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Are We Wise to Rely on Technology?

Technological advancement has been a key feature of the contemporary generation, as the online revolution and innovations in mobile media have changed the way in which individuals conduct their everyday activities. Of course, as something grows and becomes increasingly prevalent within society, human nature dictates that citizens may well develop an unhealthy over reliance on it. Wherever this exists. there is always a genuine danger that individuals can neglect other areas of their life or become too single minded in their approach to tasks.

An example of this was seen in media reports this week, as premier communications website Google suffered technological problems that temporarily lost customer emails and account access. Subsequently, thousands of individuals worldwide we driven to panic at the concept of being denied access to their online profiles, and left feeling increasingly adrift and without direction. This issue was resolved promptly by Google, as they keep a copy of users emails on a data type, but this in itself raises further questions about online security and privacy of google users and their content.

The Issue of Over Reliance

If we first consider societies over reliance on online media, then we must first understand exactly how prominent it is in contemporary culture. Almost every conceivable daily activity can be now undertaken through the internet, from weekly shopping to the management and payment of utility usage or household bills. The online revolution has delivered an ease of existence to the citizens of the US, and gradually become the premier methodology for conducting tasks and the mundane necessities of daily life.

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Social Networks Lending Their Voice to the People

Currently, the political climate in the US is an unstable and divisive one, as scores of citizens protest against infringements of their rights and restricted economic conditions. An inevitable consequence of this is that the nations media has become a veritable conduit for negative and damaging news stories, helping only to further cultivate the existing mood of depression and social tension. However, these reports only serve to worsen an existing social perception, and often undermine the better aspects of daily existence that help to improve peoples standards of living.

An example of such good deeds is the Underheard in New York’ project, which was prevalent in the news this week after helping to reunite a homeless man with his estranged daughter of 11 years. The scheme, which aims to give homeless individuals a voice by creating social networking accounts and giving them a prepaid mobile telephone, is a continuing entity that gives unfortunate individuals an opportunity to make tentative steps as interactives member of society.

The Good of Social Networking

Quite aside from assisting and improving the standard of living in US society, this project has also helped to reveal the role that advanced social networking can play in delivering a healthy contribution to interaction. The practice of social networking through a virtual medium is one which is often maligned as potentially disruptive, but this is largely due to the negative perception generated by media reports of instances of abuse or malpractice by users.

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Overcoming Trepidation of the Social Network

The social network is synonymous with many things, from personal interaction to being a vast resource of interactive social games. Many perceptions exist concerning social networking sites, a large volume of which are based in rumor and supposition, which give an unfavorable impression to many potential users. Although increasing popular amongst young US adults, there is an older generation that still approaches the concept of social networking with concern and trepidation.

These worries are undue, especially as the purpose of social networking is constantly adapting to change with the needs of contemporary society. Individual sites are developing to meet more and more corporate and personal requirements, many of which offer value to the mature portion of the global community. For example, 2010 was the year that Facebook surpassed Google to become the most visited site on the World Wide Web, which is a revealing feat when you consider the tools that Google offers to its many users.

Making the Social Network Beneficial for You

The prominence of Facebook and Twitter has grown significantly over the last 2 years, as both sites have recognized the need to expand their appeal. From interactive tools with their foundations primarily built in personal liaisons, they have steadily began to tailor their resources to suit commercial and professional requirements. Companies have subsequently began to use these facilities to advertise and promote their brand, drawing a diverse range of followers who can be kept updated with current events at the touch of a single button.

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The Growing Influence of Facebook and the Social Network

The concept of the social network has shown immense growth since its inception, and has emerged as a key resource for communication and interaction in contemporary society. Facebook stands as the single biggest social network, and recently revealed that it now boasts over 500 million users worldwide, providing an ever improving computer interface accessible in hundreds of countries.

It was recently revealed that private investors have sunk $500,000 into Facebook in 2010, which has elevated the corporations market value beyond the staggering level of $50 billion. This rate of investment and corporate growth have made the brand currently more valuable than the Times Warner Group, Yahoo and the popular Internet trading site EBay. Given the nature of the site and its purpose, this level of global and financial expansion is quite remarkable.

The Present and the Future for Facebook

As a social networking entity, Facebook continues to expand and develop unabated. It continues to gain new investors with ease, while also being able to source and capture alternative and smaller social networking resources. In 2010, statistics even suggested that the site had surpassed as Google as the most frequented web resource, which is another remarkable feat given the multipurpose structure of Google and the range of business and personal services that it offers to the consumer.

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