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Making Considered and Time Effective Budget Cuts

As the US continues to battle various economic and social issues, there are growing concerns that its leader are falling out of touch with the needs and demands of their people. They undoubtedly have a sizeable amount to deal with currently, especially as they seek to finalise spending plans for 2011 with a financial budget for 2012 required in less than a months time. This lack of cohesion and measured planning is leading to several decisions that may well be considered as rash, all conceived with a view to cutting a vast national deficit.

With the US budget shortfall scheduled to rise to an unprecedented $1.5 trillion throughout 2011, the federal government are faced with the increasingly difficult task of reducing public spending by an amount lowers this deficit without significantly effecting the standard of life for US citizens. This balance is made even more difficult to obtain by a basic rule of economy, whereby a countries prosperity is only as effective as the capital that is invested into it, and governments who reduce spending too drastically will serve to undermine their economy even further.

Timing and Effective Budgeting

Part of budgeting is undoubtedly timing, and preparing a society as effectively as possible for any consequence of spending cuts. This serves the dual purpose of ensuring that any cuts are measured and can be absorbed by citizens without significant impact, while also keeping individuals informed and aware of how budget cuts will effect them directly. While even this is not a policy guaranteed to keep everyone within society satisfied, it does at least mean that the government is doing its best to serve its people and act in a well thought out and transparent manner.

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A Democratic Battleground, Part 1

For those who only retain a passing interest in the current affairs of the US, they may well be aware of a certain level of hostility that presently exists between the government and its citizens. As online and television media continue to report the closing of schools, budget cuts and a continual rise in poverty across the southern belt line of the country, it is easy to assume that the nation is currently trapped in a cycle of slow economic growth and increasing social frustration.

However, to those who keep their finger pressed firmly against the pulse of US developments, there is a growing impression that the nation is faced with one of the most challenging sets of domestic circumstance in its recent history. Given the US states efforts to integrate cultures and reduce a debilitating national deficit simultaneously, they are faced with difficult confrontations with several factions of society, each with their own concerns about the future of the country and its direction.

The Perils of Contemporary Democracy

While some of these concerns are valid, others appear to be based on ill considered or disagreeable values, and herein lies the significant battle that democracy is forced to wager on a regular basis. Each individual or section of society has an audible voice, afforded to them by the privileges of democratic rule, and this remains intact regardless of the validity or potential consequence of their assertions. With the country in a seemingly permanent state of transition, this state of affairs is likely to worsen before it begins to foster the society it desires.

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