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#41 – Schrödinger’s Cat, Quantum Weirdness & Possibility = Observe “Yes” More Often | Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop

Akari Noguchi Lamps 30A/45A/55A/75A
Akari Noguchi Lamps 30A/45A/55A/75A
The Noguchi Ceiling Lamp 30A, 45A, 55A and 75A are the round Akari pendant light with a small ribbed pattern on the…[Read More]
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The paradox of Schrödinger’s cat is indeed weird. It demonstrates that in a hypothetical experiment – in the world of the quantum – a live cat put in a box with radioactive decay that could possibly be released and therefore kill the cat, experiences two different wave forms superimposed on each other. In other words,Read more

Source: #41 – Schrödinger’s Cat, Quantum Weirdness & Possibility = Observe “Yes” More Often | Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop

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