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All life, including humans, is born free. Most newborn animals and human babies require care before becoming fully independent. In our society, an eighteen-year-old is considered an adult, i.e., someone who can care for himself and herself independently. This is just another pretense out of numerous given to us by the coercive authority, aka the government. The truth is that some people never reach adulthood, while others get it much earlier than eighteen years. There were times when little less than half of the population was under eighteen, and slightly more than half were over eighteen. You were considered an adult when you crossed that cut-off point and joined the majority side.
This was supposed to be a Democratic principle. Of course, just like two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner and every other so-called Democratic principle, this, too, turned out to be arbitrary and stupid. The cut-off point grew as demographics changed and life expectancy kept increasing. In the meantime, because the whole Democratic society was built around this cutoff point, it was nearly impossible to change it. So, they tried to come up with other explanations, like the brain matures at this age. But science never stopped creating problems for them. Further developments in Neuro-science revealed that the human brain keeps growing till the age of twenty-six. So, the brain maturity argument was out of the window.
Then came another advancement in neuroscience. It is termed as brain plasticity. It shows that most human brains never stop adapting to the environment. The brain keeps growing new neurons, replacing old ones, and keeps building new connections and networks until much old age, which also keeps going up. In some cases, the brain never stops growing until death. So, according to the Democratic definition of maturity and adulthood, most people do not reach adulthood and maturity until they are older, and some never reach adulthood and maturity until they die.
Nevertheless, 18 remains the beginning of adulthood. But still, there are some “exceptions”. These adults are not mature enough to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes until they get twenty-one years old and stay on their parent’s insurance until they are 26.
On the other hand, the government also maintains the notion that humans are never mature enough to take certain “classified” drugs. In short, just like everything else in government, the whole gamut is entirely arbitrary and makes no sense, and the underlying notion, as always, is “Because we said so.” We are the masters, and you, Lulus, must obey us.” Besides this, a highly sensible definition of adulthood is floating around forever: “When a person starts making enough money to take care of himself, he or she becomes an adult.” However, this highly logical definition is not the government’s usual one-size-fits-all, so it is not valid, and we are stuck with that arbitrary definition of adulthood for the foreseeable future.
It is essential to define an adult because this is the point at which a human claims his or her most fundamental and most valuable natural right: Freedom from all coercive authority. So, here lies another bluff from the government. Although it tells you that you become an adult at this age, it never accepts your adulthood in practice. How? Because it never lets you be free from its coercive authority. So, you are always a child who remains under the care of only grown-ups, the government, for life. The government is the nanny you can never get rid of. It will continue to tell you what you can put in your body, what parts of your body must always be covered, where, how, with what design and what material you can build your home, etc. etc. Now, literally none of your actions is free from the rules and regulations of this nanny.
You stupid, retarded kids! Nanny has her fingers in every hole of your body. You need to get permission to drive from her. Do not even bother to think about slightly deviating from her rules. She will beat your asses off. You will be thrown in the cage, or you will be financially penalized to bankruptcy. Do not even think that you can hide anything from her. She is on your phone, on your TV, on your computer, in your bank account, in your paycheck, and in your bedroom. She knows everything. She has all the authority over you. Unlike your other nanny, she is not bound by your parents’ rules. She even controls your parents. Her paycheck is not dependent on your parents either. She takes out of your paycheck, from your purchases, from your vacations, from your marriages, from your birthday, and even from your funerals, whatever she wants.
Do you think that you own the fruits of your labor? You are so naive. She tells you how much you can keep and how much she will take away. Do you think that you own your home? You are such an idiot. You cannot even keep it unless the nanny gets her cut. Still, everything, like its location, layout, design, material, appliances, and even pipes, must be in accordance with her specifications. Do you think that you own your car? You must be delusional; give her a cut when you buy your car, when you keep your car, when you fill your tank, and when you take it for service. You need permission to drive from her; she will tell you how fast you can drive. What do you know?
She tells you which school you should attend, what you should study there, and what activities you can and can’t do. She is all over you. There is no escape. She even tells you who you can fuck and who you can’t. They can shoot you down on a traffic stop just for questioning authority. They can ask you anything you want, and you must answer. They can get into your home without a warrant just by calling you a terrorist. Your only way out is to fire her. Please get rid of her. Withdraw your consent. Stop defending and approving her. Put her in her place.