a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech the internet and multiculturalism the internet as a guide to social harmony uk simply hired US citizens US government

How Much Should Religion Adapt to Circumstance?

Religion has and always will retain a significant place in contemporary culture, as various bodies of faith foster a philosophy of living for their followers. This involves the worship of specific religious icons and different perceptions of literature, which are combined to create an overall belief system and core personal values. These are important, as they govern how an individual lives their life and the moral code of conduct that they choose to adhere to, giving their existence a clear direction that is orientated by faith and cultivated belief.

However, various religions have witnessed significant changes to their ethos and attitudes in recent times, either through an adaptation to social circumstance or the development of extremist factors. While several of these changes are welcomed by many as hugely beneficial, there is a growing concern that they are rendering the religion that they represent increasingly irrelevant.

The Nature of Religious Belief

Catholicism is an excellent example of a religion that has struggled in the contemporary age, and in time being forced to address their values and attitudes to life. If we consider the concept of abortion, which was widely condemned in the faith for generations, then we see that conditions are now being applied by the religion in an attempt to accept it as a part of liberal existence.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech the internet and multiculturalism the internet as a guide to social harmony uk simply hired US citizens US government

The Internet as an Example of Global Harmony

The concept of a multicultural population is not new in terms of its principles, and through history there have been several prominent and forward thinking individuals who have sought to remove cultural barriers in society. This is with a view to integrating all cultures and belief systems within the boundaries of nations, where citizens will live, work and procreate in harmony and without the pressures of social prejudice regardless of their creed. However, while the concept is not new, it is still one that is at the mercy of an unstable global climate and the attitudes of civilians.

Interestingly, contemporary culture has seen a significant example of a global community, and how it has contributed to a vast improvement in an individuals ability to access information, interact and seek out truth. Of course, this refers to the World Wide Web and the online revolution, which over the last 2 decades has modified the methodology that we use to undertake both everyday and complex tasks alike. This should serve as an example of how a global community can succeed, regardless of the vast differences between the virtual and the real worlds.

How the Internet Provides Hope for the Future

When a society or faction of people are exposed to something on a frequent and daily basis, it begins to lose its mystique, regardless of its capabilities and the potential for growth. It is human nature to take for granted anything that resides as a permanent cultural or social fixture, especially in an age where brand new media and technological advancements are being made with impressive frequency. However, if we consider the mechanics of the internet and what it has the potential to deliver to its users, then its possibilities suddenly become endless and unlimited.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech uk simply hired US citizens US government

A Democratic Battleground, Part 2

To anyone fair minded who has the vision to see beyond their own generation, the ideal of democratic rule is the only reasonable method of government. In essence, it is government for the people by the people, and allows individuals within a society to elect their chosen political leaders while still retaining a voice and a right to protest. In theory, this should create a society of citizens who are entirely satisfied and comfortable with their nations rule, and one that is both progressive and in touch with each others needs.

However, there are issues with this ethos which lead to independent conflicts between individual factions of society and the government, which are being seen increasingly throughout contemporary USA. The main problem is that while democracy affords a voice to the society that it governs, it can not take into account each individual element of the population and the subsequent consequences of several subjective demands. This puts a strain on any liberal rule, as it is impossible to create legislation that satisfies everyone.

Fighting for Multiculturalism

Aside form the current events throughout the US, the are other underlying issues that support this theory. If we assess the continued strides multiculturalism, then we see a nation that is divided in its attitudes towards the concept, especially in specific geographically areas where both racial diversity and resource is minimal. Recent global events have only served to create even more conflict between those who support and those who disapprove of multiculturalism.

Barack Obama democracy democratic government Discussions economy government government policy ideologies. people reducing the national deficit relationships social unrest in the us the deficit the extremes of political opinion the freedom of speech the US as a demographic battleground us benefit cuts us budget cuts US citizens us policy us political shooting us voting statistics us voting trends

A Democratic Battleground, Part 1

For those who only retain a passing interest in the current affairs of the US, they may well be aware of a certain level of hostility that presently exists between the government and its citizens. As online and television media continue to report the closing of schools, budget cuts and a continual rise in poverty across the southern belt line of the country, it is easy to assume that the nation is currently trapped in a cycle of slow economic growth and increasing social frustration.

However, to those who keep their finger pressed firmly against the pulse of US developments, there is a growing impression that the nation is faced with one of the most challenging sets of domestic circumstance in its recent history. Given the US states efforts to integrate cultures and reduce a debilitating national deficit simultaneously, they are faced with difficult confrontations with several factions of society, each with their own concerns about the future of the country and its direction.

The Perils of Contemporary Democracy

While some of these concerns are valid, others appear to be based on ill considered or disagreeable values, and herein lies the significant battle that democracy is forced to wager on a regular basis. Each individual or section of society has an audible voice, afforded to them by the privileges of democratic rule, and this remains intact regardless of the validity or potential consequence of their assertions. With the country in a seemingly permanent state of transition, this state of affairs is likely to worsen before it begins to foster the society it desires.

Discussions free speech government legislation ideologies. lifestyle choice meeting the demands of liberal rule michigan parental advice parental guidance people politics raising children in the 21st century relationships rights the freedom of speech the priviledges of democracy upholding democratic principles US citizens

Meeting the Demands of Liberal Rule

There have been varying stories in the media in the formative months of 2011 that have questioned the application of democratic values in the US, and whether various governing and educational bodies are losing sight of the principles that discern a liberal rule. In particular, there appear to be issues concerning individuals who fully utilize their rights to free speech and independence of thought, especially those which infringe on the accepted conventions of society.

On the back of the news that a US teacher was temporarily suspended for expressing her opinions on her profession through an online blog, a Michigan high school this week moved to announce a gender neutral prom court for their students this Spring. This is as a reaction to an incident which first took place last fall, where a transgendered student was stripped of the homecoming king title he had been awarded by his peers.

Understanding the Restrictions on Liberal Rule

The latter set of circumstances have drawn mixed emotions from those involved, and serious criticism for the schools governing principles. Firstly, their decision to deny the student the title he had earned in the first instance was dubious in terms of its democratic merit, and their response to change the entire tradition of prom court structure seems little more than an act of ill considered political correctness to avoid negative press coverage.

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