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Gods in Sumeria invented organized religions and states to ensure endless slavery for humans. The whole idea is beyond genius. It plays so beautifully with human psychology that you admit the gods were gods. All the parts work so much in sync that it is nearly impossible to escape the grip. You need deep insight into theology, political science, human systems and community organization, Psychology, Economics, and finance. The trap is built with so much intricacy and strong material that you need a powerful will, strength, mental capabilities and capacities, knowledge, and the power of inference and integration, which is incredibly hard to acquire and gather.
First of all, they mesmerized humans with the advanced technologies they developed. Megalithic structures were built by quarrying up to more than a thousand-ton stone, even cutting those in one piece from the bottom, transporting those up to hundreds of miles across the deserts, rivers, and uphill mountains, cutting those with magical precision in size and shape, putting together high rise buildings which have up to more than a million stones each having a different size and shape, put together, without mortar or cement in a manner that you cannot even fit a razor blade between any two stones. With their flying chariots (Spaceships) they made humans believe that gods live up in the heavens.
It was a miracle for men how they could treat the worst diseases with little elixirs, raise the dead, grow crops in vast fields and areas, domesticate even wild animals, produce hybrid living beings, including humans, produce money for exchange, and make wine. The most basic indoctrination they did to the mesmerized humans was that truth always comes from authority, not nature. So, humans started to look up to them for everything continuously. All their hopes, wishes, desires, needs, wants, and ambitions were subjected to the gods or authority. After that, they built a system of organized religions structured around each god in each area or city. There was a whole set of laws, rules, regulations, beliefs, rituals, and prayers in place, and there was no escape because the system came from gods, their creators.
They enrolled highly loyal and gifted humans as priests, the bearers and keepers of sacred knowledge directly passed down to them by gods. This knowledge comprised several facets spawning over spirituality, materialism, science (Magic), laws, wisdom, and skills. Most commoners did not have direct access to gods, so priests were the point of contact for everything in life. To get all the problems solved, to get all the disputes resolved, to get advice, to offer a prayer to gods, and for sacrifices and bounty (Donations and taxes). For all practical purposes, the priest’s words and ruling were final. All humans must unconditionally oblige the priest or priestess and obey at all costs.
The purpose of organized religions was to control humans mentally, ideologically, and psychologically. They needed another parallel system to control humans physically by force and coercion. After all, they needed slaves to run the affairs, economy, finances, and society. To produce and to pay for the lavish lifestyle of gods. This system was the government. The gods directly controlled this. It was responsible for production, enforcing so-called justice, securing the territory, waging wars, and making laws and codes. This system came into existence after the flood around twelve thousand years ago when god enlil tried to get rid of his hated loud slaves, aka humans.
God Enki with the help of Ziusudra (Noah) failed this conspiracy by teaching him to build a submarine, in which he preserved himself, his family and DNA material from major plant and animal species. After they found out that some humans had survived, the original virgin mother, Ninhursag, threatened Enlil and got the promise that something like this would never done to her children ever again. So, they started passing on knowledge to the sons and daughters of their slaves, and human civilization replaced the slave society. This was the actual kick-off. This was the beginning of the Sumerian civilization. Sumerian civilization’s achievements were no less than a miracle.
More than a hundred significant firsts in human history come from Sumeria. It is a proper slap on the face of the people who deny intervention in human history. The apologetic deniers put forward many excuses. However, there is no logical explanation for this except intervention. People supposedly living in caves so far came out of the destruction of a global flood and suddenly started doing very advanced stuff. There is no trace of the gradual learning and growth curve that you will expect from traditional explanations. Humans suddenly come out as a highly knowledgeable and skilled race. They built cities, multistory buildings, agriculture, the domestication of animals, and highly organized water and sewer systems, among other highly advanced things.
All this was incredible, thanks to the gods. But there was one catch. Humans were still trapped in the system of slavery by organized religions and governments. The end of slavery was only symbolic. They must obey the theocracy and bureaucracy. Throughout history, the system has failed countless times in virtually every part of the world. But, this did not end the system. After every epic failure, the gods or their descendent pawns renamed, rewrapped, and rebranded the same old and threw it back to humans, telling them that it is fixed and will work now when, in essence, it was always the same old composite of religion and state. Even when we separated the state from the religion on paper, they invented a new religion, Atheism, and re-labeled the same old as secular state.
So, the problem is not any particular political system or religion. Problems are the religion and state, the two most potent instruments of slavery. The solution is not to replace one religion with another or one political system with another. These are simply the instruments of slavery and serve the divide, conquer, and rule. We must dismantle the root cause of all evil on this planet, organized religions and the governments.