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Enormity of Knowledge and Human Myopia, Part 11

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Detection and discovery of exosolar planets largely depend upon the dimming of the star as observed by a telescope. The assumption is that the orbiting planet can when in alignment with a telescope, blocks the light and causes dimming. This view is now being challenged by statistical analysis. A statistical analysis links a star’s mysterious brightness fluctuations to internal nonequilibrium phenomena, rather than structures orbiting around the star. 560 Many advanced methods of Earth observation are now available to average folks at online marketplaces.

Many advanced methods of Earth observation are now available to average folks at online marketplaces. 561 Observing the exoplanets is a completely different ball game though of which the hundreds of billions are likely caught up in the vast whirlpool of the Milky Way galaxy. 562 Astronomers are finding more and more of the planets that hold a promise for the existence of alien life. A new contender in the hunt for alien life discovered by astronomers– Exoplanet LHS 1140b is believed to be about 40% larger than Earth and lies 39 light-years away in the constellation of Cetus, orbiting a red dwarf star. These criteria are based on certain assumptions like life can only be in material form, it can only exist in an organic state, it must consume Oxygen and can only grow out of the water and it also depends on a certain range of atmospheric temperatures and other conditions. Of course, most probably life does not have to evolve and exist the same way as we know on Earth. 563 Our inability to find and detect life in other parts of our universe has lead researchers to propose wildly different and pessimistic ideas on the possibility of evolution and sustenance of life in our universe. In a research published in the journal Astrobiology, so called, scientists argue that early extinction could be the cosmic default for life in the universe. On the other hand, many believe abundant present or past life has already been detected within our solar system. The reason we don’t know about these discoveries is because governments, scientists, and the religious establishment do not want to accept anything that may completely demolish the status quo.

Our inability to find and detect life in other parts of our universe has lead researchers to propose wildly different and pessimistic ideas on the possibility of evolution and sustenance of life in our universe. In a research published in the journal Astrobiology, so called, scientists argue that early extinction could be the cosmic default for life in the universe. On the other hand, many believe abundant present or past life has already been detected within our solar system. The reason we don’t know about these discoveries is because governments, scientists, and the religious establishment do not want to accept anything that may completely demolish the status quo. 564 A star, named KIC 8462852, has been found with a highly curious transit signal. In a paper submitted to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, astronomers, including citizen scientists from the Planet Hunters crowdsourcing program, report: “Over the duration of the Kepler mission, KIC 8462852 was observed to undergo irregularly shaped, non-periodic dips in flux down to below the 20 percent level.” This is very significant because planets and are spherical and revolve in orbits. If an irregular object of the size of a planet is detected to be causing non-periodic dips in the light coming from the star than most likely it cannot be natural. It is very likely to be artificial and hence be a sign of the existence of intelligent life in that part of the universe. 565 566 Now that we know planets are extremely common, one of the profound questions is whether life is also common in our galaxy, or is it extremely rare? This debate is still very hot.

Now that we know planets are extremely common, one of the profound questions is whether life is also common in our galaxy, or is it extremely rare? This debate is still very hot. 567 568 In a paper published in the journal Astrobiology, a geobiologist has related structures photographed by Curiosity of Martian sedimentary rock with structures on Earth that are known to be created by microbial lifeforms. 569 570 While mainstream scientists are still debating the presence of an existing or past life form on Mars, each episode of Ancient Aliens, a mainstream TV series, explores the possibility that ancient aliens had contact with and perhaps even lived amongst ancient civilisations. 571 572 Evidence on lost civilizations founded by “ancient alien gods” is piling up and increasingly becoming undeniable. 573 574 575 The way ancient sites are being dated is that they track the last ancient civilization in the region and assume that it was built by that civilization. Some carbon dating is done. But, carbon dating dates only the organic material found nearby the site, not the site itself. There is no standard and reliable method to date the stones used in building these sites. There is an ever increasing evidence that many of these sites were intentionally aligned with celestial objects and events like Orion, Pleiades, summer and winter solstices, equinoxes, etc. The whole solar system, including Earth, moves at a constant speed in a specific direction. Therefore, the structures once oriented to celestial objects like Orion are not in most accurate alignment, right now. But, we know that these were at the time of their building. A calculation showing when in the past, celestial objects like Orion were in accurate alignment with the ancient architecture, can very accurately depict when these structures were built. Many historical sites dated in this manner are found to be twelve to fifteen thousand years old and even more, not five to six thousand years old as purely guessed by mainstream archeology. 576 577 The accuracy in designs, like use of Phi, pi, what is now known as Pythagoras theorem, Fibonacci sequences, golden ratio, celestial and solar alignments, of ancient architecture is often discarded as coincidence or too much imagination. But, this these occurrences are so common in ancient buildings and are repeated so frequently that only an idiot can call those co-incidences.

The accuracy in designs, like the use of Phi, pi, what is now known as Pythagoras theorem, Fibonacci sequences, golden ratio, celestial and solar alignments, of ancient architecture is often discarded as coincidence or too much imagination. But, this these occurrences are so common in ancient buildings and are repeated so frequently that only an idiot can call those co-incidences. 578 579

One of the major reasons why the current religions of government and science are very successful is the compartmentalization of knowledge. The so-called experts in archeology have no clue about Genetics and vice versa. Biologists are clueless about Physics and physicists are totally ignorant about biology and so on so forth. Whenever any individual or group that has multi-disciplinary expertise performs research or comes together they almost always deny both of the Darwinian and creationary origins of human beings. A recent example os professor Chang. With the assistance of other scientists, computer programmers, mathematicians, and other learned scholars aplenty, Professor Chang had wondered if the apparently “junk Human DNA” was potentially created by some kind of “extraterrestrial programmer” and perhaps THIS is the missing link for the human race! Professor Chang then further stipulates that:

“Our hypothesis is that a higher extraterrestrial life form was engaged in creating new life and planting it on various planets. Earth is just one of them.”580 581
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