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Humanoids, Reptilians, Insectoids, Canine, Feline, Aliens

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Life and evolution of life on any planet depend on many factors. Food, environment, gravity, composition of air, and plants and water or its liquid equivalent. Another very important factor is the stability of life promoting conditions. On Earth, for example, we breathe Oxygen and use it to produce energy for the performance of vital functions. This feature evolved because oxygen is freely available in the atmosphere and it has a certain proportion in the air to allow us to grow up to a certain size at which the metabolic requirements of the human body or animal body or even a plant body can be satisfied by the atmosphere that exists on Earth. One of the reasons why the stories of giants existing in past are probably true because the Oxygen concentration in Earth’s atmosphere used to be higher in the past.

Stability of environment is also critical in the evolution of life because an unstable or cataclysmic environment may not allow the origin and growth of life on the planet. The continuity and frequency of such environmental events may retard, interrupt or even wipe out life on the planet. A higher frequency and intensity of cataclysms may force life to start over and over and over again and each new beginning may take the whole evolutionary process into a certain new direction. For example, the extinction of dinosaurs of earth paved the way for the evolution of mammals. The continued existence of dinosaurs would have left very little chance for the evolution of mammals on the Earth.

On many planets with atmospherical and other related condition similar to Earth, the extinction of Dinosaurs never happened. On those planets, the Reptilians kept evolving and developed the highly advanced brains, minds, and consciousness levels. Many of these Reptilians races are older than humans on Earth and are more advanced than us both in technology and consciousness. These races have also been visiting the planet Earth for a very long period of time. We also have the reptilian part of our brain which we got from our reptilian evolutionary ancestors. The central theme of this part of the brain is the survival instinct and is generally considered very aggressive.

Though rare, Canine aliens are also reported. Encounters with these species are usually reported in abductions scenarios or in dark wooded areas. They are usually seen performing medical procedures or depicted as scary.
Under a different and specific environmental set of conditions, the insectoid form may be the most favorable and thriving form of life. Commonly known as Mantis, these life forms are often regarded as the oldest intelligent species in the universe. Insectoids also appeared to be the most evolved, most intelligent and most benevolent life forms in the universe. Some of their species may have evolved as high as nine-dimensional. They also hold the most advanced technologies in their hands.

Feline species are also a very common theme in historical, spiritual and experiential accounts. They are brave and wise. They have always played a huge role in the evolution of life in the universe. They have a very peaceful relationship with Humans. They originate from Lyra. They are multidimensional and bipedal.

A large array of alien life forms is described in the literature by contactees. The universe is filled with life. Many of these life forms are billions of years older than us and hence have evolved to much higher levels of consciousness, are multidimensional and are highly advanced, technologically. They have the capabilities like inter-galactic and even inter-universal travel, reach every dimension including the ninth holy dimension and time travel. Many of them are visiting Earth since the origin of our solar system 4.2 billion years ago. Some of them have lived on Earth and built ancient civilizations. Some still dwell among. Some are here because they Love earth and Humans. Some are pushed to Earth by circumstances. Others are here to fulfill their agendas. Alien have very wide range of agendas depending upon species, groups, and individuals. These agendas may range from domination and enslavement, to exploit resources, life forms, and energy, to help humans to get to the next level of consciousness and technological development, to help in the evolution better capabilities, to help make lives better and to make Earth a better place to live.

The idea that universe is steaming up with extra-terrestrial life forms is extremely detrimental to the domination agenda of organized religions and states. Organized religion and state were invented by aliens as their policy to divide and rule. For example, Judaism and Christianity were invented by Enlil, and Islam was invented by Allah, both Anunnakis. Hinduism is the offshoot of warring and atomic bombs using factions of Anunnaki, as well. Siddharta was a prince who disappeared and later showed up with some superhuman capabilities and created another faction known as Buddhism, in predominantly Hindu population. Starting from Ashoka, this faction leads to incredible genocide and wars, as well. More spiritual and secular groups like Illuminati and Freemasons also have lots of alien influence. Governments like U.S. are fully controlled by alien agenda enforced through groups like Bilderberg. Smaller governments are kept in line with the help of bigger, richer and more powerful governments. The genetic manipulation of humans, making the larger part of our brains dormant, inserting a large number of genetic defects, wars between organized religions and states, hate and division all are the components of control agenda of some alien species.
The only way out of all this mess is individual freedom. We are taught and indoctrinated to worship and depend on so-called leaders. Fear of individualism and Anarchy is instilled in us, intentionally. In ancient times we thought that we cannot survive without gods. When people got sick and tired of abuse from those gods, they were given another sleeping pill. Gods got replaced by demigods. People thought that part man and part god would be better than gods. They turned out to be worse. Kings, lords, emperors, elite rule, elected officials, none have been able to make us happy and free like Anarcho-Capitalism would.
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