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“Problem, reaction, solution” David Icke. They need to create a trap and methods to keep people trapped forever. To attract people to a coercive authority and accept slavery, people must have a perception of a made-up problem that is way beyond their capabilities to solve. So, organized religions and governments love to create these types of issues. The purpose is not to realize a real problem or solve it. The purpose is to scare off people to the extent that they get ready to give up anything. Religion and governments take this opportunity and, with the help of crony media, tax money-dependent academia, so-called experts and gurus, technocrats, and bureaucrats, present a pre=desgned solution to that non-existing made-up problem.
Non-existing problems are not always necessary. Generating a non-existent problem is a relatively new art made possible by mass media. Before, the trend was to exploit an existing problem or impress with advanced technologies, call it a miracle or magic, and claim authority based on it. In Sumeria, the first archaeologically known human civilization, gods claimed authority because they created humans with genetic engineering, developed and owned advanced technologies, and had the power to control. Humans were told that Anunnaki were the gods and lords who came down from the heavens and whom humans must obey. They know right and wrong, good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable.
Gods were authoritative, power-hungry, controlling, waging wars for territory, demanding perfect obedience, and every god tried to subdue all the other gods. In these conflicts, humans were taxpayers and fodder for guns. Humans’ hard work ensured luxurious lives for gods, and their sacrifices in wars made it possible for gods to rule over huge territories. This is the reason why, right from the beginning, we were and are indoctrinated to consider taxes and wars as usual. This is just the way things are. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither the theft known as tax nor the human sacrifice known as war are normal. There is a natural system that evolved among humans called free markets.
The known human history of thousands of years worldwide has shown that free exchange of value can take care of everything, every need and every want, peacefully and voluntarily. There is no need to get your hard-earned money and wealth stolen and die in their conflicts and wars for territory and immoral coercive authority. It is not that humans do not realize this trap. After all, we have intelligence, logic, and reasoning capacities. Throughout the ages, we have had people with wisdom and knowledge who have shown us the light. John Locke, Menger, Bohm Bawerk, Bastiat, Mises, and Rothbard, to name a few. They have been telling us that there is no need for masters.
Humans have revolted again and again, countless times, against gods, demigods, pharoahs, kings and emperors, dictators, and so-called elected officials. But there is a fundamental issue. Humans could not get rid of the most basic indoctrination: Truth always comes from authority, and some people have birthright or otherwise to rule over and boss around Lulus. That is why humans were trapped back into the same old that was constantly pushed back on them after every epic failure with new names, terminologies and looks. Every political system that has ever existed on this planet has been an oligarchy, i.e., few people bossing around everyone else.
This may sound weird to you because you may have never heard anything like this, and you may have never thought about it, or no one has ever told you about it. The problem is that the whole system is built around this concept of slavery. In families, public schools, colleges run tax money, crony corporate media, so-called experts, and bureaucrats all reinforce the same old. Same old concepts about religion, government, school, getting a job, getting married, and raising kids. Not all of these lessons are given voluntarily, and not all are wrong under current circumstances and systems. Instead, following the rules and tradition could be the only option.
But the point is that the whole system and every person living under the system reinforce the same old. We just become cogs in the wheel. We never talk about alternatives, read about alternatives, hear about alternatives, watch about alternatives, learn about alternatives, or teach about other options. We take the system as a given. We are told and assume that life and peace are impossible without the government, while just a glance at human history can make it crystal clear that there is no war without the government. It is a purely political and costly endeavor fought for territory, authority, and tax between states that is impossible without the coercive authority of the government and stolen tax money.
Nothing even comes close to the war when we are talking about death, destruction, ruining the lives, families, businesses, and property. A for-profit company cannot even think about intentionally taking on an expensive and destructive endeavor like war. Even if it has to take on a war in self-defense, it will fight and win it most efficiently and cost-effectively. It is not the government that has no skin in the game. The government prints fiat money for the war by completely disregarding inflation and loses no customers in war. It may also potentially enroll more taxpayers and territory if it wins the war. First, a for-profit business would do its best to avoid war.
So, we must get out of this loop of rituals, blind faith, slogans, worship, and monuments. These are just the models and medals of our slavery. These are built and maintained to keep us in the loop. We must break the spell built by money stolen from us. The state is a genius idea. Our money is used to keep us enslaved. All the guns, all the personnel, all the equipment, all the surveillance, all the propaganda, all the indoctrination is done with our money. We are the true and natural sovereigns. All power and authority flow from us. We empower them, and we can take away that power whenever we want, as we have done again and again in the past virtually in every part of the world.