Articles background Blog choice Comments Criminal Deaths debt Discussions employment. family individual investigation Knowledge. marriages News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people phone relationships religion search Survival technology trust United States

Criminal Background Investigation and Search

This article analyzes the criminal background investigation and search providing websites and other online and offline services. We need to understand that the world is much smaller and crumbled, now. Contrary to old days, specially in big cities, everyone has to deal with strangers, almost everyday, for different personal and business related reasons.

Articles Bachmann Blog candidates Climate Comments Constitution Deaths debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Michele News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Peace politics pollution presidentail relationships religion Republican rights science technology terrorism United States war

Michele Bachmann: A Detailed Analysis

This article sheds light on the life, history, views and political activism of Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota rep. and Republican presidential candidate for 2012 run to White House. She is a very strong conservative, Tea Party supporter, who opposes gay marriages, abortion rights and president Obama’s health care reforms.

Articles Blog change choice Comments Constitution constitution. change debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics religion renew. rights Survival technology trust U.S. United States update war

Constitution: Do We Need New?

This article analyzes the proposal and discussion regarding the need to update U.S. constitution. Discusses the pros and cons of this process and need. Tries to find out root causes of the initiation of this discussion and proposal. Provides a historical perpective to this topic and adds contemporary facts and factors to the discussion.

Articles Blog change cheating choice Comments democracy Discussions family human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. life marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics private public relationships religion rights Survival trust

Ethics: Public and Private Life

This article covers the heated discussion and topic of separation of public and private lives, in the light of Anthony Weiner case. Discusses the historical, ideological, ethical, political and religious background of this dispute. Evaluates the role of media in it. Analyzes and compares different points of view. Brings into focus the human nature and science.

Articles Blog candidates change choice Comments debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance elections employment. family ideologies. IMF individual kids Knowledge. marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. party Peace politics presidential. racism relationships religion Republican rights Survival terrorism trust United States war

Republican Candidates: 2012 Presidential Race

This article performs a critical analysis of Republican Party potentials for 2012 presidential elections. Analyzes the records, profiles, personalities, styles and eligibility of Republican hopefuls. Provides a definitive perspective to this race under current economic, financial, political, national and international landscape.

Articles assets Blog change choice Climate coalition Comments Deaths debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan Peace politics pollution racism relations relationships religion rights science Survival technology terrorism trust United States war

Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets And Us, Part 4

This is the fourth and final in this series of articles and concludes discussion regarding concerns in western world, about safety and security of Pakistan’s nuclear technology, assets, weapons and facilities and foreign policy elements on this issue. Emphasizes the value of mutual trust in relationships. Brings into focus the other side of picture, as well, mostly hidden from Western, specially American, audience.

Articles Blog change choice coalition Comments Deaths debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan Peace politics relationships religion rights science Survival technology terrorism United States war

Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets And Us, Part 3

This article is the third in a series of articles on international concerns regarding Pakistan’s nuclear assets, weapons and facilities. It provides a vast historical, cultural, economic, strategic and current background to this intense and heated discussion. Tries to paint a comprehensive and complete picture of the issues.

Articles assets Blog Celebrations change choice Climate coalition Comments Deaths debt democracy Discussions economy. finance environment family ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan politics pollution relationships religion rights science Survival technology terrorism United States war weapons

Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets And Us, Part 2

This article is second in a series on Pakistan’s nuclear assets, technology, weapons, capabilities, their security, and international and U.S. concern about it. It provides a historical, cultural, humanitarian, geographical and tactical perspective to the issue. Shows important details about Pakistan and reveals the aspects unknown to most readers.

Articles assets Blog change choice coalition Comments Deaths debt democracy Discussions economy economy. finance ideologies. individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nuclear Pakistan politics relationships religion rights science Survival technology terrorism United States war weapons

Pakistan’s Nuclear Assets And Us, Part 1

This article emphasizes on the basic knowledge about Pakistan, it’s strategic value, culture, strengths and weaknesses. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country in the world with seventh largest military force. Pakistan covers an area that is roughly equal to the area covered by United Kingdom and France, combined.

Articles Blog casualties change choice coalition Comments Deaths democracy Discussions economy economy. finance environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Libya News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan politics pollution relationships religion rights Survival United States war wars

Over 6000 Coalition Deaths, What? Part 2

This article is the second and last on this series on loss of life, money and property in U.S. wars. Discusses in datail the pros and cons of these adventures. Highlights the the fact that we, in fact, continue to lose, as opposed to getting anything out of these. Brings into focus the the arguments provided in the favor of these costly missions, by United States government and other involved parties.

Articles Blog Celebrations change choice Comments Deaths democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. family ideologies. individual Iraq. Afghanistan kids Knowledge. Libya Memorial News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan politics relationships religion rights Survival terrorism United States war

Over 6000 Coalition Deaths, What? Part 1

This article analyzes the casualties and death toll in post 9/11 war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan. Finds out, if it is worth the cost, including the serious human cost. Highlights the facts, how false propaganda and dirty politics from our political and media leaders, has lead us to useless and endless, costly wars with mostly no results so far.

Articles Blog Celebrations change choice Comments day Discussions economy economy. finance family ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Memorial News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics racism religion rights Survival terrorism United States war world

Memorial Day, Remembering The Fallen, Part 2

This article is second and last of the series of articles on the occasion of Memorial Day, 2011. It provides a very detailed account of the misery, destruction, killings, deaths and massacres caused by World War Two. Performs a very good criticism of war. Analyzes the real loss of life and property behind the numbers.

Articles Blog change choice Climate Comments Discussions economy economy. finance empathy environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. love News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics pollution relationships religion resilience rights science strength Survival United States war

Survival, Strength, Resilience, Empathy, Love

This article overviews the the stories of survival, strength, resilience, empathy and love, published in different media, on different occasions, with special emphasis on stories from Joplin, Missouri, after the destruction caused by deadliest tornado in U.S. history. Finds out, how important it is for us to possess the sense of belonging and community in our daily lives and during the disasters, like this one.

Articles Blog change choice Climate Comments crisis debt Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment family global warming. ideologies. IMF individual international kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Pakistan politics pollution relationships religion rights science terrorism U.K. U.S. United States war

U.S., U.K., Wars, Mutual Interests

This article analyzes the international debt and U.S. financial crisis, their relationship Afghanistan, Iraq and Libyan war and attacks on Pakistan, in the light of U.S. and U.K. relationships and president Obama’s recent visit to Europe, specially U.K. Highlights the recklessness of U.S. and U.K. leaders in handling the financial and debt crises.

activity Articles Blog change choice Climate Comments Discussions economy economy. finance environment family global warming. human ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics pollution religion science United States

Weather Related Disasters, Climate Change

This article analyzes the enormous body of evidence, data, reports, research material and articles, in the favor of vastly accelerated climate change induced by human activity, in the light of recent ecological disasters. Provides a basis to think over and reach an informed conclusion, as opposed to the conclusions just based on, “what I heard.”

Articles Blog change choice Climate Comments Discussions economy economy. finance environment family global warming. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics pollution religion rights severe tornadoes United States weather.

Tornadoes, Disasters and Climate Change

This article provides an overview of the devastation caused by tornadoes and severe weather related incidences, in Mid-west and Southeast of United States, and the other parts of the world. Tries to separate propaganda from scientific evidence, proofs, studies, reports and surveys. Filled with authentic research and references.

Articles Blog cheating choice Comments Discussions family human sexuality IMF individual kids Knowledge. marriage marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics relationships religion rights sex United States

Cheating, Sex, Marriage and Monogamy

This article analyzes the key concepts of cheating, sex, marriage and monogamy, in the light of current events and news. Discusses the eternal conflict between nature, intelligence, ethics, religion and traditions. Brings into focus the historical evolution of various values persisting in different societies and cultures.

Articles assault Blog chief choice Comments Discussions economy economy. finance employment. environment finance global warming. ideologies. IMF individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics pollution religion rights

IMF, It’s Chief, Big Banks

This article analyzes the global economic and financial impacts of IMF policies. Addresses the issues like strict monetarism of IMF, causing food, health and environmental disasters in poor countries. Highlights the fact, how IMF supports big corporations by forcing these countries to reduce taxes on big businesses, while, increasing taxes on individuals.

Articles Bin Blog choice Comments democracy Discussions economy economy. finance ideologies. individual Knowledge. Laden. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Osama Pakistan politics relationships religion rights terrorism

Bin Laden’s Revenge and Pakistan

This article analyzes the global terrorist activities and terrorist activities in Pakistan, in particular. Also, discusses the current enhanced wave of terrorist activities in Pakistan, in the light of Bin Laden’s death. Shades a spotlight on the role of media and politicians in it. Provides a definitive perspective to terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Articles Blog choice Comments crimes democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. hate ideologies. individual Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics racism religion rights terrorism violence

Crimes, Hate, Racism and Terrorism

This article provides a very broad based perspective on hate crimes, around the world. Analyzes and compares the different forms and types of hate crimes that exist in our lives. Points out to our attitude towards these crimes and the inherent bias in it. It is packed with authentic data and references. Uncovers a unique angle to think and look at this issue.

Articles Bin Blog choice Comments democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. ideologies. individual Knowledge. Laden. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Osama politics religion rights terrorism war

Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan, Part 3

This is the third and last article in a series of articles, regarding Osama Bin Laden’s death, Pakistan and it’s role in war on terror and Bin Laden’s death. It provides a very broad historical and evidential perspective, and appeals to logic and reason. It avoids and challenges the most speculations and assumptions, prevailing in media nd politics, right now.

Articles Bin Blog choice Comments democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Laden. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Osama Pakistan politics religion rights terrorism United States

Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan, Part 2

This is second part of the series of articles on Osama Bin Laden’ death, Pakistan and it’s role role in war against terror and Osama Bin laden’ death. The article provides a in depth analysis of the situation, with a very broad historical perspective and evidence. Article is filled with statistcs and facts, compared to the pure opinions, being widely published in media, right now.

Articles Bin Blog choice Comments democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections 2010: Commit to Vote. ideologies. individual Knowledge. Laden. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Osama Pakistan politics relationships religion rights terrorism

Osama Bin Laden And Pakistan, Part 1

This article provides a in depth and historical analysis of U.S. – Pakistan relations and Pakistan’s role in global war on terror. Article analyzes the global political, economic and financial issues related to this topic. It draws the bigger and whole picture of the issue, as opposed to the tunneled and narrow view presented by most media and politicians.

alcohol consumption alcoholism alcoholism amongst youngsters Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age blast choice combating social issues democracy democratic rule Discussions family ideologies. kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships religion rights rleationships snoop dog social issues social issues in a democracy US citizens US government

Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age

Alcoholism is something that carries both a national and global concern, and is seemingly becoming prevalent across a younger social demographic. Both the US and UK have had specific incidents recently which have raised concerns about both the attitudes towards drinking and each notions methodology for regulating the consumption of alcohol amongst their citizens. This week was especially prominent, as the US along saw an infant aged 4 treated for alcohol ingestion, while up to 17 states are currently canvasing drinks producers Pabst Brewing Co. to refrain from marketing their beverages to a youthful market.

While the former incident occurred in Chicago and was the latest in a spate of nationwide incidents where children have consumed alcohol in public restaurants, the latter responds to a brand new drink promoted by rapper Snoop Dog. A malt based beverage called Blast, it comes in a variety of vibrant fruit flavors while boasting packaging and marketing material that is suited to a younger audience, yet it actually contains an exceptionally potent 12 percent of alcohol and is stronger than a typical can of beer.

A Lack of Responsible Awareness

The issue of alcohol consumption is not just a problem in the US, and recent events in the UK saw an 8 year old commence treatment for alcoholism after growing up in a family of negligent elders who were heavy and irresponsible drinkers. This may be the formation of a troubling global trend in terms of the social attitudes towards drinking, whereby it may become something entirely anti-social amongst teenagers and young adults. This manifests itself in alternative social issues, such as violent crime and health afflictions.

choice democracy democratic rule discrimination. Discussions education education in dealing with social issues federal government hate groups in the us high school ideologies. intolerance News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships religion religious intolerance rights should everyone retain the right to vote? social issues society tackling social issues the righ to vote The Right to Vote and US Citizens the right to vote in a democracy the role of democracy in society US citizens US government US society

The Right to Vote and US Citizens

The right to vote is a freedom afforded by democratic rule, and has seen many civil conflicts fought to establish or maintain its integrity. While different social demographics have historically been denied this right on the grounds of race or sex at some time or another, the contemporary idea of democracy is inclusive of all individual factions and their belief systems, and seeks to discriminate against no single group or social circumstance. However, if we accept that the idea of voting is a privilege afforded by democracy, then there is an argument to ensure that citizens have earned and appreciate this right.

Balancing Democracy With the Well Being of the Country

While it is undoubtedly undemocratic and abhorrent to discriminate against voters on the generic grounds of race or sex, this is because it degenerates a specific social group without genuine purpose or foundation. However, this does not necessarily mean that every individual should automatically be afforded the right to vote, especially where they have chosen to segregate themselves from general society or hold divisive views that oppose the principles of democratic rule.

A similar logic applies to those who have a minimal interest in or knowledge of politics, who although retain the right not to vote are often pressurized by social expectation to do so. In this instance, individuals may vote without a broad or appreciable understanding of the prevalent social issues, which means that their input is misdirected and that the chosen government of the US may not be a reflection of their true support. Put simply, the drive to ensure that citizens vote could prove to be detrimental to the integrity of the final result.

Any of these circumstances can deter the course of democracy, and create a situation where the elected government regime is either unrepresentative or reflects the interests of those opposed to democracy. What the US and other democratic nations therefore need to assess is whether allowing everyone the right to vote is in the interests of society as a whole, and whether creating stipulations for eligibility could ever be enforced in a liberal rule. What must be elevated above all else is the integrity of the election process, and the importance of selecting a desired government.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic recovery economy family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. passing law in a democracy people politics reducing the budget deficit reducing the deficit relationship relationships religion the budget shortfall The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown US government

The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown

Of all the uncertainties that exist in the contemporary world, you would not include the function of your government as being amongst them. Regardless of the popularity of it’s actions or the results of their decision making processes, the government are omni-present in our day to day existence, making conscious and considered strides towards a state of sustained prosperity. However, as democratic and republican representatives failed to reach a budgetary agreement this week, the US is now facing up to the prospect of a partial federal shut down.

The US government have until midnight on Friday to reach an adequate compromise, and ultimately present a clear and concise expenditure plan to ease the nation through its period of economic recovery. However, with warring political factions at odds over the course the country should take and who is responsible for the vast budget shortfall, an agreement seems to be moving further away from the grasp of those who seek to protect the citizens of the US.

An Need for Compromise

Significantly, both parties are opposed in exactly how to reduce the budget deficit, and which areas of public spending should be cut to negate the crippling economic shortfall. While this is understandable when you consider the conflicting principles of each party and their own individual interests, this verbal war of attrition is influenced by other less relevant factors. Of these, the apportioning of blame and responsibility for the nations fiscal woes appears as the most significant.

9/11 911 and the US choice democracy Discussions family honoring the victims of 911 ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. pans to honor the victims of 911 people relationship relationships religion rights te consequences of terrorism terrorism terrorism in the US the war on terror US citizens US government. Honoring the Victims of 911

Honoring the Victims of 911

The tragedy of the September 11th attacks is something that will never truly dissipate, even through the relentless march of time and progress, and its effects are still felt on a significant level by the families of all involved. Subsequently, there are occasional instances or situations which prompt an emotional response from the survivors and the families of the dead, and stir painful memories of the loss they have endured. While these are regrettable, they remind a nation and a government the importance of handling any affairs affiliated with 911 with the care and attention they require.

A New Memorial for 911 Survivors

This week, as plans were announced to house the unidentified remains of those who died at ground zero in the lower level of a commemorative museum, protests erupted from afflicted family members and advocates who claimed they were not consulted by US authorities concerning the exact location of the repository. This is at odds with the assertions of the US government, who maintain that dialogue has been going with the respective families since 2006, and that the response they have received has largely been positive.

Put simply, protesters have claimed that such a decision can not be made without the express permission of each and every family member, regardless of whether a majority consensus feels that the plans are both wise and well considered. In addition, there are further concerns that the main entrance to the museum is the same one which will grant mourners access to the repository, although the designers have taken great care to assert that the two are entirely separate entities. Despite this, some of the families have already revealed their support for the plans, claiming them to be respectful and designed to be sensitive to mourners needs.

bangladesh choice civilization contemporary society death of girl in bangladesh democracy Discussions Elevating Law Above Religion Enforcing Law Above and Beyond Religion fatwa global community global news ideologies. Law as the Most Suitable Social Moderator News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships religion religious killing in bangladesh religious rulings rights US citizens

Elevating Law Above Religion

Despite the advancing nature of many aspects of modern society, there are occasionally instances of brutality or insensibility that belong in a past and less informed age. In the far more liberal and knowledgeable state of existence that we enjoy, the mere concepts of corporal punishment or public executions are simply abhorrent, and have no rightful place within the environment of a forward thinking civilization. Despite this, these activities still occur, and raise serious questions as to whether governments should do more to instruct and regulate religious practice.

The global community was saddened by recent incidents in Bangladesh, where a 14 year old girl lost her life after a public and particularly brutal flogging. After an allegation of adultery and seeking a physical relationship with a married man, the village elders in her small, rural parish passed a ruling and a religious ruling was passed by the local mosque. For this suggested and unproven act of immorality, she was sentenced to 101 lashes of a whip, collapsing after 70 and losing her life in hospital 1 week later.

A Judgement Without a Hearing

Bangladesh is considered to be a fairly temperate and democratic country, adopting contemporary values and a liberal method of rule towards it’s citizens. This, alongside the fact that the Supreme Court outlawed Fatwas and any relevance of religious jurisdiction over a decade ago, should suggest that instances such as this were consigned to an ugly and becoming fragment of history. However, it has been suggested that there have been more than 500 instances of such punishments for similar crimes within that time, but have remained covert as those afflicted have been loathe to upset their village elders or local religious leaders.

bnp Califoria choice civil rights movement cultural tolerance democracy Discussions family hate groups in the us ideologies. kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics racism racism and politics racism in contemporary society relationships religion religious tolerance rights teaching tolerance to youngsters the rise of hate groups in the us The Spectre of Racism in Contemporary Society UK government US citizens US government US society

The Spectre of Racism in Contemporary Society

Many democratic governments of today pride themselves on the measures they have implemented to challenge racism in their society, and will point to the reduced instances of racial abuse of hate crimes over the last 2 decades as evidence of their success. However, as news this broke this week that the police were investigating a wooden cross being burned outside the house of a mixed raced citizen in California, there is concern as to whether racism has been eroded from the social fabric or is merely lurking with intent beneath its cover.

More pointedly, it is fair to enquire as to whether governments have successfully challenged racist attitudes and theory, or simply forced its perpetrators to become more covert and organized in their operations. As the social climate has changed since the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, racism has been become increasingly unacceptable in society, but whether it’s values have been entirely rejected is debatable. One thing is for sure, and that is that racism will always been a feature of any society regardless of its meld of cultures or appreciation of knowledge.

Racism Through the Ages

Hostility or persecution between different races has existed since the dawn of civilization, with alternative epochs of time seeing different creeds, cultures and religions targeted by others. Historically, racism could be considered as being largely focused on religious groups and beliefs, as the absence of global interaction and multiculturalism meant that people of different cultures and skin colors did not mix within geographical locations. However, as immigration increased and America in particular became a weave of mixed culture, different creeds were forced to live together creating resentment and overt hostility.

abortion abortion as a method of birth control abortion in the us birth control choice democracy Discussions family federal government ideologies. kids News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people planned parenthood planned parenthood and sexual liberty Planned Parenthood: A Victim of Circumstance? relationships religion sexual health Uncategorized US citizens US government

Planned Parenthood: A Victim of Circumstance?

As the US desperately seek ways to trim their $1.5 trillion budget deficit before the close of 2011, certain organizations are coming under increased scrutiny with regards their exact need and purpose. Planned Parenthood is one such entity, and has subsisted in the US for decades, despite being at the center of consistent controversy during that time. Now, as an organization that courts direct opposition and receives an estimated $363 million annually from the government, it has emerged as a potential target for expenditure cuts.

Opinion and Criticism

Planned Parenthood has divided opinion in the US for years, and has both staunch supporters and opposition from different individuals and social groups. Those who agree with its presence and purpose feel that it offers and invaluable outlet to pregnant females and families, offering advice and family planning in the strictest of confidence. Conversely, its opposition have claimed that the organization is divisive and carries questionable morality and values, and in essence encourages a casual attitude towards sexual liaison.

The organizations cause has not been helped by recent incidents, which have caused the dismissal of two members of staff and excessive media coverage. In stings conducted by Live Action, one staff member was filmed accepting donations from a racially bigoted donor, while another was captured offering to facilitate birth control and abortions for under-age girls. These incidents were distasteful in the extreme, and have caused an even greater backlash from economists and religious groups nationwide.

catholicism Discussions Facebook ideologies. multiculturalism muslims in society News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships relationships within society religion religion and social media religious intolerance social media the evolving face of catholicism the issues with multiculturalism Twitter Uncategorized US citizens US news Why Society Must Refrain from Marginalizing Muslims

The Evolving Face of Catholicism

The majority of religions have their roots based in ancient scripture and teachings, and as such are fairly inflexible in various aspects of their culture. However, as technology and accepted knowledge has advanced at an increasing pace, so too many religions have sought to adapt and reflect a more contemporary mindset. While this has been generally considered as beneficial and a significant step in religions maintaining their relevance, it has been questioned in some circles as distasteful and opposed to religious values.

Catholicism is an example of a religion that has long since been considered as inflexible and archaic in its values, until recent times have seen it evolve to cater to a more contemporary view of existence. In addition to modifying its views on abortion and marital union, it has also begun to communicate with followers through Facebook and other social media sites, creating a modern version of the faith that is far removed from its previous incarnation.

Religion and Social Media

The link between Catholicism and social media began in earnest last September, as the Pope visited the UK and the church used the medium to publicize the trip and its details. It has since retained this page and advanced the presence further, creating an additional layout to promote the Pope’s impending beatification in May of this year. This is one of the most significant instances of an established and major religion utilizing online media to reach out to their followers, and has prompted mixed emotions in response.

9/11 democracy Discussions faith ideologies. integrating faiths into society Islam Islamic faith multiculturalism Muslims muslims in society News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people peter king peter king and muslims peter king and radicalization politics relationships relationships within society religion religious intolerance the issues with multiculturalism US citizens US news Why Society Must Refrain from Marginalizing Muslims

Why Society Must Refrain from Marginalizing Muslims

Individual human nature is a strange entity, and can often influence behaviour in the worst and most divisive ways imaginable. It is curious, and is itself often colored by personal experience, environment and the example set by elders. The problems arise where a negative perception is created that concerns a specific group or demographic within society, which can lead to prejudice and the very worst kind of religious or racial intolerance. In addition to this, it is rare for the perception to be accurate in its detail, leaving a suspicion or dislike that is unique to a personal experience rather than a social group.

The Advent of Religious Extremism

In America this week, Republican representative Peter King has courted controversy by calling for hearing to discuss what he describes as the radicalization of Muslims throughout the entire nation. Regardless of any logic or thought that has gone into his campaign, he has drawn staunch criticism from various bodies by singling out the Muslim faith, despite his initial claims that many different factions of society maybe vulnerable to such extremism. While some support his assertions as courageous and necessary, others see it is a deliberate campaign to marginalize the Muslim faith within the US.

While Mr King is right to assert that radicalization is a serious and potentially dangerous element within contemporary society, it is certainly not specific to a single religious group or faith. It is more a reflection of the strained financial and cultural circumstances that exist in the country, as the continuing processes of integration and economic recovery create a society that is uneasy and unsure of their immediate future. Subsequently, any act or discussion which serves to isolate a specific culture or religion can only have a negative impact upon the society where it subsists.

ABC news abusive priests iving unmnitored in the US catholicism child abuse crime crime and punishment crime and punishment in a democracy crime and rehabilitation democracy Discussions federal law ideologies. kids law and order News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships religion safety from sex offenders tackling child abuse US citizens western culture what is the purpose of prision where law can be improved

The Safety of Society from Sex Offenders

Any story that concerns he sexual abuse of a child is tragic in its composition, regardless of the perpetrator or their number of youthful victims. However, there are cases which push the limits of human comprehension, especially those where the perpetrator was in a position of trust or respectability. This issue epitomises the importance of regulating these criminals when they are active within society, as they are naturally drawn to jobs or occupations where they are able to interact with children and minors.

With this in mind, it is something of a surprise that many former priests accused of child abuse are able to live unmonitored across the states of the US, despite the fact that many have admitted to their crimes at various junctures in time. The reason for this is that their crimes have either remained unproven in law or were conducted so long ago that the statute of limitations had expired long before the victims cam forward and shared their stories. Subsequently, these offenders are allowed to live without restrictions or supervision, regardless of the potential dangers to society.

Serving the Interests of Society

Those who are seeking justice and their legal representatives are looking to see information on these priests and their whereabouts enter the public domain, in the interests of public safety and well being. However, the church are set to fight this campaign, looking to impose limits and sanctions on the release of related files or data on those accused of perpetrating abuse. This debate is set to rage, with neither party keen to afford any ground to the other, as private investigators work alongside prosecutors to locate the exact whereabouts or circumstances of the 233 accused.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech the internet and multiculturalism the internet as a guide to social harmony uk simply hired US citizens US government

How Much Should Religion Adapt to Circumstance?

Religion has and always will retain a significant place in contemporary culture, as various bodies of faith foster a philosophy of living for their followers. This involves the worship of specific religious icons and different perceptions of literature, which are combined to create an overall belief system and core personal values. These are important, as they govern how an individual lives their life and the moral code of conduct that they choose to adhere to, giving their existence a clear direction that is orientated by faith and cultivated belief.

However, various religions have witnessed significant changes to their ethos and attitudes in recent times, either through an adaptation to social circumstance or the development of extremist factors. While several of these changes are welcomed by many as hugely beneficial, there is a growing concern that they are rendering the religion that they represent increasingly irrelevant.

The Nature of Religious Belief

Catholicism is an excellent example of a religion that has struggled in the contemporary age, and in time being forced to address their values and attitudes to life. If we consider the concept of abortion, which was widely condemned in the faith for generations, then we see that conditions are now being applied by the religion in an attempt to accept it as a part of liberal existence.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech the internet and multiculturalism the internet as a guide to social harmony uk simply hired US citizens US government

The Internet as an Example of Global Harmony

The concept of a multicultural population is not new in terms of its principles, and through history there have been several prominent and forward thinking individuals who have sought to remove cultural barriers in society. This is with a view to integrating all cultures and belief systems within the boundaries of nations, where citizens will live, work and procreate in harmony and without the pressures of social prejudice regardless of their creed. However, while the concept is not new, it is still one that is at the mercy of an unstable global climate and the attitudes of civilians.

Interestingly, contemporary culture has seen a significant example of a global community, and how it has contributed to a vast improvement in an individuals ability to access information, interact and seek out truth. Of course, this refers to the World Wide Web and the online revolution, which over the last 2 decades has modified the methodology that we use to undertake both everyday and complex tasks alike. This should serve as an example of how a global community can succeed, regardless of the vast differences between the virtual and the real worlds.

How the Internet Provides Hope for the Future

When a society or faction of people are exposed to something on a frequent and daily basis, it begins to lose its mystique, regardless of its capabilities and the potential for growth. It is human nature to take for granted anything that resides as a permanent cultural or social fixture, especially in an age where brand new media and technological advancements are being made with impressive frequency. However, if we consider the mechanics of the internet and what it has the potential to deliver to its users, then its possibilities suddenly become endless and unlimited.

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A Democratic Battleground, Part 2

To anyone fair minded who has the vision to see beyond their own generation, the ideal of democratic rule is the only reasonable method of government. In essence, it is government for the people by the people, and allows individuals within a society to elect their chosen political leaders while still retaining a voice and a right to protest. In theory, this should create a society of citizens who are entirely satisfied and comfortable with their nations rule, and one that is both progressive and in touch with each others needs.

However, there are issues with this ethos which lead to independent conflicts between individual factions of society and the government, which are being seen increasingly throughout contemporary USA. The main problem is that while democracy affords a voice to the society that it governs, it can not take into account each individual element of the population and the subsequent consequences of several subjective demands. This puts a strain on any liberal rule, as it is impossible to create legislation that satisfies everyone.

Fighting for Multiculturalism

Aside form the current events throughout the US, the are other underlying issues that support this theory. If we assess the continued strides multiculturalism, then we see a nation that is divided in its attitudes towards the concept, especially in specific geographically areas where both racial diversity and resource is minimal. Recent global events have only served to create even more conflict between those who support and those who disapprove of multiculturalism.

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The Federal Government and Religion

Of all the senstive issues which determine the success of a relationship between a government and its subjects, religion remains one of the most pertinent. These issues are enhanced in a multicultural age, as several diametrically opposed faiths and cultures subsist within a single society. Governments are therefore faced with the increasingly difficult task of finding an acute equilbrium between serving the practical needs of society and satisfying religious requirements, and there have been notable examples of conflicts emerging from particular instances.

What many faiths and bodies fail to understand are the pressures that face a government in a democratic society. Recently, a school in Michigan was forced to make a judgement concerning a Sikh student who wished to wear the kirpan, which is a small religious dagger that represents a traditional commitment to fight evil. A ban was placed on these items being worn in December due to the items being considered as potential weapons, but this was overturned after being deemed unneceesary and unconstitutional.

Against the Principles of America

The concept of religious symbols and affiliated wear is a good place to start on this issue, as there are vastly different approaches throughout western culture to regulating their usage. Governing bodies in France and similar western european countries have reacted to increasing religious uncertaintly by imposing a widespread ban on the wearing of religious garments in schools and public auditoriums, in an attempt to difuse tensions and public displays of affiliation. Similarly, a UK air stewardess was sacked for refusing to remove her crucifix during service, after the airline recieved complaints from various passengers and acted upon them.

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Why the US Must Maintain its Religious Tolerance

There are several core principles at the heart of a civilized and democratic society. Personal liberties such as the freedom of speech and choice of lifestyle are accepted as basic civil rights in the US and many western cultures, and allow citizens to develop and maintain individual values and thinking. Religious tolerance is another primary factor within any civilized society, as this allows different cultures and belief systems to co-exist within a single community without dispute or prejudice.

It is an idealism not without its issues. In today’s world, there is much trepidation and hostility between alternate religions, due in part to the existence of extreme religious bodies who have adapted a harsh and unforgiving interpretation to specific literature. This, in addition to the diverse nature of beliefs and values prevalent in different religions, make multiculturalism an awkward and potentially divisive concept. One of the significant dangers is that a culture or belief system may lose its unique identity and values when immersed in a mixed and varied community.

Resisting Religious and Cultural Intolerance

Religious tolerance is something which separates civilized people and societies from bigoted and more dictatorial examples. While is inherent to US values, it is not prevalent in all faith or religious representation that exists in the contemporary world. Particular examples of extreme faiths have applied a rigid understanding to relevant text, creating an ethos that is not only intolerant to alternative faiths and beliefs but actually hostile towards them. These groups propagate the notion that belief systems that vary from their own are both immoral and opposed to clean living.

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Is Society Equipped for Multiculturalism?

This is not a slur on western culture, but more a realization of the magnitude of melding numerous cultural and religious bodies into a weave of similar communities. It requires a certain level of tolerance, knowledge and understanding, and also vast amounts of interaction and communication to make the transition smooth and effective. The danger is that by merging different entities together without the requisite foundation being laid could lead to ignorance, resentment and ultimately conflict.

Teaching the Values of Different Religions

There are two major issues with religious teaching in general education facilities. Firstly, it is not considered a primary or compulsory subject, and therefore either abandoned or simply ignored by students who do not see the value in such education. Secondly, where specialist religious education bodies exist, they often teach only a single religious or cultural theme that does not encompass alternative or external influences. While this at least teaches at some religious values in depth, it creates a closed minded attitude towards the notions of other belief systems.

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Are Religious Bodies Doing Faith a Disservice?

The concepts of faith and religion have undergone much scrutiny since the turn of the century. As individual religious bodies have developed splintered and extreme fractions, the core principles of various faiths have become increasingly unclear, creating conflict and dissention within and outside of certain independent belief systems. This has seen a steep rise in the increase of those who practice atheism and are agnostic within the US.

The last 9 years have witnessed the total number of citizens who practice atheism double from its 2001 figure. In terms of individuals who are agnostic, their number has more than doubled in the same length of time, as faith has been tested and numerous eminent voices have disputed the validity of religion as a whole and their values. The question is whether religious bodies and their teachings actually doing God and the concept of faith a disservice?

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