*New* Public Service Announcement: Disaster Preparedness in Nepal_Part 5
This article analyzes crises in public education system and other public sectors, in the light of proven free market Capitalism principles of competition and choice. Highlights the fact that government monopoly on early education, just like other government monopolies, is at the heart of this issue. Shows, how people’s hard earned money is being dumped in big and inefficient government instead of being used for better purposes like education.
This article analyses human development and growth, and the role education plays in it. Provides a historical perspective. Discusses what does organised education, especially public education is meant to achieve in historical and contemporary terms. Explains, our current disappointment in public education system. Brings into focus the evolution of education systems, with special focus on the public education systems.
This article analyzes the confirmation of long suspected spying of government on reporters and its citizens, and using that data to blackmail them. Obama widely ran his 2008 campaign on the promise to stop human rights violations being committed by Bush administration. Yet, his government becomes the biggest human rights violator in American history. I do not see much difference between fascist regimes of Russia, china, Iran, Syria, Cuba, North Korea and United States, in terms of abusing their powers, violation the laws and human rights, and enforcing a harsh regime on their citizens.
This article analyzes the importance and use of criminal and public records checks for the purpose of preventing the abuse of children, senior citizens, sick, and mentally and physically disabled. Performs a deep research and analysis of statistics regarding the child abuse. Highlights the potential consequences of giving your baby or kid into the care of a person or institution, you don’t know very well.
This article covers the heated discussion and topic of separation of public and private lives, in the light of Anthony Weiner case. Discusses the historical, ideological, ethical, political and religious background of this dispute. Evaluates the role of media in it. Analyzes and compares different points of view. Brings into focus the human nature and science.