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Enormity of Knowledge and Human Myopia, Part 7

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Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics relating to the very small. 375 376 Each particle is represented by a wavefunction (position, time) such that = the probability of finding the particle at that position at that time. 377 378 As recently as 2012 the authors of a published paper stated while contradicting a challenge to duality, “According to our analysis, the duality principle in its standard form is safe and sound.” 379 380 Quantum entanglement is thought to be one of the trickiest concepts in science, but the core issues are simple. 381 382 Another of the remarkable features of the microscopic world prescribed by quantum theory is the idea of nonlocality, what Albert Einstein rather dismissively called “spooky actions at a distance”. 383 384 The uncertainty principle is one of the most famous (and probably misunderstood) ideas in physics. 385 386 The observation of vortices in superconductors was a major breakthrough in developing the conceptual background for superconducting applications. 387 388 The ghostly passage of one body through another is obviously out of the question if the continuum assumption were valid, but we know that at the micro, nano, pico levels (and beyond) this is not even remotely the case. 389 390 Does it really matter whether a species has low or high levels of genetic variation? Researchers understand that variation arises through mutation and recombination, and they also know that natural selection can remove variation from a population. 391 392 There is a single, intelligent Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe – the Universal Mind. 393 394
Probably for as long as humans have been able to grasp the concept of consciousness, they have sought to understand the phenomenon. 395 396 For every inside there is an outside, and for every outside, there is an inside; though they are different, they go together.
—Alan Watts, Man, Nature, and the Nature of Man, 1991 397 398 Quantum Possibilities encompasses an array of health and wellness, organizational development and social and racial justice focused services based on cutting-edge research in the fields of neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, psychology, behavioral economics, adult learning, critical race theory, and organizational change and development. 399 400 Why is it that more than half of the modern “interpretations of quantum mechanics deny the “collapse of the wavefunction.” 401 402 Refer to following references for Waves
Sound Interference 403 404 In a study reported in the February 26 issue of Nature (Vol. 391, pp. 871-874), researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have now conducted a highly controlled experiment demonstrating how a beam of electrons is affected by the act of being observed. 405 406 We exist in a matrix, simulation, hologram, or virtually programmed
reality that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is. 407 408 As scientists learn more about how genes affect everything from hair color to sexual orientation and mental health, we’re faced with moral and political questions about how we allow science to intervene in the genetic code. 409 410 Theoretical physicists use mathematics to describe certain aspects of Nature. 411 412 What are the basic building blocks of the cosmos? These are bits of information. 413 414 Distorted reality can be caused by Injunctions, Counter-Injunctions, Attributions, and Decisions made by children early in life. 417 418 Whether we feel scared or pleased in an environment and how we explore it is down to our combined perception of space and of our bodies, according to new research conducted in a virtual reality environment. 419 420 Depending on how you look at things – the world is either incredibly large or incredibly small (and you’d be right). 421 422 REALITY empowers exceptional young people to enhance their leadership skills through an immersive personal and professional development journey through Israel grounded in the Jewish charge to repair the world, concludes an article published in Israel. 423 424 The following reference explores the notion that the brain is genetically endowed with an innate virtual reality generator that – through experience-dependent plasticity – becomes a generative or predictive model of the world. 425 426 In Augmented Reality systems, see-through Head-Mounted Displays
(HMDs) superimpose virtual three-dimensional objects on the real world. 427 428 Virtual reality systems can also predict the performance physical systems like the economy. 429 430 Architect Richard Roberts electro-acoustic systems have been developed to explore the sonic properties of environments, and reveal the way in which sound and space co-habit one another. 431 432 South Park has launched perhaps the first mainstream game where players can smell other characters’ farts. 433 434 Perception vs. reality is a venerable versus. 435 436 Is our culture losing touch with reality? The Christian satire website, Babylon Bee, has had a lot of great headlines. One of my favorites so far: “Progressive Evangelical Leaders Meet to Affirm Doctrine of ‘Sola Feels.’” Adherents to this imaginary creed believe that “things that make us feel bad … are wrong. The things that give us all the happy feels … are true, right, and good.” 437 438 According to superstring theory, there are at least ten dimensions in the universe (M-theory actually suggests that there are 11 dimensions of spacetime; bosonic string theories suggest 26 dimensions). 439 440 Perhaps our human senses are deceiving us — maybe existence is an illusion, and reality isn’t real. 441 442 Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment that lets you experience a different reality. 443 444 Following reference argues that at least one of the following propositions is true: (1) the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof); (3) we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. 445 446 Niels Henrik David Bohr was born in Copenhagen on October 7, 1885, as the son of Christian Bohr, Professor of Physiology at Copenhagen University, and his wife Ellen, née Adler. 447 448
Neils Bohr revolutionized the way we think about life and universe. Even Einstein had very hard time in accepting his scientifically proven ideas. If we can summarize his ideas, everything in the universe including living beings bore down to pico units of vibrational energy. In reality, matter does not exist. When these units of different vibrational energy join together their vibrational frequency decreases compared to resultant size, giving it a shape. These vibrational waves collapse into a particle containing mass by our active act of observation. When we are not observing the mass does not exist and all that is there is vibrational energy.
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