Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds banks Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Deficit Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Fed Great Growth ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media Monetary New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Paul Peace Policies politics Process Purchases recession Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms rights Ron Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Fed, Banks, Growth, Monetary, Purchases, Recession

This article analyzes the notion of “helping the poor”. Provides a historical perspective. Compares freedom and opportunity with dependence and welfare. Examines the roll of government interventions and regulations in rapidly growing gap between rich and poor. Reminds the readers that our Capitalist economy was able to make this gap narrowest, ever, in human history while creating the biggest and richest middle class, ever.

2012 Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family George Bush global Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual influence Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media money New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Policies politics power President Process recession Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms religion Republican rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 13

This article concludes our thirteen parts discussion on global recession, it’s causes, consequences and fixes. Focuses on what happened, what is happening and why, and how can it be fixed? Explores different available options and proposals, in depth. Shades light on why certain options are being preferred over the others. Discusses the influence of money, power, corporate owned big media and corporate lobbies on our politics, government, policy making and legislation. Draws out a workable plan for every American.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Boehner Budget Bush causes change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Competition consequences. Conservative Constitution Consumer Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family fixes. George Bush global Growth Housing ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Nomination Obama Peace Policies politics President Process recession Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 12

This article is heading our discussion on causes, consequences and fixes for global recession, towards conclusions. It summarizes the discussions in the previous eleven articles in this series. Makes conclusions on the evidence, facts and historical analysis presented in earlier articles. Provides a logical stream to overall discussion. Analyzes and compares the different approaches, points of view and proposals in this regard. Forwards definitive conclusion about what happened, why happened, what was done, what could have been done and what can be done?

2012 Abuse Advertising Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget Bush change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class coalition Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Depression Discussions Drugs economy economy. finance Elections employment. environment Evolution family George George Bush global warming. Great Growth Housing human sexuality ideologies. Illegal individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Media Monogamy New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Policies politics pollution president President Process recession Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights science Screening searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States Walker

Global Recession, Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 11

This article analyzes the current economic and financial crisis, in the light of policies under George W. Bush administration. Discusses the proposition of trickle down economy and tax cuts for the richest. Shades light on the causes of, and role of U.S. Budget deficits and national debt in current crisis.

Abuse Articles Black Blog Budget Celebrations change cheating checks choice Citizenship Class Comments Competition Conservative Constitution Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit democracy Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth Housing human sexuality ideologies. Illegal Immigration individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace Policies politics president President Process racism Reagan recession Recession recession. depression records Recovery Reforms relationships religion Republican rights Ronald science Screening searches South Survival Taxes technology terrorism trust U.S. United States

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 9

This article analyzes the contributing factors, results and cures for economic and financial recessions, and depressions, with a special emphasis on fortieth U.S. president Ronald Reagan, his policies, achievements and failures. Digs deep into the ideological warfare between right and left, going on in United States and in the world, right now.

2012 Abuse Advertising Articles Backgrounds Barack Barack Obama Blog Budget change cheating checks choice Citizenship Comments Conservative Creativity Criminal debt Default Deficit Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Elections employment. Evolution family Growth ideologies. individual Jobs kids Knowledge. Media New News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Obama Obama. Policies politics president President Process recession Recession recession. depression Reforms Republican rights Screening searches Survival Taxes trust United States

Barack Obama For President 2012, Part 10

This article analyzes the difficult options and policy choices United States government and other governments around the world are facing in the wake of great global recession. Brings into focus, different arguments, for and against different recession related policies and issues.

1720 Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog change cheating choice Comments Criminal debt Deficit deficits Depression Discussions economy economy. finance Growth Knowledge. Mississippi News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics recession Recession recession. depression records searches Survival trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 8

This is the eighth in a series of articles on global recession, it’s causes, effects and fixes. This particular article analyzes the possible role played by paper money, in the light of Mississippi bubble burst in 1720 and John Law’s experiment with it in France.

Blog causes change choice Comments Consumer cures. debt Default Deficit definition Depression economy economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family Great Growth ideologies. IMF individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics pollution Reagan recession Recession recession. depression records relationships rights searches Survival Taxes technology theories trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 6

This is the sixth in a series of articles on global recession, it’s causes, effects and cures. This particular article focuses on theory, causes and policies regarding recession. Compares different points of view on this subject. Analyses in the light of past recessions and current events.

Abuse Articles Blog change choice Class Comments Consumer debt Default depression Depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family finance great Great Growth Hoover ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. politics recession recession. depression records Republican rights searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 5

This is the fifth in a series of articles on causes, effects and fixes for current global recession. This particular article focuses on great depression. Compares the current economic and financial situation with 1930s and points out the similarities and differences.

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Blog checks choice Class coalition Comments Consumer Deaths debt Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy. finance employment. environment Evolution family great Growth Hoover ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace phone politics racism recession recession. depression records relationships religion Republican rights science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States Volunteerism volunteerism war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 3

This is the third in a series of articles on economic recessions and depression, their causes, consequences and fixes. This particular articles focuses on president Hoover’s volunteerism. Sounds like a great idea, but, seriously failed in practical world. Does it mean that government and private sector partnerships never work?

Abuse Articles Backgrounds Black Blog change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Deaths debt deficit Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family Growth Hoover ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. Lobbies marriages Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt science searches Survival Taxes technology trust United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 2

This is second in a series of articles on historical analysis of causes, consequences and fixes for recessions and depression, a frequent happening in Capitalist economies. This particular article analyses thirty first U.S. president Herbert Hoover. Great depression hit us during his presidency and his reforms to fix it are largely considered as failures.

Abuse Articles Black Blog causes Celebrations change cheating checks choice Class coalition Comments Constitution Consumer Courts Criminal Deaths debt Default Deficit democracy depression Discussions economy economy. finance employment. Evolution family fixes. great Growth human sexuality ideologies. individual kids Knowledge. marriages Memorial Monogamy News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Norway Peace politics racism recession records relationships religion Republican rights Roosevelt searches Survival Taxes technology trust Uncategorized United States war

Global Recession: Causes, Consequences, Fixes, Part 1

It is now a historically proven fact that depressions and recessions are regular happenings in capitalist economies, including U.S. economy. In this series, we are going to examine the causes of various recessions and depressions, their consequences and fixes that worked, keeping politics and ideology aside.

Barack Obama budget budget deifict choice democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economic recovery economy family federal federal government global recession high income households ideologies. independents low income households national debt News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics recession reinvestment relationship relationships republicans rights Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US taxing the risk to aid recovery in the us US citizens us economy US government US voters

Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US

It is a known and accepted fact that Barack Obama’s preferred policy with regards to tax is to increase the liability of the wealthy, while easing that which rests upon the shoulders of low and middle income households. This is a measure that is apparently well supported within the US government, with a vast majority of Republicans, Democrats and Independent representatives all in agreement that individuals or households who earn more than $250,000 per year should bare the brunt of plans to reduce the national deficit.

Not only this, but US citizens also seem to agree that this is the most positive step that their government can take with regards to taxation. The New York Times recently revealed in a poll that an estimated 72 percent of adults approve of increasing federal taxes on households earning $250,000 per year or more, which is a significant portion of the voting demographic in the US. Though this suggests that the government and its subjects are in accordance, there are economic and ethical issues concerning such a practice within a free and democratic land.

A Thriving Economy

From a purely practical standpoint, there are two significant reasons why increasing the tax liability of the rich would be either inconsequential or potentially detrimental to the economy. Firstly, given the effects of the global recession and subsequent recovery, there are a paucity of individuals and households who earn more than $250,000 in the US. This means that by targeting this demographic as opposed to imposing a 1 percent increase on each level of household income, the government will acquire far less reveneue over the next decade than they have the potential to.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic growth economic prosperity economy federal government gloabl recession ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. patience patience is a virtue people politics recession relationship relationships rights social issues social issues in a democratic rule tackling social issues in a democracy US citizens US government Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

It is a long standing theory that patience is a virtue, but it is also one which is not readily available in our contemporary culture. As technological advancement has improved the speed and ease with which everyday tasks can be performed, so too an entire generation has become accustomed to being achieving instant gratification and satisfaction. This impatience and demand for swift resolution has influenced our feelings concerning less relevant aspects of our lives, such as relationships, career advancement and also the governments approach to social issues.

Subsequently we live in an age where we expect to see any issue resolved both swiftly and efficiently, regardless of its complexity or significance. Whether we address social problems such as obesity or look to improve the level of diversity within a range of professional or academic fields, society is fairly impatient with regards to the amount of time it is prepared to afford those who seek to effect change and improvement. This not only does a disservice to a nations problem solvers, but also serves to increase social tension and discontentment.

The Current US and Desires for Growth

The current economic and social circumstances that afflict the US undoubtedly need resolving, but these changes must be effected gradually and with a view to long term prosperity. While it is healthy for a nations citizens to desire both local and national growth and advancement, these feelings cannot be allowed to manifest themselves in short term solutions and an over eagerness to ensure a speed rather than a quality of resolution. For any social change to reap benefits, it must be implemented and cultivated over a significant period of time.

choice cost of oil cycle for growth cycle of economic growth democracy Discussions economic growth economic recovery economists economy federal government high unemployment ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. oil people politics public expenditure recession relationship relationships rights rising fuel prices rising gas prices Rising Gas Prices and the Cycle of Economic Growth unemployment US citizens US government

Rising Gas Prices and the Cycle of Economic Growth

With gas prices set to rise beyond the $4 mark across the US, citizens are finding themselves trapped within a vicious cycle of economic hardship. The current price, which is based on the inflated cost of oil, has already risen to its highest point since July 2008, and economists are predicting that that $4 price for gas may take hold nationwide throughout July and August. This, in line with high unemployment and increased cuts in public expenditure, is creating the likely prospect of the nations economy grinding to a shuddering halt.

The Factors in Economic Growth

There are two significant factors which drive capitalist economic growth. The first of these is enterprise, and the investment in businesses that to allows them to expand their operations and hire new staff. This then follows in to the second factor, which is consumer activity and the revenue that citizens reinvest into the economy. By itself, this is the single most important influence on the financial growth of the US, but it is in part reliant on an environment where people are able to work and earn a regular salary.

In an environment where both independent enterprise and consumer spending is hindered, it creates a distinct cycle of economic hardship. This is debilitating for both the federal government and private sector growth, but also has a deep and perpetual impact on the day to day existence of citizens. As is typical with these types of circumstance, one factor often influences the other, so as long as citizens are unable to find employment and earn any semblence of disposable income, so too they are forced to reduce their levels of expenditure and tighten their financial belts.

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