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All human actions are purposeful. Every human goes for the best option every time whenever he or she has a choice. There could be controversies about judgment, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, skills, and mental condition, but ultimately, only an individual knows best about his circumstances, needs, wants, preferences, choices, and affordability. Every external judgment is based on incomplete knowledge and overrides the will of an individual whose nature provided freedom by default. A newborn is incapable of independent living. Parents who gave birth to that child do and must provide support to that child until he or she is capable of independent living.
A baby continues the parents’ existence and inherits their genes. So, in most cases, no one loves that baby more than the parents, and no one cares about the baby more than a parent. No one is ready to sacrifice money, time, energy, wealth, resources, and attention for the well-being of that baby. That is why the parents are the natural caretakers of the baby. They also help the child acquire knowledge, learn skills, and experiment with real-life situations. Under the protection of parents and their support, a child gets ready to develop the responsibilities of an adult and a parent.
Once a person has acquired the capability to take care of himself and the family, the person is now a fully independent and responsible adult. This person will now play the same role as his or her parents. Responsibility is the key to an adult life. You are not an adult unless you are responsible, and you are not responsible unless you are an adult. Some institutions, like governments, are now telling some adults that they do not need to acquire responsibility. Governments promise eternal support to them with money stolen from other responsible adults.
Under normal, natural circumstances, an adult’s actions are directed towards taking care of responsibilities, survival, growth, prosperity, competition, and improving his or her and her family’s life. However, under the current state of warfare and welfare that governments impose on everyone, most people are paralyzed by fear and/or want to transfer this responsibility to the taxpayers. This is not a healthy situation. Governments have attached some nice-sounding notions to it, like helping the poor and giving them a fair share. But this is unnatural. In nature, giving fish is not what is required for long-term well-being. Teaching to fish is what makes a person prosper in the long term.
Freedom and independence, in contrast with slavery and dependence, promote self-esteem, choice, prosperity, well-being, productivity, and wealth generation, which benefits everyone by increasing the pie size. A dependent person has low self-esteem, subjugation, limitation of choices, psychological issues, low productivity, and lack of wealth. This is a huge price to pay for freeloading. They also cannot have a stable family, a nice place to live, relax, enjoy leisure, and enjoy entertainment activities. They cannot pass on anything good, productive, healthy, reassuring, competitive, and skillful to the next generations.
Misdirected human action is a dead weight on every person involved in the situation, inheriting the problem and affecting the broader society. This is the reason why Socialism fails every single time. This is the reason why all welfare states and programs are going bankrupt. Individuals, taxpayers, and society can only bear so much for so long. Ultimately, tiredness and frustration take over. Due to the lack of incentives to work, economies suffer, debt and deficits start mounting, and it becomes impossible to bear this dead weight anymore. No matter how deep the well is, it will get empty if you keep taking out the water.
The incentive for this kind of policy is much higher in Democracy. In Democracies, government officials are caretakers for only a few years. So, use every lie in the book and perpetrate every deception possible to get into office. They promise everything popular, by hook or by crook. Once in the office, they know that they are gone in a few years. They are not the ones who will be blamed for the consequences, and only the masses will suffer because politicians secure money, wealth, strong positions, contacts, networks, and futures while in office.
This is not the natural course of human action. In its natural course, humans acquire knowledge and skills to survive and prosper. He or she masters the skills to care for himself or herself and the family. They learn to take responsibility and the best possible ways to fulfill them. They love and care and get love and care in return. They produce and provide products, services, businesses, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation that benefit everyone and that people want. They generate demand for their products and services, sell those, and, in the process, help themselves and the buyers. This is the natural course of action and the natural order. Disrupting this order never works and is always destined to fail.
Every individual is free within the confinements of natural laws. All arbitrary coercive authority disrupts the natural order, causes chaos, and limits freedom. Coercive authority is essentially slavery; the only difference might be in degree. There is absolutely zero need for coercive authority over adults. Organized religions and governments have been creating all kinds of fiction to explain the unavoidability of this type of authority, but none of those satisfy logic. The whole argument in favor of coercive authority started with safety and security. The notion is that a coercive authority is essential to guarantee the safety and security of individuals, families, communities, neighborhoods, cities, and nations.
The fundamental logical flaw in safety and security and all other excuses presented by religions and governments is that they are founded on the assumption that everyone is a kid and assign specific rights to the rulers that any logical argument cannot justify. Contrary to the claims, coercive authorities introduced the most destructive and expensive phenomenon ever, which is not even imaginable without such authority: war. Infringements on individual freedom, like Mass surveillance and lookdowns, are also impossible without coercive authority.