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Logic is the foundation of all sciences. Organized religions, including the religion of Atheism and their offshoot governments, on the other hand, are founded on blind faith and superstition. Math is the mother of all sciences, and it is a powerful tool for logic because it perfectly satisfies logic. That is why all physical sciences, such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geography, and engineering, strongly relate to math. While Math is a strong tool, unlike logic, it does have limitations. Logic can deduce inferences from universal facts, empirical data, observations, experience, results, and history, while math is relatively poor in using these tools.
Math also requires certainty. Uncertainty is poorly analyzed and predicted if data is rapidly changing, evolving, and uncertain. Logic certainly has tools that make it superior to math in these conditions. That is why Math is an effective tool in physical sciences, but its utility in social sciences is minimal. With advanced math, you can calculate when there is going to be an eclipse, the velocity with which Earth is revolving and rotating, how much water you will get if you combine specific quantities of hydrogen and oxygen, and How much protein you will your body produce with a particular input of amino acids, how much time will it take to fly from DC to Bombay, How much power your car engine needs to acquire a certain level of acceleration, etc.
However, it is nearly impossible to predict an outcome with math based on unpredictable variables like human wants, needs, choices, affordability, preferences, access, etc. How would anyone predict which store you will go to for groceries, when, what you will buy, in what quantities, and which brands? Will you go to other stores/stores as well? In many cases, you cannot accurately predict even yourself. Multiply this uncertainty by 8 billion, and you will realize how enormous and complicated this problem is. Human action, praxeology, is not physics. Human action is not like throwing a ball of this weight with this much force; it will always acquire this much velocity.
We live in societies now where four family members cannot agree on the type of bread, car model, clothing store, hardwood floors or carpet, doctor, and favorite website. How can you provide enough accurate input for any mathematical calculation of human action? The probability is near zero. This is where logic becomes handy. You can make logical conclusions like war is costly and highly destructive, welfare programs always fail, rent and price controls do not work, the minimum wage is a disaster, Taxes make people poor, etc., just by analyzing data and reading history. This is why all the attempts to deduce inferences with math in social science always provide unnatural and unrealistic conclusions. It is simply because you cannot give enough accurate mathematical input under this high level of uncertainty and unpredictability.
Physical sciences have grown significantly in the past two or three hundred years. Those have made many strides and caused miracles. They have added a lot to human wealth, happiness, health, comfort, ease, and connectivity, and a big chunk of this is Math. This is because math is the right tool for the physical sciences. But if you get too impressed with the progress made by physical sciences and then wrongfully try to implement the same mathematical tools in social sciences, you are an idiot. It is like trying to make a car with the parts of guns. The truth is that the gun parts will only make guns, and to make a car, you will need the parts of a vehicle.
Mathematical calculations are not the way to go in social sciences because you cannot have enough accurate input. In social sciences, you need logic without the intermediate step of Math, unlike physical sciences, which uses logic and math based on logic. Due to this fundamental flaw in the approach to social sciences, these sciences have become a complete disaster and logically have started to look like a joke instead of a science. The worst victim of this flawed mathematical approach to social sciences is Economics. Like physical sciences, Economics has broad and deep implications for everyday life. The illusion of mathematical foundations of social sciences has created this misconception that few know-it-all gurus are all we need, like an academy of sciences.
This has created a class of politicians, bureaucrats, media gurus, economists, and financial experts who claim to know much better than average Joes and Marys and take control of everyone’s lives. They are just as clueless as anyone else because there is no way to predict these things mathematically. A group of about four hundred economists in Washington, also known as the Federal Reserve, claims to predict everything in a highly complicated economy based on their clueless Mathematical calculations. They think and tell people that math is superior to praxeology in economics. Desires and choices do not move humans; wants, needs, temptations, and affordability have no consequences; instead, some highly presumptive Mathematical formulas move them, and because they know these formulas, equations, and calculations very well, humans must give up their free will and leave everything on these corrupt, crony, tax dependent so-called experts.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of letting interest rates, the price of money and credit, move up and down by demand and supply, just like the prices of everything else, they want to adjust the interest rates according to the whims, wishes, and desires of their corrupt politicians and crony corporations by expanding and contracting credit to the crony big banks. Instead of having accurate and natural commodity money, which takes away control from politicians, bureaucrats, and experts, they print fiat paper money, which is destroying economies, individual and family lives, businesses, vale of assets, and earning and trickling all the wealth up to the few. The primary excuses given for the existence of the Fed in 1913 were economic downturns and inflation; both have gone far worse since the creation of the Federal Reserve.