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After lurking reddit for a year now… : bisexual


This is my first link so I feel that I need to share this before anything else. I am a 27 y/o male and I have been able to discover more about myself through this community. Most importantly I have become more open minded and in the spirit of that I have began to question the way I was raised. With that came introspection, debates with myself and finally some experimentation. I was able to search reddit anonymously for my questions and I always found that someone has already asked the same question I have. I just want to share with everyone that because of reddit I am now more comfortable with myself and therefore have higher self esteem. I am just all around a better person and I feel great. As I got to know reddit and it’s users I got to know myself. I read stories of success whether it be weight loss, confronting bullies, serious life changing confessions or just silly memes to cheer myself up. It inspired me to find and define myself for who I am. Reddit, for me anyways, tore down social stigma. I am here to tell you all today that because of reddit I am a former ultra conservative anti gay close minded bible thumper turned liberal bisexual agnostic. It took more than a year and I was not entirely influenced by reddit but reddit definitely accelerated my transformation or should I say discovery of my true self, spiritually and sexually. Changing a belief system that was crammed down my throat by Texan society was rough and if you guys are interested enough I’ll tell my story.

Thank you reddit My mind is at ease

TL;DR Reddit helped me to become who I am by helping me to understand myself. A liberal bisexual agnostic.

via After lurking reddit for a year now… : bisexual.

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