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Government has no Right to Police

J.McLaughlin Homepage
The Government has a coercive monopoly on the use of force. No one has a right to use force except in self-defense. The Government has this monopoly simply because, in the natural rights, no one has this right, and the Government creates the fiction of magically acquiring this right without any logical basis. The reason no one has this right is that every individual has sovereign birth and an absolute natural right not to be violated by anyone or anything like the Government for any reason. In violation of this right, governments violate this right all the time, everywhere. That is why the Government is an immoral and criminal institution that must not exist in the first place.
All laws “legislated” by the governments are purely the whims and wishes of self-proclaimed masters who think that it is their privilege to boss around everyone else like slaves. The typical examples of immoral government violence are taxation, redistribution of wealth, wars, Censorship, Tariffs, and Police. A common misperception often spread by governments, academics, so-called experts, and crony media is that somehow, idiots in government offices know better what is good information and what is evil. The extreme form of this false notion is state-controlled media, which is the propaganda arm of the Government as it was and is in Socialist countries.
Particularly in the West, due to the general enlightenment of the public and barriers like the Magna Carta and constitutions, governments cannot impose open and blatant censorship of that kind. So, over time, they have devised indirect methods of bypassing these barriers. Classifications of government documents, crony corporate media, taxpayers-funded academia, dependant so-called experts, national security, and disinformation censors are the immoral, unconstitutional, and illegal methods that Western governments frequently use to shut down any opposition, difference of opinion, and dissent. As in wars, the targeted people are vilified, deemed as an enemy, smeared as idiots, and labeled as ignorant liars and deceivers.
This whole crap is nothing but making the official narrative dominate all the other views and suppress natural rights. This concept of natural rights evolved in the West after an extended and crucial period of oppression under the church and divine rights. In that period, the church and its approved divine right kings controlled the narrative, and most dissent was forcefully suppressed, and it was not uncommon to to kill or throw the dissenters into dungeons for life. Over time, people got tired of this oppression and revolted against church and divine right kings; a whole breed of philosophers and thinkers made incredible efforts to cut through the web of religious arguments in favor of only one accurate and valid view that would always come from the church and the king.
It was near consensus among enlightenment thinkers that the root cause lies in the church and the king’s right to suppress dissent. So, the Enlightenment thinkers made absolutely no compromise in making sure that every individual’s natural right to free speech was never violated at any cost and under any circumstances by anyone. That is why, after an absolute divine right ended, all the republican constitutions provided complete and unconditional guarantees of the freedom of speech. The prominent thinkers also realized that the oppressors never openly accepted the valid reason for the suppression of speech, i.e., shutting down the dissent and maintaining an absolute dictatorship. They always come up with seemingly acceptable excuses like religion, security, absurdity, sin, division, and treason. That is why it was essential for the Government to accept it as an absolute and unconditional right.
Most thinkers explicitly mentioned that no excuse is enough to suppress the speech. The right to freedom of speech would never be infringed upon, as was guaranteed in secular Republican constitutions. But, as history has proven repeatedly, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since the Government is an absolute power, its absolute corruption is just a matter of time. Unfortunately, Atheism and its secular philosophies, which came into existence as a reaction to religions, quickly became a religion themselves.
Blind Faith became the order of the day, precisely like Theistic religions. A secular state turned out to be a religion far worse than divine right monarchies. Monarchs at least considered the kingdom as their property and, in most cases, took good care of it, just like their own property. Contrary to this, so-called Democratically elected officials could not look beyond four, five, eight, or ten years. The loot, corruption, cronyism, waste, and plunder are now unparalleled in most human history. The state became a religion; the Government became the God; constitutions became the holy book; the heads became prophets and sons of God; the whole and ever-growing government apparatus became apostles; and public schools and corporate media became churches and church schools.
Like Theists’ religions, Blind Faith became the cornerstone of the religion of the secular state. “Truth comes from authority” again started dominating society even though the entire human history shows that everything but truth comes from authority. The revolt against divine right kings was rooted in the realization that they were never on the side of truth. With the help of the church, they were constantly suppressing the truth. But humans got trapped again in the same bargain of deception. As always, even under the religion of Atheism, the Government ultimately turned out to be slavery, and Lulus remained Lulus. Unfortunately, humans could not realize their dream of individual sovereignty.
Einstein said that doing the same and expecting different results is insanity. Humans have been repeating this insanity over and over again around the world. We are entirely deceived every time, despite the epic failures of governments for thousands of years. Thought controllers told us that the Government is now fixed by renaming, rewrapping, and rebranding the same old Oligarchy after every epic failure. The bottom line idea of the government never changes, i.e., a few people bossing around everyone else. The solution is not to keep repeating insanity. The solution is to get rid of insanity.

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