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It All Comes Down To Oligarchy – homepage
The earliest form of government reported in books is Monarchy. Yet, as a matter of fact, we the humans never ever had Monarchy. How dare do I make such a radical statement? Well, all monarchs ruled with the help of a bunch of aristocrats. So, all the government reported as monarchies were and are actually oligarchies. This was true for Sumeria, Egypt, China, England, India, Muslim empire and every single monarchy in history. Hence, it all started out as oligarchies, not monarchies.

So-called Monarchies which were actually oligarchies were extremely oppressive. These were mostly justified by divine right. The rulers were either gods or represented gods on Earth. Sentiments against their oppression kept accumulating and growing. The voices and movements for reformations and revolutions got louder and louder, and stronger and stronger. Many monarchies were thrown away.

A lot of those were replaced by dictators. They did not have the divine right. But, they were smart-ass know-it-all saviors. In essence, they too ruled with the help of a bunch people. So, in reality, the dictatorships were also Oligarchies.
Dictators and saviors did not turn out to be any better than Oligarchs. In many cases, they were even worse.

So, when people started to revolt against dictatorships, the unofficial oligarchies got replaced by official oligarchies like Socialism and Fascism. The idea was to have intelligentsia (some smart asses) rule by controlling the means of production or simply by the concentration of all authority in their hands. These did not turn out to be any better either. Fascism brought extreme destruction with the hands of so-called intelligent people and Socialism lead to extreme poverty when these intelligent people controlled all the means of production. Whether it was Italy or Germany, or the Soviet Union, Venezuela, pre-market reforms China and India, results were essentially identical. All of these either imploded on themselves or destroyed the world by unending desire to control resulting into horrific wars and genocides.

So, both official and unofficial oligarchies failed, seriously. They came up with trying another system which by the way failed in past. It is defined as government of the people, by the people, for the people. Its official name is Democracy. The idea is that people would form their own government via direct or indirect Democracy. Yet, virtually all Democracies have got turned into same old oligarchies. Rich and powerful special interest and their lobbies are dictating every single policy in so called Democracies. The elite lobbies are buying politicians by financing their campaigns and other similar tactics and in return getting favors in the form of their votes for favorable legislation.

Historically the terrible failures of mob rule, Democracy, have led many people and their so called leaders make think that yet another form of government called Republic might be better although this form of government too, have terribly failed in past. The idea behind a republic is that it has supremacy of law. In most cases, politicians are elected with the understanding that they would run the country within the boundaries of the law. The law is symbolically represented by a document called Constitution and all the legislation done by popularly elected officials is supposed to be within the confinements of the constitution. This sounds like a complete joke when you see that the countries that are supposed to be hundred and eighty degrees different from each other, for example, the United States and North Korea, have very similar constitutions. Even now every single country that has word republic in its name, including the United States, is a terrible mess. These have either turned into a mob rule or simply the same old oligarchy where a triangle of elite politicians, corporate lobbyists, and big media professional is controlling the whole society.

So, it is the always same old oligarchy, the rule of few over others, in different shapes, forms and deceiving names. Whenever one form fails and people react and revolt, they just rebrand it with a different name, give it a slightly different form and shape, and place it where it originally was. Generation after generation, one who can independently think, regardless of the type of societal indoctrination, keep wondering, how do we get exactly same results from every different type of political system? I mean the same old wars, bloodshed, hate, oppression, lies, and rule of few? Of course, this is because in the real sense none of these systems is different from the others. The results in no way are accidental or unintended. Every single political system does exactly what it is intended to do, what it was originally designed for. To establish and maintain the rule and control of few, elite, chosen one, Royal people or entities, I may say. The purpose of every single political system and every single government that ever came into existence is to keep stupid masses under control. How could we have survived with unending wars between elite governments? How could we have survived without having our hard earned living stolen in the name of taxation? How could we have survived without elite governments taking away our natural rights? How could we have survived without enormous military industrial complex which is built by tax money, but, serves elite rule and control? How could we have survived without huge governments building enormous piles of weapons of mass destruction for our own good? How could we have survived without governments peeking into our bedrooms and homes for our own safety?
And good God, they hate Capitalism, the system which for the first time in human history, really empowered an average Joe. The system which for the first ever really came close to an end to never ending oligarchy. The system which for the first time came even close to fulfilling the promise of alleviating poverty. The system which created the largest and richest economies, ever, the largest and richest middle class ever and the fastest declines in poverty ever in human history. They want to replace this system with another oligarchy in which the elite would steal wealth from the most productive members of society, live off it and re-distribute the remainder in an extremely inefficient and wasteful manner.
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