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Are We Wise to Rely on Technology?

Technological advancement has been a key feature of the contemporary generation, as the online revolution and innovations in mobile media have changed the way in which individuals conduct their everyday activities. Of course, as something grows and becomes increasingly prevalent within society, human nature dictates that citizens may well develop an unhealthy over reliance on it. Wherever this exists. there is always a genuine danger that individuals can neglect other areas of their life or become too single minded in their approach to tasks.

An example of this was seen in media reports this week, as premier communications website Google suffered technological problems that temporarily lost customer emails and account access. Subsequently, thousands of individuals worldwide we driven to panic at the concept of being denied access to their online profiles, and left feeling increasingly adrift and without direction. This issue was resolved promptly by Google, as they keep a copy of users emails on a data type, but this in itself raises further questions about online security and privacy of google users and their content.

The Issue of Over Reliance

If we first consider societies over reliance on online media, then we must first understand exactly how prominent it is in contemporary culture. Almost every conceivable daily activity can be now undertaken through the internet, from weekly shopping to the management and payment of utility usage or household bills. The online revolution has delivered an ease of existence to the citizens of the US, and gradually become the premier methodology for conducting tasks and the mundane necessities of daily life.

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The Age of Enlightenment or Ignorance?

According to various reports, we are the time of year where people begin to renege upon or abandon their new year resolutions. Whether an individual has given up smoking or pledged to undertake an increased daily exercise program, the two week period between the end of January and middle of February oversees a watershed in their aspirations, as they their good intentions are challenged by the rigors of everyday existence. More often than not, resolutions that are formed in good spirits are broken do the detriment of a persons health or well being.

Worryingly, these health resolutions that are conceived in order to benefit an individual are being disregarded despite the wealth of information that surrounds them. The age of internet has afforded citizens access to a volume of information that is unprecedented, but despite this there is an inherent lack of motivation to abandon habits that continue to damage the health of society and its members. This raises questions about the World Wide Web, and whether it is ushering in an age of enlightenment or ignorance.

A Dilution of Relevant Information

The statistics surrounding health in the US. As the rate of US citizens suffering from being overweight or obese rises towards 70 percent, and a further 20 percent still choose to smoke on a daily basis, there are increasing concerns of an nutrition and health epidemic in the country. Yet these issues continue to remain prevalent despite the fact that their related information is not only readily available, but also advertised and promoted on various affiliated products.

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The Modern Relationship between Parents and Children

As time progresses we are subject to the continual evolution of research, science and technology. This advancement has both advantages and disadvantages affiliated to it, as its processes impact every aspect of contemporary society. With evolution comes change, and modifications to the way in which everyday routines are conducted. This change is itself challenging to an older and less respondent generation, especially given the rapid pace with which it continues to effect and amend daily activity.

Aside from the corporeal changes to conduct and routine, there are other and less obvious consequences caused by the technological evolution. Communication and independent thinking are also influenced, especially by the growth of social networking sites and the way in which they encourage interaction between its members. This is potential divisive to inter-generational relationships, with parents finding it increasingly difficult to communicate with and understand the thought processes of their children.

Respecting the Knowledge of Contemporary Children

The processes of communication and mutual understanding are the foundation of any successful parent and child relationship. Developing this can be difficult enough due to the large generational variance, however the problem is intensified further where the environments in which each generation were raised is so diverse. Basically, this is the most significant issue concerning the pace of progression, as it renders particular generations of society entirely at odds with each other in terms of behavioral and thinking trends.

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