The Reptilian Aliens and the Council of the 13 ‘Royal’ Families | Humans Are Free
This article analyzes the concepts free markets, entrepreneurship, cooperatives, employee ownership of business and Democracy. Highlights the similarities between master and slave relationship, and owner and employee relationship. Shows, why the business structures that would share profits with employees, will be far more efficient than the businesses with hired employees. In employee ownership of business, everyone who is working, is driven by most powerful market forces like profits, freedom and competition.
This article analyzes the first amendment rights, especially in the light of abortion, freedom of speech and choice. Shows, how it applies on every day situations. Takes, in depth look on abortion related arguments. Enriches it with a very personal story. Performs a scientific review. Discusses the proven scientific facts of human Embryology, cellular and tissue biology. Brings into focus the related ethical and constitutional issues.