NASA Hiding the Evidence – Nibiru – Inter-Dimensional / Population Control – YouTube
This article analyzes the links between violence, firearms and gun control. Breaks down the British statistics in historic perspective. Cites the example of Switzerland. Effectively shows that the firearm ownership has absolutely no link to the rate of violence in a society. It is more related to the other factors like cultural norms and social structures. Evaluates the other benefits of firearms ownership. For example, safety from foreign invasion, no need for standing army, freedom and happily party culture.
This article analyzes the guns and gun violence, and related issues from constitutional, legal, ethical, human rights and safety and security standpoints. Performs an in-depth review of constitutional history, bill of rights and second amendment. Brings into focus the guns related studies. Compares the points of view of pro-guns and anti-guns lobbies and activists. Tries to find out the solutions to this log standing and highly controversial debate. Provides the background and detailed explanation of Bill of Rights and Second Amendment to United States Constitution.