This article analyzes police violence on streets, in the light of current events in Ferguson and New York. Provides a broad and deep historical perspective. Clears the hype created by corporate media and corrupt politicians.
This article analyzes the issue of immigration reforms. Provides a historical, economic, social and political perspective. Explains, why would an easy Green Card policy be beneficial for all Americans. Emphasizes the desperate need for re-union of naturalized Americans with their families, still living in native countries. Uncovers the conflict of interest between big business and immigration reforms.
This article analyzes the issue of powers and limitations of executive and legislative branches of federal government, as outlined in constitution. Criticizes the executive orders, and president’s unconstitutional decisions to postpone or suspend the certain parts of a law, already passed by congress, and signed into law by president, as he has been doing with certain parts of Obama care. Emphasizes the fact that he can only execute the law in its entirety or get it repealed.
This article analyzes the issues with open and free markets compared to the issues in regulated markets. Provides a historical perspective. Hand picks the policies of higher taxation and minimum wage. Discusses the pros and cons of different regulatory propositions. Evaluates the principles of competition, productivity, value, wealth generation, wage determination, and success and rewards. Shows, why economic and financial equality has always been impossible.
This article analyzes history, in the light of different political and economic ideologies and point of views. Highlights the major players and their roles in good, and bad. Compares different interpretations and discusses various proposed solutions. Brings into focus the ideas of authority and freedom. Finds out, how government has been the single most common and destructive weapon, in all the destruction and havoc, ever imposed on humanity.