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Idea Makes Imagination Worthwhile and Fruitful

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The next step in the imagination is to come up with ideas. It is an idea that makes imagination worthwhile and fruitful. Humans have always had great imaginations, resulting in incredible art, discoveries, inventions, creations, innovations and entrepreneurship. It is the ideas that provide practicabilities to the imagination. Yet, no one has any clue, not even the idea gurus and the people who came up with the most significant and revolutionary ideas, where these ideas come from and how the ideas even originate.
Atheist science credits the physical brain for answering how, why, when, and where. Although many of the most fantastic ideas have come from dreams, even far more are lost because people cannot remember those dreams and the ideas that would have come from their dreams. In a moment of silence and loneliness, in the process of deep thinking, as a result of dreams and imagination, to solve a problem, to answer a question within a fraction of a second when faced with a dangerous, life-threatening situation. In most cases, nothing prior may make you credit the past, experience, learning, skills, knowledge and culture. It pops up in your mind just like a light bulb lights up.
Some practices have great ideas. Men and women have credited their ideas to Connection to the divine, meditation, drugs, especially psychedelics, fasting, specific frequencies and music, drums, etc. However, it is unclear how these stimuli can push a novel idea into a physical brain. From recipes to clothing designs, architecture, medicines and treatments, learning and teaching, science and technology, no known mechanism can even remotely explain the incredible breakthroughs humanities has gone through throughout its history.
Atheist science applies subpar methods, as usual, even in this case. For example, “Developing an original and creative idea requires the simultaneous activation of two completely different networks in the brain: the associative — “spontaneous” — network alongside the more normative — “conservative” — network; this according to new research conducted at the University of Haifa.”

Wow. It is like looking at a computer screen and saying that all these videos, audio, graphics, games, VR, and texts originate from different parts, cables, and connections inside the computer. Undoubtedly, the computer provides all that content and stuff in a format understandable to the average user, i.e., user interface, but it does not originate in the computer. A computer or Cell Phone has a receiver that captures the signal from Wi-Fi or cable. These are coming from a router. The router, in turn, is connected to the Internet provider via a satellite or a cable. The Internet provider has the equipment and devices capable of capturing input from countless servers worldwide via the World Wide Web, including wires and satellites. These servers then host many websites, videos, audio, graphics, games and pages recorded or sent live to your device by developers, designers, producers, writers, speakers and website owners. They use tons of recording equipment, microphones, editing machines, keyboards, computers, and software to produce informative and entertaining content for you. If you trace it back far enough, the idea gave rise to the Internet, computers, software, servers, content, and equipment.

However, the crystal clear fact is that everything you see on your device does not originate on your device. If you insist on that, you must demonstrate how, when and where. If you can’t, then you are wrong. Atheist science, even after a very long period of research, incredible spending of tax money, and the Involvement of countless so-called scientists at a large number of facilities in almost every part of the world, even with costly facilities like the Large Hadron Collider, is not even close to demonstrating it. They are actually behind the starting line now. However, they keep insisting that they are correct and that the well-established logical principle of cause and effect is wrong. It is a blind faith religious belief. And in fact, it is a blind faith in the worst religion of all, Atheism.

They insist that things come into existence out of nothing and, if cornered, try to trick you with a purely assumed infinity that has no scientific, mathematical, logical, evidential, reasonable or philosophical basis. It is such a gimmick that it makes you wonder, how is it still going? What keeps it going? You think you look around, you explore, you search, you investigate, you show your curiosity, and you are almost shocked to find out that just like other religions of the past, Atheism has built a complete trap precisely like the same shit different religion. It has a religion called the state, a God called government; a prophet called the president, disciples called cabinet, congress and courts, a book called the constitution and church and church schools called crony corporate media and public schools. You almost go and scream, Fcuk. Incredible! Isn’t it? This movement began as a reaction to organized religion and divine right. Its sole purpose was to set people free from that slavery forever. But look, what happened? The same movement became the most coercive religion ever.

Like George Orwell said in his famous book, 1984,.

‘War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength’.

This religion wages war for peace. In the name of freedom, they put shackles on you. Its crony corporate media and public schools do an excellent job of keeping you ignorant as hell forever. They lock you down in your homes “For your protection and safety” in the name of the Pandemic. They attack one country after the other to spread “Democracy”, which is a fraud that fails every single time, just like another Atheist fraud called socialism. They alleviate your mouth with a so-called constitution to “Guarantee your birth, eternal rights” but do not even bother to read, even once. They are accumulating a debt that even the next ten generations will be able to pay off to provide you with the “safety net” They hire goons who murder you on traffic stops in the name of protection and safety. They trick you into voting every two, four, or five years by telling you these are the most important elections of your lifetime, only to discover that nothing significant changed after any of those.


Born in 1964, business owner, from Woodbridge, VA, owns ExcitingAds! Inc. ( and blog ( He was born in Mirpurkhas, Sind, Pakistan. His elementary school was ST. Michael's Convent High School, Mirpurkhas, Sind, Pakistan. Graduated high school from ST. Bonaventure's Convent High School, Hyderabad, Sind, Pakistan. His pre-med college was S. A. L. Govt. College, Mirpurkas, Sind, Pakistan. Graduated from Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro, Sind, Pakistan in 1990. Earned equivalency certification from Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, Philadelphia, PA in 1994.