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Humans were created as a slave race. Disobeying gods was not even an option. As human populations spread and grew, they increasingly strived for freedom. When direct control was handed over to demigods due to the ever-increasing dissatisfaction of humans with alien gods, pure reverence was no longer enough. So, the concept of: “you and us” was introduced. The building of the Tower of Babylon, a copy of observatories built by gods and a step towards independent space travel, accelerated the need to divide humans. Without that, continued control over humans would have become impossible. So, humans were spread all over the Earth, and different official languages were created for every geographically separated group.
These separated groups, later termed nations, were forced into unique identities with different languages, writing, gods, rulers (demigods), cultures, and sets of beliefs. Two significant instruments of control were also created: organized religions and government. Now, your god was different, your ruler was different, your religion was different, your laws were different, your culture was different, and your geographic location was different from every other geographically separated group or nation. Gradually, it became a matter of your interests vs. the interests of others, your survival vs. the survival of others, your prosperity vs. the prosperity of others, your people vs. the other people, your god vs. gods of others, and your resources vs. the resources of others.
The paradigm was changed from mutual trade, cooperation, benefits, interests, love and care to “You and us”. One group’s benefit was essentially the other’s loss, one’s prosperity was the other’s impoverishment, one’s strength was the other’s weakness, one group’s success was the other’s failure, one’s growth was the other’s recession, and one’s rise was the other’s fall. The idea that you reward each other for benefitting with peaceful trade was increasingly becoming a secondary phenomenon. Death, destruction, war, violence, theft, and deception became the rule of the day instead of honesty, reliability, responsibility, cooperation, care, and love. False perceptions of the conflict of interests, seeded by the thought controllers, started to result in violence and wars.
They are coming for us; only god and ruler, and religion, and government, and violent force can save us.
Continuous fear-mongering, animosity, safety concerns, uncertainty, and conflict became every growing permanent hate. Disastrous consequences made humans think these demigods are not suitable for them. Humans were increasingly refusing to obey these demigods. So, the kinship was descended to humans. The same old was wrapped, rebranded, renamed, and thrown back on humans, telling them that it is fixed and will work since the new saviors are humans like you all. These saviors were from bloodlines descending from gods and demigods. The new term for controllers was “royalty.” These royals were supposed to take humans out of the mess created by gods and demigods.
Both pillars of the same old were still standing: the Priest, who was holding the knowledge coming from god, and the king, who was supposed to enforce God’s will. In the long run, this did not work either. Power ultimately corrupted every powerful person and institution, and war, theft, violence, and bondage shackled humans again. They had to be deceived again. The same old needed new makeup and a new appearance. So, humans were increasingly indoctrinated into thinking that the marriage between state and religion is key to this messy power and control structure. So, they “separated” the state and church. Worshipping religious gods was now a private affair, and the ruler would be restricted by a document of rules called the Constitution.
King would not rule with divine right anymore. Instead, they will be “elected” by the people themselves and called president, prime minister, or whatever, but not the king or queen. Although the state would still be just as holy as the religion, the president would be just as powerful as the god supported by the angels now called cabinet members, legislature, and judges. The Constitution will be a new holy book. All guidance and right and wrong will be told by the new church, i.e., crony corporate media, and every child must go through thirteen years of indoctrination camp, the new church schools, i.e., public schools. So, you may go back all the way to the first known so-called “civilization,” i.e., enslavement in Sumeria, and it will not take much to realize that not much has changed since that ancient period.
After every epic failure of this system of slavery, they just renamed, rebranded, and repackaged the same old with new and even more deceptive terminology. The whole structure of human enslavement still stands on two pillars, organized religion, and government, although the new religion supposedly has no god. It is now called government. You are not allowed to challenge this god. If you do so, you are a heretic and will immediately condemned to hell by cancellation. You will immediately lose social approval, and you will be very likely to lose friends. You will jeopardize your job, family, loved ones, and wealth. So, shut up and obey god the government.
“Divide, conquer and rule,” “You and us,” and fear-mongering have only advanced into more complicated and deceptive methods. The motive still is to generate a widespread belief purely based on fear and security concerns, aka mass psychosis, that would paralyze all thinking and logical faculties. Subjects will offer unconditional compliance for themselves, and everyone will also ensure that no one goes out of the loop. Anyone who tries to leave the herd will be immediately scared back into following the herd. The dogs are out there, and that will make sure. A brand new term was coined for heresy, “Conspiracy theory.” Anyone who raises logical concerns that cannot be answered reasonably is immediately declared a conspiracy theorist. God forbid if you get this label, Regardless of how obvious your claims are, you will be deemed as stupid, ignorant, harmful, maleficent, crazy, and outlier. People will not desire to associate with you. You will be a dirty, old and rotten and hateful figure who must be ashamed of himself or herself.