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Guidance, Knowledge, Scripture, Science, Spirituality, Sufism

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God has given us intuition, intelligence, conscience and holy spirit. We have the capability to figure out the truth all by ourselves. But, the road to the discovery of truth is rocky. There are physical, extraterrestrial and extradimensional interests that actively want and keep us away from the truth, as much as possible. These obstacles to the truth come in various forms of religion, state, traditions, culture, education, and propaganda. The anti-truth forces aka evil are very well organized, armed, dedicated, persistent, powerful and influential.

It is not easy for anyone to pave his or her way to the truth under all these incrementing circumstances. Guidance from the people who are on a similar path, from the masters who have mastered a bit more, literature that is written and compiled for truth searchers, literal and physical help, spiritual arms and ammunition and some authentic reasoning go a long way in this pursuit. Simple, everyday arguments like freedom vs. control are better answered once someone has viewed and analyzed all the aspects of the problem. In this particular case, for example, the argument is, it better for you to subjugate yourself to a controlling authority so that you can be safely guided and lead to the truth or should you acquire all the possible knowledge, education, training, learning, and guidance, and then continue on your own journey of choice, all by yourself, embracing all the risks and benefits that might come along the way.

Throughout the course of human history, people have looked to various sources for the guidance. One of these sources that are being followed by billions of people around the world is religious scriptures. Some of the oldest of these sources are the Hindu scriptures of Geeta, Veda, and Mahabharata. These are the stories of gods when they came to Earth and lived among humans (Autars). These provide basic principles of life and tell stories of gods, their greatness, love, hate, wars, and miracles. Buddhist scriptures tell about the life of Buddha and his teachings. Scriptures of the monotheistic religions tell about one God, his messengers, apostles and teachings of the God.

Sciences like Alchemy, Math, Physics, Medicine, Architecture, and Astronomy are with us since as far back as we can go. Ancients had an unbelievable knowledge of the universe and many aspects of it still amaze us. Incredible megalithic structures built by humans in ancient times when Gods lived among us defy creation and evolution both single-handedly. The most wonderful story of Enuma Elish shows the absolute perfection in Genetics that existed about 200 – 250 thousand years in past. Strong evidence of antigravity and intergalactic travel about 450,000 years back is mind-boggling to many physicists even today. The 26000 years long cosmic cycle and orbits, sizes and other major property of solar planets were accurately and precisely documented over ten thousand years back. Discovery, use, and documentation of properties of mystery substances like monoatomic Gold were also performed hundreds of thousands of years back.

Tired of the bigotry in religious scriptures and worthlessness of modern Godless science, many modern philosophies like Deism seek guidance through spirituality. Meditation, fresh air, pure spring water, natural food, tantric sex, and Entheogens, especially Ayahuasca are found to be very useful in opening up the doors to reality. Spiritual people have been able to break through the fake 3D virtual reality that surrounds us and venture into the hyperdimensional realms. The spiritual path is highly individualist and freedom oriented. Status quo has been trying very hard to hijack this truth-seeking method, as well. Spiritualists have been very successful in keeping the political and government hands off the most of the spiritual literature, practices, and places.

While all the major religions got highly politicized, the dualistic approach of good and bad overwhelmed every single one of those, and the wrath of God and fear mongering became their most effective weapons, there has always been a spiritualist arm to every popular religion. Although highly demonized by politicized religions and governments, spiritual traditions are bouncing back in almost every major religion. Kabalah in Judaism, Gnostics in Christianity and Sufism in Islam are rapidly getting popular. The mainstream religions that are mainly dominated by hate and war are starting to make lots of people sick and tired of those. Mainstream religions are mainly the teachings of false gods like YHWH (Enlil), Allah and Krishna, who basically were extraterrestrial aliens. Spiritual arms guide followers to the original source or creator of all and connect us back to nature like plants, animals, Earth, celestial bodies, rivers, and mountains.

Wars between organized religions and godless nation states have totally ruined mother Earth, human civilization, and our natural resources. In the cold war, both U.S. and the Soviet Union piled up huge quantities of weapons of mass destruction. Only U.S. WMDs were enough to destroy all life on Earth six times over. While we are told that cold war has ended, governments keep finding new ways to tax people for ever increasing quantities of WMDs. We see the theatre staged by big, rich and powerful governments trying to stop smaller countries from obtaining WMDs, while those smaller countries get intimidated by big powers all the time? The countries that came very close to almost ending the life on Earth during the cold war, many times over, and are still building highly destructive technologies, are turning around and labeling others as terrorists. Every sane and intelligent person knows that nuclear arms race can never be stopped without every country including so-called superpowers, giving up all WMDs.
Smaller, and less developed countries do not feel secure and free unless they have enough nuclear power to at least defend themselves while less developed countries are getting attacked one after the other by superpowers. Superpowers are spying on less developed countries, interfering in their affairs and trying to teach them “civilization”. People in the third world do not only fear that their Geography is insecure but, their culture and religions are under attack too. Religious terrorist groups are popping up and growing all over the world to defend their religions, cultures, and geography.
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