders. A series of changes are made and proposed for that purpose. One of those was to replace observation with measurement without any scientific or logical explanation. However, you can watch it without any intention of measuring it. Your observation will still collapse the wave function. As always, the bottom line for all this craziness is that science must confirm the dogma, even if there is no scientific logic to justify it. Many of them went as far as denying instantaneous communication (Spooky action at a distance) between entangled particles even though it is reproduced countless times and can be reproduced by anyone, anywhere, anythime just because it is observably instantaneous and way faster than the speed of light which in their science is “impossible” and hence can’t be happening or true. Once again, science must confirm the dogma and not the facts.

So, consciousness is fundamental and creates the so-called reality, like software generating a VR game. Everything, including mind, brain, body, and self-awareness (another unresolved puzzle even after long, intense, and expensive research), matters. Energy is the part of the 3D material so-called reality created by consciousness. Without consciousness, the universe and everything in it are nothing but a soup of energy. The wave function collapse generates the 3D material reality as experienced by us, the conscious beings, not the other way around, as Atheist science has been trying to prove with zero success. By the way, the brain gets all this perception with five senses that capture only a tiny proportion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Hence, the brain receives a vastly incomplete picture, and based on this picture, it is impossible for the brain to comprehend anything as fundamental as consciousness. Thus, Atheist science has no possibility of ever understanding the consciousness. We must immediately stop wasting out precious resources on this fruitless nonsense effort.

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