Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity crisis democracy Discussions economy Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Individuals Interference Knowledge. leadership Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Partnerships Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival trust United States

Leadership, Crisis, Economy, Interference, Individuals, Partnerships,

This article analyzes the crisis of true and sincere leadership in United States, in the light of currently worsening domestic financial, and international relations crises. Exposes, how the centralization of power in few hands is corrupting and crippling our precious institutions.

Abuse Advertising Aid Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution corruption Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections environment Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships Republican Russia science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. Ukraine United States war

Ukraine, Russia, U.S., Corruption, War, Aid

This article analyzes the crisis hitting Ukraine, in the light of currently mounting tensions between Russia and United States. Brings into focus the causes, and potential consequences and solutions for this very dangerous international conflict.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Comprehension Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lake Lobbies Media Myopia New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Of Opinion or Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Opinion: Myopia or Lake of Comprehension

This article analyzes the issues of poverty and prosperity, in the light of ideological divide between Capitalism and Socialism. Provides a broad and deep, logical and historical context. Compares free market solutions with collectivist ideals.

Abuse Advertising Articles Attacks Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections Evolution government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. liberties Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Surveillance Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Surveillance, Liberties, Terrorism, Government, Constitution, Attacks

This article analyzes the financial, economic, social and ethical cost of unending wars, in the light of recent massive U.S. government related surveillance scandals. Raises and amplifies some basic questions regarding the huge, overall mess created by this worrisome situation.

Abuse Advertising Ally Arabia Articles Backgrounds Blog Bush change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions Elections environment Evolution family George Bush Great human human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics pollution Process records Reforms relationships religion rights Saudi Screening searches Survival terrorism trust U.S. United States war

Saudi Arabia, Human Rights, U.S. Ally?

This article analyzes the the extremist and intolerant Wahhabi Islam, in the light of consistent human rights violation in Saudi Arabia. Provides a broad and deep historical perspective. Spells out the reasons for us looking away when it comes to the worst situation in that country.

1997 2014 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution Great ideologies. individual Indonesia Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Ruble Rupiah Russia Screening searches Survival trust United States war

Russia, Ruble, 2014, Indonesia, Rupiah, 1997

This article analyzes the rapid fall in value of Russian currency, Ruble, in the light of recent, deep fall in oil prices. Discusses the issue in terms of global economics. Explains, why better global cooperation in trade and less confrontation is better for the well-being of everyone.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance Effects Evolution Fed Great ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies markets Media money New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies policy politics President Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Statements Survival Taxes trust United States war

Fed, Statements, Policy, Effects, Money, Markets

This article analyzes central banks, known as Federal Reserve in United States, in the light of growing debt and budget deficits in United States. Provides a deep insight into the money generation and printing process.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal Cronyism Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family global warming. government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics pollution Process records Recovery Reforms relationships Republican rights Screening searches Shutdown Survival Taxes taxes technology terrorism trust tyranny United States war Welfare

Government, Shutdown, Welfare, Cronyism, Taxes, Tyranny

This article analyzes the adverse social and economic effects of big government. Shows, how the increasing authority of big government leads to corruption, cronyism and tyranny. Points out to the fact that a big government must tax to death to fund its ever growing operations and needs.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget capitalism change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal Cuba Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Embargo employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Socialism Survival Taxes technology trade trust U.S. United States

Cuba, U.S., Trade, Embargo, Capitalism, Socialism

This article analyzes the benefits of friendship and cooperation, in the light of recent developments between U.S. and Cuba. Highlights the human cost of embargoes, sanctions and trade barriers. Discusses the need for tariffs and barriers free, global trade.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies loss Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights school Screening searches shooting Sports Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war

Pakistan School Shooting, Terrorism, Deaths, Loss

This article analyzes the ever growing problem of violence in our lives, in the light of recent sad incidences school shooting in Pakistan and shooting of people by police in United States. Explains, why governments should not have the rights, an individual can never have.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal crisis debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution Fed Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media Monetary New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression Recovery Reforms rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust unemployment United States

Fed, Monetary, Economy, Crisis, Debt, Unemployment

This article analyzes the effects of Keynesian and monetary policies on economic recovery process, in the light of current dismal, slow and prolonged recovery. Highlights the negative effects of market interventions before and after the crash.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds bailouts Blog Budget capitalism change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions Dodd-Frank economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution financial Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Losses Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Profits Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Capitalism, Financial, Profits, Losses, Bailouts, Dodd-Frank

This article provides a retrospective view of ongoing dismal recovery from 2007-2008 great recession, and compares it with alternative free markets, no intervention scenario. Highlights the adverse effects of artificial inflation maintained by liberal fiscal and monetary policies. Shows, why deflation is absolutely necessary for a quick and strong recovery from crash, in the times of crises. Discusses in details, the natural market correction mechanisms in free market Capitalism.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Equality Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal Incentives individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Opportunities Policies politics poverty Process Prosperity records Reforms rights Screening searches Survival taxation Taxes technology trust United States

Equality, Opportunities, Taxation, Incentives, Prosperity, Poverty

This article analyzes the issues of prosperity and poverty, in the light of inequality in our society. Explains the working and success of open and free markets. Exposes the factors distorting and destroying the free markets. Sheds light on problems created by government interference in free markets. Shows, how equality of opportunities and inequality of results ends up helping everyone involved and equality of results takes away the incentive, making everyone a loser.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family George Bush ideologies. Illegal individual Iran Iraq Jobs Knowledge. Libya Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan Peace Policies politics Process records Recovery Reforms relationships Republican republicans rights Screening searches Survival Syria Taxes technology terrorism trust United States war wars

Wars, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Republicans

This article analyzes the ongoing wars since September 11, 2001, in the light of current escalations against ISIS, in Syria and Iraq. Provides a historical perspective, and performs a broader, theoretical cost and benefit analysis. Highlights the sad fact that we are wasting incredible amount of resources in fighting the enemies which do not have any capability to attack us in foreseeable future. Shows that we are fighting for goals which have never been successfully achieved in human history.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution fear global warming. ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Probability Process Reality Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches Stats Survival Taxes technology terrorism Threats trust United States war

Threats, Fear, Reality, Stats, Probability, Rights

This article analyzes the anatomy and physiology of human responses to fear, in the light of recent abuse by fear mongering politicians and corporate media of these responses. Provides an in depth scientific perspective. Shows, how to react optimally against these stimuli of fear. Highlights the methods of fear mongering, performs a scientific analysis of those methods and responses invoked. Compares intelligent responses with emotional reactions.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks china choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Courts Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions Dumping economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Non-market Policies politics Process protectionism records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust U.S. United States

Economy, Non-market, Dumping, Protectionism, U.S., China

This article analyzes the economic, business and consumer damages caused by protectionism in United States, in the light of current AD duties placed on Chinese imports. Sharply criticizes the the AD duties option in WTO charter, non-market economy, NME, status of China and its abuse mostly by U.S. and other major developed western economies. Highlights the fact that China is not even a non-market economy, anymore.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget business. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deficit Demand Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Infrastructure Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Screening searches spending Supply Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Supply, Demand, Spending, Government, Infrastructure, Business

This article analyzes the supply and demand side arguments to combat an economic crises, in the light of current slow and dismal recovery from 2007-2009 recession. Explains, how and why,the creativity and innovation of entrepreneurs and inventors creates new markets, jobs and growth friendly environment, not the artificial demand created by government infrastructure projects. Highlights the adverse effects of deficit financing and increased taxation required for infrastructure projects.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Meat Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics pollution Prices Process protectionism Recession recession. depression records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Tariffs Taxes trade trust United States

Trade, Protectionism, Tariffs, Competition, Prices, Meat

This article analyzes the effects of trade barriers and immigration policy on economy and jobs, in the light of recent WTO rulings. Highlights, how governmental and special interest collide with the interests of common people when it comes trade and immigration. Effectively shows, why open trade and immigration are good for everyone. Explains the direct and constructive relationship between trade and immigration, and jobs and growth.

Abuse Advertising Articles Authority Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks china choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution corruption Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family freedom government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism Transparency trust United States war

Government, Authority, Corruption, Transparency, Freedom, China

This article analyzes the rampant corruption in governments, worldwide, in the light of 2014 Heritage Foundation’s report on economic freedom. Highlights the fact that U.S. is being ranked at number 12. Shows that this is a very strong sign of declining individual empowerment in United States. Effectively discusses the nature of direct relationship between authority and corruption. Explains, why freedom works better for everyone.

Abuse Advertising Airbnb Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Iowa jobs. Knowledge. Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms Regulations relationships Rentals rights Roosevelt Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Regulations, Government, Economy, Jobs, Airbnb, Rentals

This article analyzes the vested interests of status quo in current economy and promising future of share economy, in the light of current government crack down on share entrepreneurs. Highlights the fact that it is creativity and innovation of entrepreneurs which has always changed world, not government regulations, and tax driven programs and policies. Provides a wide and deep perspective from American and World history.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget businesses change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Individuals jobs. Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes taxes trust United States war

Taxes, Individuals, Businesses, Jobs, Growth, Government

This article analyzes the effects of taxation and big government on growth rates by comparing the first first half of American history with the second half. Provides, real world examples from real and proven history. Exposes the liberal gimmicks based on manipulations of number and data within a smartly selected period of time. Explains, why replacing one regulation with another, doesn’t work. Emphasizes that to prevent any further disaster, we need a radical change in our taxation policies and size of government.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Conservative Conspiracies Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections Evolution Extortion Fines government Great Growth Hijacking ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual IRS Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Roosevelt science Screening searches Survival taxes terrorism trust United States war

Taxes, Fines, Government, Extortion, IRS, Conspiracies

This article analyzes the conspiracy theories and governments’ monopoly on power in the light of recently growing U.S. militaristic involvement in many countries around the world. Highlights the fact that only individuals are supposed to have monopoly on power, not the governments. The institution of government is supposed to serve individuals, not the other way around. Governments are public servants, not the masters.

Abuse Advertising arms Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizens Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions employment. Evolution family government Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Military New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches spending Survival Taxes trust United States war

Spending, Constitution, Arms, Military, Citizens, Government

This article analyzes the philosophy of freedom, in the light of authority enjoyed and exercised by the institution of government. Explores the role of media and education system in continuation of this modern form of slavery. Provides extremely logical and reasonable arguments. Explains why government is inherently suppressive. Discusses the origin and history of government. Cites very obvious examples of job creation and right to bear arms.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Energy Europe Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Russia sanctions Screening searches Siloviki Survival Taxes trust U.S. United States war

Russia, Siloviki, Europe, Energy, U.S., Sanctions

This article analyzes U.S. and E.U. sanctions on Russia, in the light of recent developments in Ukraine. Highlights the fact that risking a war with Russia could be an absolute disaster for world and already over stretched United States. Explains facts which show that both sides are right and wrong. Expresses the sadness over global development of viewing Russia as a symbol for resistance to American Imperialism.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Decades environment Evolution global warming. Great Hoax ideologies. Illegal individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media models New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics pollution Process records Reforms relationships religion rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology Temperatures trust United States warming.

Climate, Warming, Models, Decades, Temperatures, Hoax

This article analyzes the burning issue of climate change, in the light of recent International summit on climate change. Puts pieces together in the struggle between forces of freedom and forces of power grab. Explains, why non-science of man made climate change is so idiotic. Exposes vested interests in this multi-trillion dollar hoax. Highlights the fact that liberal media and politicians have extra-ordinary interest and bias this outstandingly fraudulent scheme.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog businesses change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Coverage Creativity Criminal Discussions Dropouts economy economy. finance employment. Evolution Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Individuals Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Mandates Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obamacare Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Obamacare, Mandates, Individuals, Businesses, Coverage, Dropouts

This article analyzes the efficacy of a freedom based economic system versus government and laws in creating jobs and prosperity. Provides a wide and deep historical perspective. Highlights Obamacare and minimum wage laws. Explains, why free economic activity is far superior than childish protection and welfare laws. Exposes the damaging effects of government regulations on job markets. Cites examples from international markets.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution Great ideologies. India individual Kashmir Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan Peace people Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Scotland Screening searches Secede Survival Taxes trust war

Scotland, People, Secede, India, Pakistan, Kashmir

This article analyzes the idea of economic and political freedom, in the light of recent events in Scotland. Provides a very broad and deep historical perspective. Compares different political options available. Explains that the individual freedom is not an expression of geographical boundaries. It is an expression of economic and political ideologies and systems people living under. You are not free, unless as an individual you are free to determine the way you want to live.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Britain Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Creativity Criminal Currency debt Deficit democracy Discussions E.U. economy economy. finance Elections Evolution freedom Great Growth ideologies. individual Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Scotland Screening searches Survival trust

Scotland, Freedom, Economy, Currency, Britain, E.U.

This article analyzes the the referendum for Scotland’s freedom scheduled to be held on September 18, 2014. Discusses different aspects of freedom and Nationalism. Highlights the circumstances under which the franchise is being held, and its short and long term consequences, in either case. Brings into focus the politics of whole issue. Explains the roles and modes of operation for yes and no campaigns.

Abuse Advertising Articles Authority Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition congress Constitution constitution Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution executive ideologies. Illegal individual ISIS Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes terrorism trust United States war

ISIS, War, Constitution, Authority, Executive, Congress

This article analyzes the distribution of power under constitution of United States of America. Shows, why is it critical for all citizens including government officials to abide by constitution and law under all circumstances. Provides a very wide based and deep historical perspective. Describes the potential cost and consequences of constitutional violations. Reminds the oath to protect, preserve and defend constitution.

Abuse Advertising Articles Asia Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks china choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions E.U. economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion rights Russia Screening searches Survival technology trust U.S. Ukraine United States war

U.S., China, Russia, Ukraine, E.U., Asia

This article analyzes the the recent developments in Ukraine and Asia, in the light of Chinese refusal to participate in sanctions against Russia, highly appreciated by Putin. Highlights the U.S. foreign policy failures around the world. Shows, why a better economic environment at home is a far better policy than annoying the others. Brings into focus the building tensions with two geopolitical giants in world.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal Discussions economy economy. finance education Elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Non-profit Obama Policies politics private Process public Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships rights Scholarships Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Education, Choice, Public, Private, Non-profit, Scholarships

This article analyzes crises in public education system and other public sectors, in the light of proven free market Capitalism principles of competition and choice. Highlights the fact that government monopoly on early education, just like other government monopolies, is at the heart of this issue. Shows, how people’s hard earned money is being dumped in big and inefficient government instead of being used for better purposes like education.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog business. change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Competition Constitution Consumer Cost Creativity Criminal democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs jobs. kids Knowledge. Living Lobbies Media Minimum New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust United States Wage

Wage, Minimum, Living, Cost, Jobs, Business

This article analyzes the links between business, cost of production, consumer, prices, wages, unemployment and government regulations in the light of currently hot discussion on minimum wages, going on big media, political and government circles and in between economists. Provides the economic and political perspectives. Highlights the real issues and explains why those are being overlooked by big media and politicians.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Central change cheating choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Discussions economy economy. finance Evolution family freedom Great Growth human ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Nature New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Planning Policies politics Process Progressives records Reforms religion rights Screening searches Survival technology trust United States

Progressives, Planning, Central, Nature, Human, Freedom

This article compares individual freedom with central planning. Shows, why free market capitalism is superior to all forms of collectivism. Provides a broad and deep historical perspective. Discusses the human nature and motivation based on profit and reward. Highlights the impossibility of effective and comprehensive central planning due to the vastness and complexity of human actions and economic activity.

Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog budget Budget Celebrations change checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Creativity debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal India individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Media Modi New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms reforms relationships rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust

India, Economy, Modi, Budget, Reforms, Growth

This article analyzes the Indian economy and its prospects in the light of recent developments. Finds out how much the current government is in line with its election promises of opening up Indian markets. While it is very clear that government is not taking big bang reformation steps, yet, the movement could very well be in right direction. Sheds light on general political and economic environment in past and at present.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions Drugs Drugs. economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media Militarization New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Peace Police Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships religion rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States war

U.S., Police, Militarization, Constitution, Terrorism, Drugs.

This article analyzes the issue of ever increasing militarization of U.S. law enforcement agencies, in the light of current incidents. Provides a detailed constitutional and historical perspective. Brings into focus the never ending, costly, useless and baseless domestic and foreign wars. Sheds light on unfortunate fact that U.S. government wants to solve every real and perceived problem with a new war.

Abuse Advertising Antisemitism Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Constitution Creativity Criminal Deaths Discussions environment Evolution family Great hate ideologies. Illegal individual Israel kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics Prejudice Process racism records Reforms relationships religion rights Screening searches Survival technology terrorism trust violence war

Antisemitism, Israel, Hate, Religion, Prejudice, Violence

This article analyzes the old controversy between love and hate, in the light of recent incidents in Middle East and Ferguson, Mo. Forces readers to think about and try to find a clear cut answer to some basic questions, at the bottom of such controversies. Help identify the skewed version of thought, talk and action, prevailing in human societies. Reveals the fact that major drivers of thought and action could be, and are misguiding.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Clinton coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fraud George Bush Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Policies politics Privatization Process records Reforms rights Screening searches Shortfall SSDI Survival Taxes trust United States

SSDI, Shortfall, Fraud, Privatization

This article analyzes the issues related to Social Security Insolvency, recently brought into focus by trustees’ report. Highlights the fact that only viable, affordable and long term solution is to provide Americans with choices to continue with the system, invest in alternative private portfolios or to take charge of their own destiny and completely opt out the system. This tough solution will end the continuation of failed system.

2012 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition Creativity Criminal Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fraud Great Growth ideologies. individual Insolvency Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Policies politics Privatization Process records Reforms reforms rights Screening searches security social Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Social Security Insolvency, Reforms, Fraud, Privatization

This article analyzes the retirement options for Americans, in the light of rapidly ongoing, current depletion of funds in Social Security reserves. Explores causes and solutions to the problem. Brings into focus the inherent structural deficiencies in Social Security System. Compares it with other options like privatization. Criticizes the current policy of kicking empty can down the road, being practiced both major political parties and major media outlets.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget Busses Cars change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Climate coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Convenience Cost Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution global warming. Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Policies politics Process records Reforms relationships rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology Trains Transport trust United States

Transport, Cost, Convenience, Trains, Busses, Cars

This article compares the government based and free market based solutions for current environmental crisis. Explains that regulatory solutions are unnatural, sudden, expensive, hard to accommodate, and are based on trickle up economy, supported by rich and powerful lobbies in Washington. On the other hand, free market based solutions are natural, inexpensive, slow and adjustable with not cost to tax payers and no lobbying required.

Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer County Courts Creativity Criminal Deaths debt Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family Fast Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual international Jobs jobs. kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Obama Peace Policies politics President Process Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships Republican rights science Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology Track trade Trans-Pacific trust United States war

Trade, International, Trans-Pacific, Fast Track, Jobs

This article analyzes the issues attached to international and regional trade agreements, in the light of proposed trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific trade and investment agreements, being negotiated, recently. Provides a broader and deeper historical perspective. Discusses the Economics and finances of trade. Highlights its effects on job creation, quality of products and services, creativity, innovation, standards of living and prices.