Acetylcholine News, information, issues, discussions, solutions.

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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are neuron receptor proteins that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. 134 135 Nicotine is a potent parasympathomimetic alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants (Solanaceae) and is a stimulant drug. 136Nicotinic receptors are being linked with Alzheimer’s disease in many studies. Alzheimer’s disease is a complex disorder affecting multiple neurotransmitters.
137 138 Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) belong to a family of ligand-gated channels closely related to but distinct from the muscle nAChRs. 139 Work over the past ten years has greatly increased our understanding of both the structure and function of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. 140 Throughout life, activity-dependent changes in neuronal connection strength enable the brain to refine neural circuits and learn based on experience. 141 Nicotinic receptors paly an important role in the pathogeneses of cardiovascular diseases, as well. Inflammation is important in the pathogenesis and development of cardiovascular diseases. 142 α-Neurotoxins are a group of neurotoxic snake peptides that come from the venom of snakes in the families Elapidae and Hydrophidae that cause paralysis, respiratory failure, and death with it’s action on Nicotinic receptors. 143 144 The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) β4/α3/α5 gene cluster encodes several heteromeric transmitter receptor subtypes that are essential for cholinergic synaptic transmission in adrenal gland, autonomic ganglia, pineal gland, and several nuclei in the central nervous system. 145 146 Nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) are formed by pentameric combinations of alpha and beta subunits, differentially expressed throughout the central nervous system (CNS), where they have been shown to play a role in the modulation of neurotransmitter release. 147 148 When subjected to prolonged exposure to nicotinic agonists,
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors undergo desensitization, resulting
in an inactive receptor that does not allow for the passage
of ions. 149 150 Desensitization is an intriguing characteristic of ligand-gated channels, whereby a decrease or loss of biological response occurs following prolonged or repetitive stimulation. 151 152 Recent studies have provided evidence for a role of protein phosphorylation in the regulation of the function of various potassium and calcium channels. 153 154 The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is a member of the important Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel superfamily that modulates neuronal excitability. 155 156 Chronic exposure to nicotine up-regulates high sensitivity nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain, though. 157 158 Linalool is a monoterpene compound reported to be a major component of essential oils in various aromatic species. It modulates the Nicotinic receptors. 159 160 Nicotine is reported to increase arousal and attention and to elevate mood, effects that are most often associated with changes in the function of monoaminergic neuromodulatory systems. 161 162 Neuronal nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR) dysfunction is involved in the pathophysiology of many neurological disorders. 163 164 Sazetidine-A has been recently proposed to be a “silent desensitizer” of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), implying that it desensitizes α4β2 nAChRs without first activating them. 165 166 Nicotine obtained from tobacco can improve learning and memory on various tasks and has been linked to arousal, attention, rapid information processing, working memory, and long-term memories that can cause craving years after someone has stopped smoking. 167 Authors in a study explored whether nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) might participate in paracrine transmission by asking if they respond
to spillover of ACh at a model synapse in the chick ciliary ganglion, where ACh activates diffusely distributed 7- and 3-containing
nAChRs (7-nAChRs and3*-nAChRs) and found that 7-Containing and Non-7-Containing Nicotinic Receptors
Respond Differently to Spillover of Acetylcholine. 168 169 Many patients with ischemic heart disease have cardiovascular risk factors such as cigarette smoking. 170 171 Until now, there have been no antagonists to discriminate between heteromeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) containing
the very closely related 6 and 3 subunits and authors in a study found that -Conotoxin PIA Is Selective for 6 Subunit-Containing
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. 172 173 α4 and β2 nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subunits expressed heterologously in Xenopus oocytes assemble into a mixed population of (α4)2(β2)3 and (α4)3(β2)2 receptors and authors in a study found that the subunit arrangement determines functional expression. 174 175 Nicotinic α7 receptors have been shown in a variety of studies with animal models to play important roles in diverse components of cognitive function, including learning, memory and attention. 176 177 The electron diffraction structure of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) from Torpedo marmorata and the X-ray crystallographic structure of acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) are providing new answers to persistent questions about how nAChRs function as biophysical machines and as participants in cellular and systems physiology. 178 179 One project utilized synthesis and in vitro assays to generate antagonist SARs at
various nAChR subtypes. 180 The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), as a key player in neuronal communication, converts neurotransmitter binding into membrane electrical depolarization. 181 The neuronal nicotinic subunit β3 forms functional receptors when co-expressed with both an α and a β subunit, such as α3 and β4. 182 183 The different names used for CHRNA1 are:
Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 1 Subunit
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic Alpha
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha Polypeptide 1 (Muscle)
Cholinergic Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 1 (Muscle)
Acetylcholine Receptor, Nicotinic, Alpha 1 (Muscle)
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Alpha Subunit
Muscle Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor
Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor Alpha
Acetylcholine Receptor
Alpha 1 (Muscle) 2 184 The CHRNA2 gene provides instructions for making one part (subunit) of a larger protein called a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). 185 186 Following reference summarizes the charcteristics of cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha polypeptide 3 187 The CHRNA4 gene provides instructions for making yet another part (subunit) of a larger protein called a neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). 188 Following MGI informatics article provides the characteristics of ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR, NEURONAL NICOTINIC, ALPHA-5 SUBUNIT 189 Reference numbers 190and 191 summarize the characteristics of Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 6 Subunit. 190 191 Please, refer to our refernce numbers 192 and 193 to learn about ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR, NEURONAL NICOTINIC, ALPHA-7 SUBUNIT 192 193 Our reference numbers 194 and 195 provide a very good summary of Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 9 Subunit. 194 195 Our reference numbers 196 and 197 provide a very good introduction to Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 10 Subunit 196 197 For Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Beta 1 Subunit, please refer to our following reference number 198. 198 Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 2 Subunit is very well summarized in reference numbers 199 and 200. 199 200 201 and 202 are very good references for CHRNB3 201 202 Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Beta 4 Subunit can be very well learned with reference numbers 203 and 204.203 204 You can have a very good underdtanding of Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Delta Subunit with following references. 205 206 Understand ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR, MUSCLE, EPSILON SUBUNIT; ACHRE with following reference number 207. 207
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