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Aliens, Science, Logic, reasons, evidence, proofs

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Aliens are a very hot topic right now. The discussions regarding aliens are going on many different levels. There is logic which tells us that in such a vast universe, there is absolutely now way that we could be alone. There is history in which every single ancient culture all around the world tells us about gods descending from heavens. There are megaliths built throughout the globe with up to over a thousand tons blocks. There is Quantum mechanics which tells us that instantaneous travel and presence on multiple locations at the same time is scientifically not just possible, it happens all the time, all around us. Recent discoveries in human genetics are providing very formidable proofs of genetic manipulation on human genes in ancient times. There is art found in caves which depict astronauts and flying objects. There are also, now, millions of reports of UFO sightings, abductions and experiences, virtually from every part of the world reported by individuals, small and large groups, business professionals, scientists and average Joes.

The total number of planets in our universe is now being estimated to be in trillions. More and more planets with elliptical orbits are being found, as well. There is also evidence of planets within a new planetary system colliding with each other, forming things like Kuipers belt, smaller planets, and moons. Earth like planets now count in thousands and may be even far more than the conservative estimates. The possibility of water on many of the extrasolar planets is very strong and real. Water is even found at many places within our solar system.

We are also finding what is being called Carbon planets. Carbon is the most basic elemental component of organic life on Earth. Most old godly religions and modern religion of science are still denying the existence of aliens. What many of these speculators are keeping out of the equation are the facts that evolution can take an infinite number of different paths, right from the beginning, and there could have always been divine or other outside interventions. Many exoplanets are discovered which have oxygen and water. A large number of those planets may have appropriate distance from their star to allow temperatures adequate for life, as we know here on Earth.

Most of us grew up with one or the other organized religion. All of us were taught the ideas like we are the center of the universe or we are the God’s best creation. So, it is very hard for us to accept the fact we are not the center of the universe or God’s best creation. Accepting the possibility that universe might be swarming with more advanced and more capable life is a really hard thing to swallow. Then there are lots of people who have their status quo attached current ideas. Examples of these people are organized religions, governments, and media.
Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found by 2025, NASA’s Chief Scientist Predicts
Another huge mystery is thousands of megaliths found all around the world. Granite and other stone blocks weighing up to over thousand tons are cut out of quarries transported up to hundreds of miles across deserts rivers and marshes, to the mountains up to thousands of feet high. These blocks are cut with extreme precision, only possible by very advanced technology and machines, so that in many structures every block is different from all the others, but still, all blocks fit into each other in a way you cannot even fit a sheet of paper between stone blocks. Statues are cut, carved and made with extremely precise proportions. This type of monumental work also requires highly sophisticated designs, planning exploration, and exploitation of resources. These are without any doubt are made as permanent and everlasting historical records.

Ancient Aliens – The Evidence |S01E01| 1/2 by earthandbeyond
Aliens have never stopped coming. They are still visiting us, continuously. Tens of thousands of sighting around the world cannot be fake. Does not matter how much deceptive governments, the religion of modern science and corporate media denies these. Only blind sighted people trust these sources enough to deny such a high volume of undeniable evidence. Now the DNA studies are also proving that the life was implanted on Earth, and most probably on other planets, too, by extraterrestrial sources. DNA is just like a computer program. It has the basic code like OS on hard drive and software codes which run different functions and activities in living beings including humans.

Interview – Scientific proof: Human race was… by ETUpdates
So, there is not just lots of evidence in the favor of extraterrestrial life, it sounds really stupid to not believe in its existence. You have to be completely ignorant of true history, archeological and scientific evidence, genetics and biology, and technological principles. Only the people who are completely indoctrinated by public schools believe totally assumptions based, theoretical and unscientific mainstream history. I mean, how do people even believe the same sources in which Hollywood, major TV channels, newspapers, and magazines, books and journals were until recently telling us that it was all the fault of barbarian native American people. Books in which murderous and treacherous jerk, Columbus was a hero. Most graduates from public schools had absolutely no clue about the largest and most brutal genocide that native Americans went through. How do the people dare to turn around and say that they were going to deny all the evidence and believe on the same unreliable sources?
Just like any other historical source, I accept that there are exaggerations, inaccuracies and myth piling over time in ancient sources from Sumeria, India, Americas, Australia, Europe and the Middle East. But, only an idiot can deny that there must be a core in all of this. There has to be some fire in that smoke. Besides, there are so many similarities in cultures, historical accounts, belief systems, symbolism, archeological structures and art that it impossible for any logical thinker to assume that all these cultures evolved totally independent of each other. These huge similarities, especially in core principles are simply not possible without an extensive communication and intermingling thousands of years back.
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