choice democracy Discussions economy federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights The Relevance of Old Fashioned Medicine in the Contemporary Age US citizens US government

The Relevance of Old Fashioned Medicine in the Contemporary Age

As science and technology advances at a rapid pace, there is a decreasing reliance upon the simple and more traditional techniques of administering and applying medicine. There is some debate to be had however as to whether this is necessarily a good development or otherwise, especially as some studies have revealed the power of basic and natural techniques in treating illness and disease. Should these methods become marginalized, then the scope of available treatments may become reduced and lead to a significant drop in medial progress.

After all, progression and advancement does not need to rely solely on new concepts of methodology. It is simply an application of knowledge to improve a social, technological or medical issue, and it is more the way in which this information is used which is more relevant than its freshness or longevity. Subsequently, established knowledge or medical techniques can remain relevant in the contemporary age, and should not be sidelined on the basis of being traditional or old fashioned.

The Power of Relationships in Healing Disease

Despite the power and increasing diversity of drugs that are available to treat ailments, the power of positive thinking and beneficial relationships have been shown to be key in the recovery of individuals from certain health issues. As a recent study into psychotherapy by the National Institute of Mental Health revealed, maintaining a positive and therapeutic relationship between a therapist and their patient is one of the most effective ways of successfully treating depression, even ahead of modern drug treatments and more cutting edge techniques.

Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions federal government global terror global terrorism ideologies. individual News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. osama bin laden osama bin laden death politics relationship. US citizens relationships rights secret service terrorism that safety of US citizens in 2011 The Safety of US Citizens in 2011 US government us special forces war on terror

The Safety of US Citizens in 2011

As the news broke today of the death of Osama Bin Laden, so too thousands of US citizens celebrated a significant victory in the war against terror. The known fundamentalist leader and mastermind of the September 11th attacks was captured and killed in a stand off in the Pakistan capital of Islamabad, after nearly a decade of research and the gathering of intelligence led to US special forces discovering his whereabouts and attempting to apprehend him.

The news was delivered globally this morning, prompting extreme emotion in the western world and in the US in particular. As many citizens gathered outside the World Trade Center and in Washington, there was a feeling that at least partial justice had been handed to the victims and families of those who have lost their lives in abhorrent terrorist attacks. However, while this is a significant step in combating those who perpetrate terror and fundamentalist principles, it should be remembered that the threat to civilized society still remains prominent beneath the social fabric.

The Importance of Recent developments

Osama Bin Laden became a revered and much respected figure in fundamentalist circles after the September 11th attacks of 2001, and his death marks something of a watershed in the war against terror. Its significance is especially important given the reported lack of a natural successor to his role, as any organization is liable to become rudderless and vulnerable without a recognized or charismatic leader. It maybe that recent events make Al Qaeda weakened in the face of renewed pressure from the US and similar nations, and provide an opportunity to take a significant stride towards world peace.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions embryonic stem cell research ethics federal government ideologies. medical research News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Part 1 Part 2 politics public expenditure public funding relationship relationships rights scientific advancement stem cell research The Merits of Medical Research and the Population US citizens US government US society

The Merits of Medical Research and the Population, Part 2

The debate that surrounds the application of embryonic stem cell research is intense and passionately fought, but is in fact just a small part of the wider issue of the role that medical research plays in the contemporary age. Apart from the debate that surrounds its purpose and ethical characteristics, there is also criticism of the amount of public revenue that is invested into it for a supposedly negligible return.

Medical research is something that has the potential to create vast improvements in the living condition and prosperity of those afflicted by illness, and as such has remained a significant beneficiary of public funding. Though the investigations and swathes of research that have been conducted have not necessarily made significant steps towards curing long term ailments, the continued and unrelenting pace of scientific progression suggests that this breakthrough is not especially far away.

Natural Selection vs. Scientific Advancements

The supposed lack of tangible results is not actually the main reason cited for opposition to investment in medical research, and it is in fact a moral principle which creates the most significant objection. This is based on the potential eradication of natural selection, which has for years been the single most influential regulator of global and national population. It is the natural process of death that forms part of the cycle of existence, and helps keep the world from the perils of mass poverty and over population.

Barack Obama choice democracy Discussions economy family federl government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. Part 1 people politics relationship relationships rights The Merits of Medical Research and the Population US US citizens US government US society

The Merits of Medical Research and the Population, Part 1

Stem cell research is a topic that has prompted much debate throughout the US in the last decade or so. In particular, it is the use of embryonic cells that has created the most historical discussion, with its opposition claiming that this practice is in direct disregard to legislation which prohibits the creation or the destruction of embryos for the purposes of research. The Bush administration of the US moved to curtail public investment into embryonic stem cell research, forcing private investors to contribute in reproducing the requisite cells.

The current government and its leader Barack Obama is in favor of the research however, and imposed rules in 2009 that allowed these privately funded cells to be used and tested in a controlled and well managed working environment. Subsequently, the Federal court last week gave Mr Obama’s administration the go ahead to continue their funding of embryonic stem cell research, lifting a previous injunction due to the ambiguity of the existing legislation on public spending in the US.

A Matter of Individual Opinion

It is thought that those who oppose embryonic stem cell research may well take their appeal to the supreme court, so the matter is likely to rage for the foreseeable future and beyond. It is a matter of individual opinion, with the previous administration of the US opposed to its practice and the more liberal government of Barack Obama in support of both the research and their role in funding and facilitating it.

alabama Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions donald trump economy. finance family federal government ideologies. natural disaster natural disasters News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights storms and tornadoes in the US Tackling the Priority issues in the US US citizens US government

Tackling the Priority issues in the US

As Barack Obama visited the ravaged southern state of Alabama this week, he was confronted by a scene of structural devastation and a local government stretched beyond their means in attempting to support afflicted individuals and families. An estimated 300 people were killed in the series of storms and tornadoes that swept across the southern state belt line last week, with Alabama the most seriously affected ahead of other states including Tennessee, Mississippi and Georgia.

As the local government pleaded for more assistance from their federal counterparts, it drew a sharp focus on the perspective of issues in the US, and also highlighted the problems faced by the government as they try to run a progressive and harmonious country. Tragedies such as the one which beset the southern states of the US require instant and significant attention, and subsequently become a priority regardless of the other relevant issues across society.

The Birther Movement and Political Manoeuvres

As the suggestions of the ridiculous ‘Birther’ movement and speculation concerning Mr Obama’s eligibility as president were finally laid to rest this week, so too a rather ugly chapter of political gamesmanship was consigned into history. However, it was unsettling to see an insignificant and covertly malicious suggestion create such an effortless controversy, regardless of its barely disguised motives of racism and political discontent

choice cyber crime cyber theft database database theft democracy Discussions federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online fraud people PlayStation protecting US society relationship relationships rights Sony technology the age of cyber theft The Age of Cyber Theft for Profit the evolution of technology the pace of technological evolution Uncategorized US citizens US government US society

The Age of Cyber Theft for Profit

The act of stealing has always been considered as a form of personal violation, especially when an individuals home or personal space is invaded to obtain their possessions. The various modes of theft have diversified over time however, so that it is now far more likely that citizens will become vulnerable to online predators and the machinations of cyber thieves. The remote and anonymous nature of cyber theft makes it extremely difficult prevent, while also providing a degree of security for those who perpetrate it.

We live in the age of the cyber thief, whose aim is to seek both illicit and significant profit through the collection of personal data and financial information. This can be sourced from discarded household bills, poorly protected personal computers or even through the information contained on company specific databases. These can be stolen and traded between relevant parties, and the information can included can lead to the theft of your wealth and financial assets.

Recent Events and the Rise of Cyber Theft

Just last week the new broke that the personal information of over 77 million Playstation users has been exposed, after a computer intrusion compromised and accessed Sony’s relevant customer database. Although the identity or purpose of the thief has not yet been revealed, the most likely answer is that the database was infiltrated by a cyber thief who wished to use the information for financial gain, whether by using the personal information for themselves or illegally selling it on to interested parities.

Applying Fairness in a Modern Democracy Barack Obama budget budget defecit of $1.5 billion budget deficit choice democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economy family federal government ideologies. individual national debt News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics reducing the budget deficit relationship relationships republicans rights tax liability in the US taxation taxing the rich US citizens US government

Applying Fairness in a Modern Democracy

With the discussions continuing to rage concerning budget reductions and the correct policy of taxation in the US, the issue of fairness within a democracy is coming under an increasing focus. It is something that is entirely subjective to each individual and their own circumstances, and yet is often cited as reasoning when debates ensue about democratic policy and government rule. The issue of subjectivity is something that is difficult to incorporate when attempting to enforce a policy or law within a democracy, and can lead to complication in terms of the decision making process.

Taxation is a case in point, especially in the light of the suggestion that the US government will increase the tax liability of the rich in order to relieve the burden on lower income individuals and households. Backed by Barack Obama, it has instantly won the approval of an estimated 72 percent of the US society, who are in favor of focusing on the top two percent of earners in the country to reduce the vast national deficit. This is where the issue of fairness becomes important, and influences the thinking of voters and government officials alike.

The Processes of a Democracy

Democracy affords each individual member of a society a voice and opinion on any prevalent social issue, which can influence a government in imposing legislation and policy. However, a government cannot satisfy the requirements of each independent voter, and so must therefore make a decision that best suits the opinions and interests of the vast majority of it citizens. This is a slight anomaly that can complicate the process of a democratic regime, as some individuals can unreasonably expect that a democratic government should cater their their specific wants and needs.

article 2 of the consitution Barack Obama choice democracy democratic rule Discussions donald trump federal government ideologies. immigration immigration in the us Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US natural born citizen News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights the birther bill the birther movement the US constitution Uncategorized US citizens us citizenship US government

Meeting the Presidential Criteria in the US

Barack Obama has been forced to face several questions surrounding his exact origin of birth since his inauguration as US President, which either reflects a genuine concern or a unwelcome prejudice that lies beneath the surface of the social fabric. As Arizona governor Jan Brewer this week vetoed a bill that would have required presidential candidates prove their eligibility for office, America took a positive step towards challenging the concept of eligibility and also towards focusing their issues on the key issues that currently bight the US.

Although other states are moving forward with similar bills with a view to enforcing them, they are less likely to succeed in the wake of Jan Brewer’s decision and the inevitable protests against racial prejudice, repression and a specific interpretation of eligibility. Given the Arizona states reputation for backing more radical legislation concerning immigration, their stance came as something as a surprise to those who dispute the merits of the the so called ‘Birther’ bill, and raised relevant questions concerning both the existing law and exactly which qualities are important when running a country.

The Right to Set Presidential Qualification Requirements

Of course the US constitution does afford states the right to determine how its representatives are elected, while also allowing them to ensure that their candidate meets existing constitutional qualifications. What it forbids is any state attempting to impose new legislation that forces qualified candidates to refrain from standing for election, as this addition of criteria is unconstitutional and opposes the democratic foundation of the US. What has further confused recent issues is that the relevant article in the US constitution is open to interpretation in terms of being a natural citizen of the United States.

choice crime crime and punishment DC Central democracy Discussions economy. finance ideologies. Is Now the Time for Offenders to Repay Their Social Debts? News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. offenders people politics rehabilitation relationship relationships social debt US citizens US government

Is Now the Time for Offenders to Repay Their Social Debts?

Not many issues prompt as much discussion as those that surround judicial procedure and criminal rehabilitation, especially in a society that has a serious problem with overcrowded correctional facilities and restrictions in public expenditure. These are social issues with burden the US at this present time, and are tightly interwoven through the vast sums of public money that it currently takes to maintain the crowded and bustling correctional facilities that are currently in operation throughout the country.

Crime has become something of a social epidemic in recent times, with the last 2 decades seeing the prison population rise by over 1 million inmates. This has unfortunately been the catalyst to the inflated levels of public money that have been invested into building and maintaining correctional facilities, while also accounting for rising amount of tax payer revenue to feed and house the criminal fraternity. With both crime and public spending coming under intense public focus, now is the time to tackle the theories of rehabilitation and how convicted felons should pay their debts to society.

A Case in Point

DC Central operates a Kitchen’s Culinary Job Training program, which is geared specifically towards homeless and previously incarcerated individuals. This is the kind of initiative which has developed in the wake of increased rates of conviction and criminal behavior, and is primarily conceived to give those with a criminal past an opportunity to grow and refrain from re-offending. As this and many similar schemes have a keen basis in the interests of society, they also allow their employees to repay their debts to the society that they once disparaged.

Barack Obama budget budget deifict choice democracy democratic rule democrats Discussions economic recovery economy family federal federal government global recession high income households ideologies. independents low income households national debt News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics recession reinvestment relationship relationships republicans rights Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US taxing the risk to aid recovery in the us US citizens us economy US government US voters

Taxing the Rich to Aid Recovery in the US

It is a known and accepted fact that Barack Obama’s preferred policy with regards to tax is to increase the liability of the wealthy, while easing that which rests upon the shoulders of low and middle income households. This is a measure that is apparently well supported within the US government, with a vast majority of Republicans, Democrats and Independent representatives all in agreement that individuals or households who earn more than $250,000 per year should bare the brunt of plans to reduce the national deficit.

Not only this, but US citizens also seem to agree that this is the most positive step that their government can take with regards to taxation. The New York Times recently revealed in a poll that an estimated 72 percent of adults approve of increasing federal taxes on households earning $250,000 per year or more, which is a significant portion of the voting demographic in the US. Though this suggests that the government and its subjects are in accordance, there are economic and ethical issues concerning such a practice within a free and democratic land.

A Thriving Economy

From a purely practical standpoint, there are two significant reasons why increasing the tax liability of the rich would be either inconsequential or potentially detrimental to the economy. Firstly, given the effects of the global recession and subsequent recovery, there are a paucity of individuals and households who earn more than $250,000 in the US. This means that by targeting this demographic as opposed to imposing a 1 percent increase on each level of household income, the government will acquire far less reveneue over the next decade than they have the potential to.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic growth economic prosperity economy federal government gloabl recession ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. patience patience is a virtue people politics recession relationship relationships rights social issues social issues in a democratic rule tackling social issues in a democracy US citizens US government Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

Why Patience is a Virtue When Securing National Prosperity

It is a long standing theory that patience is a virtue, but it is also one which is not readily available in our contemporary culture. As technological advancement has improved the speed and ease with which everyday tasks can be performed, so too an entire generation has become accustomed to being achieving instant gratification and satisfaction. This impatience and demand for swift resolution has influenced our feelings concerning less relevant aspects of our lives, such as relationships, career advancement and also the governments approach to social issues.

Subsequently we live in an age where we expect to see any issue resolved both swiftly and efficiently, regardless of its complexity or significance. Whether we address social problems such as obesity or look to improve the level of diversity within a range of professional or academic fields, society is fairly impatient with regards to the amount of time it is prepared to afford those who seek to effect change and improvement. This not only does a disservice to a nations problem solvers, but also serves to increase social tension and discontentment.

The Current US and Desires for Growth

The current economic and social circumstances that afflict the US undoubtedly need resolving, but these changes must be effected gradually and with a view to long term prosperity. While it is healthy for a nations citizens to desire both local and national growth and advancement, these feelings cannot be allowed to manifest themselves in short term solutions and an over eagerness to ensure a speed rather than a quality of resolution. For any social change to reap benefits, it must be implemented and cultivated over a significant period of time.

alcohol consumption alcoholism alcoholism amongst youngsters Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age blast choice combating social issues democracy democratic rule Discussions family ideologies. kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships religion rights rleationships snoop dog social issues social issues in a democracy US citizens US government

Alcoholism in the Contemporary Age

Alcoholism is something that carries both a national and global concern, and is seemingly becoming prevalent across a younger social demographic. Both the US and UK have had specific incidents recently which have raised concerns about both the attitudes towards drinking and each notions methodology for regulating the consumption of alcohol amongst their citizens. This week was especially prominent, as the US along saw an infant aged 4 treated for alcohol ingestion, while up to 17 states are currently canvasing drinks producers Pabst Brewing Co. to refrain from marketing their beverages to a youthful market.

While the former incident occurred in Chicago and was the latest in a spate of nationwide incidents where children have consumed alcohol in public restaurants, the latter responds to a brand new drink promoted by rapper Snoop Dog. A malt based beverage called Blast, it comes in a variety of vibrant fruit flavors while boasting packaging and marketing material that is suited to a younger audience, yet it actually contains an exceptionally potent 12 percent of alcohol and is stronger than a typical can of beer.

A Lack of Responsible Awareness

The issue of alcohol consumption is not just a problem in the US, and recent events in the UK saw an 8 year old commence treatment for alcoholism after growing up in a family of negligent elders who were heavy and irresponsible drinkers. This may be the formation of a troubling global trend in terms of the social attitudes towards drinking, whereby it may become something entirely anti-social amongst teenagers and young adults. This manifests itself in alternative social issues, such as violent crime and health afflictions.

choice democracy Discussions economy. finance Facebook family How Social Media Can Help Politicians Reach Society how social media can help politicians to reach society ideologies. kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationship relationships rights social media the role of social media Twitter US citizens US government US society

How Social Media Can Help Politicians Reach Society

As Barack Obama addressed the audience at a Town Hall event moderated by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg this week, the significance of social media in the contemporary world was partially revealed. Not only did it afford the US leader the chance to address both influential technological innovators and the sites typically young subscriber base, but it could also be seen as a corporeal example of how the government can use new media to engage and excite the voters of tomorrow and effect social change.

Mr Obama used his hour long address to full effect, highlight the significance of scientific education and immigration reform to the technological innovators present, while discussing the virtues of informing and empowering youthful citizens within the boundaries of a democracy. His use of Facebook as an example to support the freedoms now afforded to citizens was key, as this is vindication for the site and social media as a whole entity. Given the efforts of social media brands to evolve their services, this is a critical signpost in their signpost.

The Changing Face of Social Media

Mr Obama is known to be a great fan of American innovation, as he believed this is the result of a freedom of thought that is synonymous with the US. Having cited Facebook in previous addresses, it is easy to see why he is so positive in his assessment of social media and their benefit to society. In 2010, Facebook became the most frequented online global resource, surpassing Google on the way to securing 500 millions users worldwide. This is a reflection of how it has evolved since its inception in 2004, and its progression from being a social network to becoming a core part of business and marketing strategies.

choice cyber bullying democracy Discussions Facebook family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online online revolution people politics relationship relationships rights social circumstances social conduct social demand social issues social media Taking Charge of Social Conduct taking charge of social conduct 2 Taking Charge of Social Conduct Part 2 technological advancement the rise of cyber bullying US citizens US government

Taking Charge of Social Conduct Part 2

If we accept that the US government do not do enough to change their laws to combat social conduct, then it is important to understand a corporeal example of this. Perhaps one of the most relevant is the rise of cyber bullying, which sees young and vulnerable individuals threatened and abused by anonymous offenders. It has come to prominence in the wake of increased technological advancement and the unlimited access that individuals have to it, and has afforded bullies the opportunity to operate remotely and beneath the guise of anonymity.

A recent case in North Andover has exemplified this perfectly. A young girl who had both suffered from and beaten cancer before the age of 11, she began to receive texts and emails which threatened both her mental and physical well being. After missing a period of school and finding herself cowed by fear, she eventually discussed the situation with her parents and dismissed their fears that she was once more unwell. After reporting the details to the police, an investigation revealed that the perpetrator was one of the victims closest friends, who had used technology to disguise her contact details to harass and intimidate her.

A New Threat to Personal Security

This is a prime example of a relatively new but significant threat to individual safety and well being, and one that has no accepted precedent as a consequence. In this particular case, the perpetrator received a course of counselling and a set amount of community service, although this has been dismissed by the parents of the victim as inadequate and derisory. Regardless, a clear and stringent consequence for those found guilty of cyber bullying must be implemented, both to protect potential victims and act as a deterrent to those who look to perpetrate it.

anti-social behavior democracy democratic government democratic rule democratic society Discussions family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. obesity people relationship relationships rights smoking social conduct Taking Charge of Social Conduct US citizens US government

Taking Charge of Social Conduct

If the citizens of a democratic nation begin to abuse the liberties they are afforded, at what point should a government take decisive action? Undoubtedly the US federal government exist to regulate society through law and guidance, and have a duty to protect the social fabric from the actions of individual citizens. So in instances where accepted laws or freedoms are being taken advantage of to the detriment of society, there is an argument that the government should take steps to change their rules of operation.

Creating a More Structured Social Environment

It should be said that changing laws to create a more structured social environment does not change the approach of a democracy. What it does is still empower citizens but in a far more considered way, and introduces an element of accountability for individuals and their actions. The act of restructuring the social element of the US would help to tackle many health and behavioral issues, notably those concerning smoking, obesity and anti-social conduct, and ultimately create a more productive and content generation of citizens.

Smoking is a relevant example, especially given the level of statistics and information that exist on its practice and consequences. Despite the fact that the decline in the number of high school children and adolescents who smoke has slowed in the last 3 years, and the eminent research that suggests that smoking addiction is more likely to develop during these formative years, most US states employ a minimum purchasing of 18. This, like the UK’s legislation that allows individuals older than 16 to buy cigarettes, is outdated and not reflective of the damage that smoking can do.

adult obesity child obesity china choice democracy Discussions epidemic family federal government hong kpng ideologies. kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. obese obese child in china obesity Obesity as a Worldwide Epidemic parental advice parental guidance parenting tips people politics relationships rights rleationship social issues US US citizens US government

Obesity as a Worldwide Epidemic

If there were any proof needed to support the current epidemic of obesity that is sweeping the globe, then it can be found through a recent case reported in China. A four year old boy, who weighs a staggering 136 pounds, has been offered free and potentially life saving treatment by a clinic in Hong Kong, with a view to preventing any long term health issues in his future. Doctors have stepped in after the case was brought to national attention through the media, and have ran an extensive number of tests to determine the existence of any underlying causes for the child’s condition.

Despite conducting an investigation that was both labored and considered, doctors have found no medical condition that could have acted as the trigger to the child’s obesity. While this is good news in terms of the child’s long term potential for recovery, it places the responsibility for his state of being firmly at the door of his parents, who allowed him to gradually eat his way into obesity. Yet there appears to be a reluctance to scrutinize his parents conduct throughout the affair, despite the fact that their behavior has put the health and well being of a young child at risk.

The Worldwide Growth of Obesity

The issue of obesity is a global one, and it is becoming increasingly prominent in numerous cities worldwide. It is estimated that obesity has risen to as high as 20 percent in some Chinese cities, as well as continuing to increase in other advanced and educated countries such as the US, UK and France. Its rise is worrying in the extreme, and if this trend continues it may well challenge tobacco as the single largest threat to individual health for the next generation.

choice CNN democracy democratic rule Discussions Elections 2010: Commit to Vote. federal government ideologies. Internet jon kyle new media News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online media people planned parenthood politics relationship relationships rights Senate senator jon kyle social media the online revolution US citizens US government When a Society Mistrusts Their Government when a society mistrusts thier government World Wide Web

When a Society Mistrusts Their Government

Trust is one of the key facilitators that allows a government to prosper, as it is the trust invested by voters that brings a regime into power and enables them to serve the needs of a society. Where this trust becomes diminished, there is a severe danger that citizens will become cynical towards the government and political function as a whole, and create an environment where every political movement is viewed with mistrust and apprehension. It is not only government and politicians who contribute to this situation however, as modern and new media types play an increasingly significant role in the forming of opinion and political viewpoint.

With the online revolution and the subsequent explosion of news websites on the World Wide Web, there are a vast number of daily bulletins and articles for a user to absorb. The competitive nature of these sites and their output can occasionally take hold however, and see content that is published with a view to generating interest rather than educating the reader. This can lead to a situation where stories that cover a similar topic are published on different sites, and contradict each other both on the basic facts and the subjective view of their individual writer.

Mistrust for Political Powers

Senator Jon Kyle’s assertion concerning Planned Parenthood and their function was at the heart of recent controversy, as he claimed that abortions accounted for 90 percent of their overall work. However, as this figure was vehemently disputed and revealed to be closer to 3 percent than Mr Kyle’s original suggestion, his office rallied to issue a support of his actions. They claimed that his words were ‘not intended as a statement of fact’, and caused a public and media outcry that has resonated since.

Mr Kyle has subsequently become the subject of much political discussion and satire, and prompted a serious debate as to the integrity of political assertions in the contemporary age. If his words, issued through CNN and with the purpose of making a serious argument to reduce the organizations federal funding, were not intended to be factual then it is very difficult to understand their exact relevance. More likely, it appears that he has made an ill informed and generalized statement in the belief that there would be no significant consequence.

choice democracy Discussions education in the US family help for parents help for teen mothers ideologies. kids naional cirriculum News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. parental advice parental guidance parenting people politics relationships rights sex education sexual health sexual knowledge should special schooling exiat for young mothers? Should Special Schooling Exist for Young Mothers? special education TAPP TAPP school in Georgia TAPP School in Kentucky teen pregnancy teenage pregnancy US citizens US government young mothers

Should Special Schooling Exist for Young Mothers?

Unplanned and teenage pregnancy is a rising problem in the contemporary world, and is one of the core issues that lends its burden to the social fabric of the US. The challenge facing the government and educational bodies is how to reverse this trend, and which methodology is the most suitable to encourage a more responsible and considered attitude amongst teenagers towards sexual activity. Not only this, but a healthy balance must also be created to protect the current generation of young mothers within society, and ensure that their own education and future is secured.

However, the question is just how far the US government and teaching facilities should go towards assisting teenage mothers, as offering widespread support could serve to vindicate the decision to indulge in unprotected sex in the first instance. An example can be witnessed with Westport TAPP (Teenage Parent Program) School, which is a Georgia based facility that offers special education to teenage mothers, and ensures that their circumstances to not drive them out of education altogether and also helps them to reclaim a sense of normality and everyday function in their lives.

Diminishing the Consequences of Unprotected Sex

The school itself offers 4 individual components, which serve to create a practical environment for young mothers while also educating them in social theory and conduct. By combining standard curriculum material with a social services component and Co-op child development center, it can diminish the impact that child raising can have on an adolescents burgeoning life, and allow them to continue to strive towards their own ideals of individual attainment. This type of function is considered both necessary and beneficial in contemporary society, and is a specific response to the many issues created by teenage pregnancy.

choice democracy democratic rule discrimination. Discussions education education in dealing with social issues federal government hate groups in the us high school ideologies. intolerance News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships religion religious intolerance rights should everyone retain the right to vote? social issues society tackling social issues the righ to vote The Right to Vote and US Citizens the right to vote in a democracy the role of democracy in society US citizens US government US society

The Right to Vote and US Citizens

The right to vote is a freedom afforded by democratic rule, and has seen many civil conflicts fought to establish or maintain its integrity. While different social demographics have historically been denied this right on the grounds of race or sex at some time or another, the contemporary idea of democracy is inclusive of all individual factions and their belief systems, and seeks to discriminate against no single group or social circumstance. However, if we accept that the idea of voting is a privilege afforded by democracy, then there is an argument to ensure that citizens have earned and appreciate this right.

Balancing Democracy With the Well Being of the Country

While it is undoubtedly undemocratic and abhorrent to discriminate against voters on the generic grounds of race or sex, this is because it degenerates a specific social group without genuine purpose or foundation. However, this does not necessarily mean that every individual should automatically be afforded the right to vote, especially where they have chosen to segregate themselves from general society or hold divisive views that oppose the principles of democratic rule.

A similar logic applies to those who have a minimal interest in or knowledge of politics, who although retain the right not to vote are often pressurized by social expectation to do so. In this instance, individuals may vote without a broad or appreciable understanding of the prevalent social issues, which means that their input is misdirected and that the chosen government of the US may not be a reflection of their true support. Put simply, the drive to ensure that citizens vote could prove to be detrimental to the integrity of the final result.

Any of these circumstances can deter the course of democracy, and create a situation where the elected government regime is either unrepresentative or reflects the interests of those opposed to democracy. What the US and other democratic nations therefore need to assess is whether allowing everyone the right to vote is in the interests of society as a whole, and whether creating stipulations for eligibility could ever be enforced in a liberal rule. What must be elevated above all else is the integrity of the election process, and the importance of selecting a desired government.

choice cost of oil cycle for growth cycle of economic growth democracy Discussions economic growth economic recovery economists economy federal government high unemployment ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. oil people politics public expenditure recession relationship relationships rights rising fuel prices rising gas prices Rising Gas Prices and the Cycle of Economic Growth unemployment US citizens US government

Rising Gas Prices and the Cycle of Economic Growth

With gas prices set to rise beyond the $4 mark across the US, citizens are finding themselves trapped within a vicious cycle of economic hardship. The current price, which is based on the inflated cost of oil, has already risen to its highest point since July 2008, and economists are predicting that that $4 price for gas may take hold nationwide throughout July and August. This, in line with high unemployment and increased cuts in public expenditure, is creating the likely prospect of the nations economy grinding to a shuddering halt.

The Factors in Economic Growth

There are two significant factors which drive capitalist economic growth. The first of these is enterprise, and the investment in businesses that to allows them to expand their operations and hire new staff. This then follows in to the second factor, which is consumer activity and the revenue that citizens reinvest into the economy. By itself, this is the single most important influence on the financial growth of the US, but it is in part reliant on an environment where people are able to work and earn a regular salary.

In an environment where both independent enterprise and consumer spending is hindered, it creates a distinct cycle of economic hardship. This is debilitating for both the federal government and private sector growth, but also has a deep and perpetual impact on the day to day existence of citizens. As is typical with these types of circumstance, one factor often influences the other, so as long as citizens are unable to find employment and earn any semblence of disposable income, so too they are forced to reduce their levels of expenditure and tighten their financial belts.

America arizonas immigration law barak obama choice democracy democrats deocratic rule Discussions federal government ideologies. legislation local government local government in the US national interest News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships republicans rights state law the Arizona imigration law The Rights of Local Government to Influence Law US citizens US government

The Rights of Local Government to Influence Law

The model of American government is fairly unique, and significantly different to other democratic nations across the western world. Though the federal government retains ultimate power, beneath its wings are the law makers and governors of 50 individual and somewhat independent national states, who are able to wield an influence that is shaped by their own perceptions and ideals. While this may be generally seen as something positive which prevents the federal government from imposing an authoritarian will, it has and will continue to cause issues where local legislation differs vehemently from the values of the Whitehouse.

Tackling Arizona’s Immigration Law

This internal conflict was reflected by recent events in Arizona this week, where a federal appeals court affirmed a previous injunction imparted on the states much debated immigration law. The law, which would empower local law enforcement officers to detain suspected illegal immigrants and help in their eventual deportation, was delayed last year after Barack Obama’s administration sued while claiming that the process of apprehending and deporting immigrants is the sole responsibility of the federal government.

After being prevented at the 11th hour last year and now delayed for the longer term, Arizona state officials are considering their options and are expected to issue a petition to the Supreme Court of the US. Their argument remains strong and considered, and claims that their proposed legislation is a response to the inability of federal government to secure the nations borders and effectively manage immigration. Given the negative consequences that illegal immigration can reap within communities, they clearly feel that they have a duty to protect their citizens accordingly.

However, they appear to be in a minority, and even influential

budget shortfall capitalism Capitalism within a Democracy capitalism within a deocracy choice democracy Discussions economy. finance federal government government shutdown ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics reducing the deficit relationship relationships rights the principles of wealth distribution us budget resolution US citizens us deficit US government US nation wealth distribution

Capitalism within a Democracy

As a budget agreement was finally reached at the 11th hour on Friday, so too the US nation breathed a collective sigh of audible relief. While public sector workers and the families of military representatives celebrated the late resolution, so too government officials assured citizens that they would learn from the lessons of a poorly administered budget. However, given the revelation that top senate officials would have continued to receive pay while those beneath them felt the force of any partial government shutdown, questions have been raised about the influence of capitalism within a democracy.

Capitalist Values in a Democratic Society

The idea that the powerful should continue to receive their pay while those who they serve are left temporarily without salary epitomizes the very worst of capitalism, where influence dictates the distribution of a nations wealth. This notion is troubling enough in a focused and dedicated democratic power, but it is even more worrying when you consider that these individuals in question were responsible for the prolonged budgetary negotiations in the first instance.

Now, this does not mean that capitalism or its principles are divisive in society, or entirely opposed to those which exist in democracy. After all, capitalism supports the freedoms of of enterprise and unlimited trade, and affords individuals the tools to design, create and operate their own business entity. Not only this, but such a concept gifts these individuals the opportunity to shape their own financial destiny, and take tentative steps to becoming the job creators of the next generation.

choice democracy democracy in the us democratic rule Discussions Facebook How Social Media Has Changed Political Activism ideologies. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. online revolution people politics relationships rights social interaction social media social media as a corporate vehicle social media as a political vehicle technological advancement the changing face of social media the future for social media Twitter US citizens US government

How Social Media Has Changed Political Activism

Regardless of its original purpose or aspirations, there is no doubt that social media has changed the landscape of social and political activism. As its popularity has grown amongst both renowned and everyday users, so too it has developed a wider range of tools to assist professional and organized applications rather than the mere basics of social interaction. This evolution has seen social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter become perfectly placed for those without authority to voice their opinions and plan group collaborations and organized protests.

From Humble Origins

Undoubtedly, Facebook has set the prevailing trends in social media, and is the model from which other similar outlets take their leave. From its clear and humble origins as a social mediator and connector of faded friendships, it has mastered the tools of remote interaction before stepping authoritatively into the interwoven worlds of business and politics. Considering that it has only existed for over 5 years, this evolution of its services has been both swift and exceptionally well directed.

Twitter has adopted a similar patter on growth, and has broadened its appeal both in terms of available services and its user demographics. While initially considered something as a novelty consideration endorsed chiefly by celebrities and renowned entities, it has become a viable medium for the whole of society to share their thoughts, activities and concepts of enterprise. Twitter, like Facebook, has taken great strides to lend itself to the needs of corporate and political groups, and now forms the basis of many successful business marketing and government campaigns.

budget budget considerations budget deficit choice correctional facilities in the us crime democracy Discussions economy. finance education in a democracy federal government ideologies. Investing in Education Rather than Correction kids News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people prison redcuing the deficit relationship relationships rights the 2012 budget the need for education the US budget the US budhget US citizens US government

Investing in Education Rather than Correction

Once the US emerges from its current financial circumstances, and strives once more for economic prosperity, the hope remains that its government can carry with them the lessons learned from their experiences. As negotiations continue to stall and fail reach a budget resolution for 2012, the law makers and politicians of the country must resolve to never let such a state of affairs develop again, and create an expenditure plan that is both considered and reflects the best interests of society.

Interestingly, there are certain factors of government who are looking to do this at present, by attempting to reduce the funding for prison and correctional facilities and reinvesting this capital into the nations education. As California governor Jerry Brown this week signed a bill to transfer thousands of non violent felons from state prisons to more relaxed county jails, so too a significant step was made to close certain correctional facilities and redirect government funding into educational programs and schools.

A Time for Change

The spending statistics are damning indeed. In the 2 decades between 1990 and 2010, the US prison population has soared by over 1 million individuals, and prompted even more funding to be invested in building and expanding correctional facilities to handle the increasing capacity. Within this period, state spending on prisons climbed by nearly 130 percent, which is an astonishing and troubling six times higher than the total rate of expenditure committed to education.

choice democracy democratic rule Discussions economic recovery economy family federal government ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. passing law in a democracy people politics reducing the budget deficit reducing the deficit relationship relationships religion the budget shortfall The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown US government

The US Government Facing Federal Shutdown

Of all the uncertainties that exist in the contemporary world, you would not include the function of your government as being amongst them. Regardless of the popularity of it’s actions or the results of their decision making processes, the government are omni-present in our day to day existence, making conscious and considered strides towards a state of sustained prosperity. However, as democratic and republican representatives failed to reach a budgetary agreement this week, the US is now facing up to the prospect of a partial federal shut down.

The US government have until midnight on Friday to reach an adequate compromise, and ultimately present a clear and concise expenditure plan to ease the nation through its period of economic recovery. However, with warring political factions at odds over the course the country should take and who is responsible for the vast budget shortfall, an agreement seems to be moving further away from the grasp of those who seek to protect the citizens of the US.

An Need for Compromise

Significantly, both parties are opposed in exactly how to reduce the budget deficit, and which areas of public spending should be cut to negate the crippling economic shortfall. While this is understandable when you consider the conflicting principles of each party and their own individual interests, this verbal war of attrition is influenced by other less relevant factors. Of these, the apportioning of blame and responsibility for the nations fiscal woes appears as the most significant.

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How Relationships Hold the Key to Multiculturalism

The nature and scope of relationships have changed dramatically in the contemporary world, and this evolution has seen the gradual integration of different cultures within single family units. This progression is significant, and offers a portent of how the individuals of the world can subsist in a global and multicultural harmony. If you assess the variable stages of cultural integration through the ages, then you see that we are simply at the next step of social advancement, on the long and troubled path towards a multicultural society.

How Racial Integration has Changed Over Time

Society has witnessed a gradually changing attitude towards race relations, from certain factions suffering oppression to their acceptance and subsequent integration into opposing cultures. This transition has seen many instances of violence and tragedy, as those who have fought for racial equality have often given their lives to ensure that prejudices were eradicated from the social fabric. This period has led to the current social climate, which although still carries a distinct threat of racial discrimination, does at least see that multiculturalism is supported on a federal level.

Historically, different cultures and creeds would subsist in specific geographical locations, and the idea of racial integration was not even a logistical consideration. However, as individuals and families began to emigrate and move between different countries, mixed racial groups were formed within the boundaries of single nations. The US in particular was a particularly attractive outlet for those seeking new pastures, and so became a haven for a meld of cultures and separate racial groups.

However, although different cultures subsisted within

collective bargaining rights democracy Discussions economy economy. finance ideologies. national deficit News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. ohio people politics public sector public sector cuts public sector cuts in ohio public sector jobs public sector jobs in ohio relationship relationships rights the budget deficit The Right to Strike for Working Conditions the US budget the US economy US citizens US government

The Right to Strike for Working Conditions

Historically, public sector employees have always retained the right to strike in order to secure better pay and working conditions, especially when faced with unfavourable government policies or proposed legislation. However, the current economic circumstances of the US may soon make this a thing of the past, as governors are forced to cut their states budget shortfall by bringing public sector employee rights adjacent with those afforded by the private sector. However, while public expenditure must be cut to improve the nation’s overall budget deficit of $1.5 trillion, should it really come at the cost of fundamental employee bargaining rights?

Ohio state legislature this week passed a bill to limit employee’s collective bargaining rights by banning them from striking and also allowing them to refuse to pay their union dues. The primary reasoning behind the idea is to reduce the local governments burden and financial costs, serving the dual purpose of reducing their deficit while also enabling them to compete against more prosperous job creating states. In its is essence it is a logical plan for long term growth, and easily understandable when you understand the recent events in the city of Detroit and throughout many of the southern states of America.

The State Against the Individual

This situation is a textbook example of the main challenge that faces government in a democratic regime, as they are often unable to satisfy the needs of individuals and single groups while also acting in the interests of society as a whole. In this instance, economic regeneration is the best and most suitable methodology for creating prosperity in the state of Ohio, and this can be achieved through reducing public sector expenditure without losing jobs from organizations. Though clearly a way forward for the state as a single entity, it is has already been construed as an elevation of corporate interests above those of the common man.

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The Spectre of Racism in Contemporary Society

Many democratic governments of today pride themselves on the measures they have implemented to challenge racism in their society, and will point to the reduced instances of racial abuse of hate crimes over the last 2 decades as evidence of their success. However, as news this broke this week that the police were investigating a wooden cross being burned outside the house of a mixed raced citizen in California, there is concern as to whether racism has been eroded from the social fabric or is merely lurking with intent beneath its cover.

More pointedly, it is fair to enquire as to whether governments have successfully challenged racist attitudes and theory, or simply forced its perpetrators to become more covert and organized in their operations. As the social climate has changed since the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, racism has been become increasingly unacceptable in society, but whether it’s values have been entirely rejected is debatable. One thing is for sure, and that is that racism will always been a feature of any society regardless of its meld of cultures or appreciation of knowledge.

Racism Through the Ages

Hostility or persecution between different races has existed since the dawn of civilization, with alternative epochs of time seeing different creeds, cultures and religions targeted by others. Historically, racism could be considered as being largely focused on religious groups and beliefs, as the absence of global interaction and multiculturalism meant that people of different cultures and skin colors did not mix within geographical locations. However, as immigration increased and America in particular became a weave of mixed culture, different creeds were forced to live together creating resentment and overt hostility.

Capital Punishment and it’s Place in a Democracy

Capital punishment is something that has encouraged debate for years, even as it has become less and less prominent within democratic society. Many liberal and forward thinking nations have abolished it entirely from their judicial process, whereas many states within the US themselves no longer support execution as a consequence of criminal conduct. Though it is a diminishing concept, its existence still draws strong and divided opinions, especially as to whether it has any place at all in a civilized society.

The Dangers of Capital Punishment

Despite the increasing redundancy of capital punishment, there are those who still campaign for its place in the contemporary world, and cite the perpetual rise of violent crime and anti-social behavior as a basis for their arguments. Not only this, but it is promoted in some quarters as a resolution to overcrowded prisons and correctional facilities, especially as a method of dealing with criminals who may be beyond rehabilitation. The supporters of capital punishment make a clear distinction between those who are civilized and those who are not in a democratic society, and see execution as a way of protecting law abiding citizens.

These arguments are hard to dispute on certain levels, as capital punishment certainly would have a physical effect on reducing the criminal fraternity’s number, while also making a concise statement that the safety of well meaning citizens is above all else in society. However, there is far more dispute to be had on an ideological and factual level, especially in terms of the attitude it cultivates within society and its effectiveness as a deterrent of crime. Above, these raise serious concerns as to the place of capital punishment within a democracy.

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Parenting and its Impact on Children

There is nothing more joyous in this world than creating and raising a life, and it is inevitably one of the more rewarding things that an individual can do within their own existence. However, there are instances where circumstances can make the raising of a child extremely fraught and emotional for all parties involved, and the way in such a situation is handled can have a long standing and potentially divisive effect on an infants upbringing. These circumstances ask many ideological questions about parenting and the morality of raising children, especially in the case where one parent is stricken or absent from the family home.

This week, a Californian judge ruled that a mother who had been severely disabled during child birth should be granted visitation rights to her three young children. This ruling was the result of a protracted legal battle between the woman’s husband and her parents, with the husband requesting that she be denied visitation rights on the basis that she was unable to communicate or interact with her children, or participate in any decision making processes regarding their upbringing. The husband, who had been granted sole custody of the children during the process, has maintained his view point and feels that any visitation will be detrimental to their development.

The Rights of a Responsible Guardian

The case has generated much discussion, with the subsequent ruling considered to be precedent setting in situations of this type. Essentially, and judgement has been passed which does it’s bests to satisfy all of the parties involved, without losing sight of the emotional and physical needs of the children. This factor, above any other, must be considered as the most significant in any such circumstances, as it is ultimately the welfare of vulnerable infants that must be elevated above those of responsible adults.

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Justice and the Protection of Society

Regardless of the country in which we live, there are always international stories and events which help to inform and promote necessary debate amongst society. The online revolution has helped significantly to draw together the people of the world in a global community and achieve this, and made the processes of sharing information and images both easier and more relevant. This week, an incident in Spain has raised significant international dialogue, concerning the accepted ineffectiveness of justice and the increasing risk of reprisal in society.

In Spain, a court has agreed to grant a full pardon to a women who set fire to and killed the convicted rapist of her daughter in 1998. The incident occurred when the felon, who was sentenced to 9 years for his assault on the 13 year old minor, was on an approved 3 day release from his sentence and approached the mother at a local bus stop to enquire about his victims welfare. Indignant, she returned home and acquired some petrol and later accosted him in a bar, before she inflicted the injuries which ultimately caused his death 10 days later.

The Inadequacies of Justice

After being originally sentenced to 7 years in prison, the woman in question had this reduced to 5 years upon appeal, before a 5000 strong public petition and lobbying secured her release after a solitary year in captivity. With a full pardon due to be confirmed shortly, it would seem that the defendant will be absolved of a crime that was allegedly committed in a state of temporary insanity. While much of the discussion has centered on whether victims should ever be allowed to administer a personal brand of justice, more should be done to address the failures of the courts in the first instance.

choice cumulative population cumulative population loss democracy Detroit Discussions economy economy. finance family federal government government policy ideologies. News News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships social and political change the decline of the detroit automotive trade the detroit automotive trade The Evolution of Cities in the US the falling population of detroit US citizens us economy US government

The Evolution of Cities in the US

Time is relentless, and has presided over a plethora of social and political changes in the US, many of which have been to the benefit of individual citizens and everyday existence. However, while it has seen great advancements in medical and technological progress, it has also witnessed the continued degeneration of once great places and cities, as they have become the victim of social and economic circumstances. Detroit is one such city in the US, and it was reported this week that they have become the only state to suffer a cumulative population loss over the last decade.

The Decline of a City

The figures are starting, especially when you consider the consistent population growth that the US has encountered since the turn of 1990. In the decade between 2000 and 2010, the US Census reported that the population of Detroit decreased from 951,270 to713,777, which is its lowest recorded figure since 1910. This is a stark state of existence for the city, which had a peak population of 1.5 million individuals in 1950 and was once the 4th largest city within the boundaries of the USA. This decline is sudden and vast, and with several different financial and social triggers.

At the turn of the century, Detroit was the heartbeat of the US automotive trade, and this prosperity and purpose caused its population to swell accordingly. Sadly, the recent economic hardship and painstaking recovery put paid to this, and seemingly tore the meaning from a city as well the livelihood of many of its occupants. This has had further consequences on the economic performance of Detroit, and the proposed closure of several state schools may well have been the final straw for many of its dedicated individuals.

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Planned Parenthood: A Victim of Circumstance?

As the US desperately seek ways to trim their $1.5 trillion budget deficit before the close of 2011, certain organizations are coming under increased scrutiny with regards their exact need and purpose. Planned Parenthood is one such entity, and has subsisted in the US for decades, despite being at the center of consistent controversy during that time. Now, as an organization that courts direct opposition and receives an estimated $363 million annually from the government, it has emerged as a potential target for expenditure cuts.

Opinion and Criticism

Planned Parenthood has divided opinion in the US for years, and has both staunch supporters and opposition from different individuals and social groups. Those who agree with its presence and purpose feel that it offers and invaluable outlet to pregnant females and families, offering advice and family planning in the strictest of confidence. Conversely, its opposition have claimed that the organization is divisive and carries questionable morality and values, and in essence encourages a casual attitude towards sexual liaison.

The organizations cause has not been helped by recent incidents, which have caused the dismissal of two members of staff and excessive media coverage. In stings conducted by Live Action, one staff member was filmed accepting donations from a racially bigoted donor, while another was captured offering to facilitate birth control and abortions for under-age girls. These incidents were distasteful in the extreme, and have caused an even greater backlash from economists and religious groups nationwide.

Australian economy chinese economy democracy democratic government democratic values Discussions economic models economy fedral goverment government rule ideologies. Learning From Contemporary Models of Successful Rule learning from mistakes learning from others News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people politics relationships the australian economy US citizens US government who are the most propserous economic nations?

Learning From Contemporary Models of Successful Rule

As individuals, we are consistently taught about the merits of learning from our experiences and mistakes, with the expectation that we may grow both in terms of our knowledge and behaviour. If we fail to do this, then we must understand that we will subsist in a repetitive cycle of inadequacy, punctuated by sporadic highs and then lows of experience. The same philosophy applies to government rule, and a specific regime is often only as effective as the wisdom that its leaders gain from a countries history.

However, it is not only historical or domestic examples of rule that can influence a governments ideology, as knowledge and effective methodology can also be drawn from other nations across the globe. For a country to advance and continually adapt to an ever changing set of circumstances, a willingness to learn is crucial, as in awareness of its own standing in the contemporary world order. It is the unfortunate case that nations that fail to adhere to these principles often suffer from negative consequences, whether in the guise of social issues or instances of financial difficulty.

Current Examples of Prosperity

An example of the latter can be witnessed in contemporary USA, where the nation faces a series of domestic challenges while attempting to mediate in various international affairs. Given the countries perilous economic state, this diverse balance of activity is not adequately supported by the requisite financial or corporeal resources, which has the inevitable consequence that several aspirations will go unfulfilled. The current situation in the US displays a general lack of awareness, both of its own global standing and contemporary models of successful rule.

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Should Doctors Apply Morality to Treating Patients?

Doctors exist to serve the well being of society, and the role is often considered to be more vocational than merely perfunctory. Aside from the many years of dedication and academic work that needs to be invested in making a medical career possible, the role itself requires a great deal of commitment and communication skill in order to be performed successfully. Traditionally, doctors have been expected to treat patients without exception or a process of selection, and also regardless of their own beliefs or ethical values.

However, in recent times doctors have sought to take an increasingly hard line and moralistic attitude towards treating their patients, applying more stringent conditions to potential visitors. An example of this surrounds the controversial notion of vaccinating children against diseases, and a rising number of doctors are refusing to retain or treat patients who refrain from allowing their offspring to subject various vaccinations.While this action is supported in policy that allows doctors to retain a right to refuse treatment of individual moral grounds, the question remains as to whether this appropriate to their role as ethical service providers.

Why Do Parents not Vaccinate Their Children?

The statistics are less than specific, but physicians themselves suggest that there is a growing number amongst them who adopt an unswerving policy to treating unvaccinated children. In fact, there are increasing instances where doctors have spent several months advising and educating parents in the benefits of individual vaccinations, only to refer them elsewhere when they continually refuse to let their children be immunised. While some physicians claim that this decision is taken predominantly to protect other children who are considered at an increased risk of illness, there is an undoubted sense of morality and individual selection being applied to their decision making processes.

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How Much Should Religion Adapt to Circumstance?

Religion has and always will retain a significant place in contemporary culture, as various bodies of faith foster a philosophy of living for their followers. This involves the worship of specific religious icons and different perceptions of literature, which are combined to create an overall belief system and core personal values. These are important, as they govern how an individual lives their life and the moral code of conduct that they choose to adhere to, giving their existence a clear direction that is orientated by faith and cultivated belief.

However, various religions have witnessed significant changes to their ethos and attitudes in recent times, either through an adaptation to social circumstance or the development of extremist factors. While several of these changes are welcomed by many as hugely beneficial, there is a growing concern that they are rendering the religion that they represent increasingly irrelevant.

The Nature of Religious Belief

Catholicism is an excellent example of a religion that has struggled in the contemporary age, and in time being forced to address their values and attitudes to life. If we consider the concept of abortion, which was widely condemned in the faith for generations, then we see that conditions are now being applied by the religion in an attempt to accept it as a part of liberal existence.

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The Issue of Social Perspective

As the US continues to witness civilized protests and an increasing display of social unrest, it would be easy to assume that the nation is in the midst of a truly challenging and difficult set of circumstances. While this may be true in some respects, it may be considered a view without the requisite level of perspective, as any issue that the country is currently experiencing pale into significance when compared with those of previous generations. Social issues are always relative however, both to the time and specific demographics, and need to be considered on their own merits accordingly.

This was exemplified and drawn into focus earlier this week, as it was revealed that the last remaining US survivor of World War 1 died peacefully in his sleep on Sunday. Frank Buckles of West Virginia had celebrated his 110th birthday on February 1st, and as he passed so too did the final living reminder of one of histories most ill conceived and barbaric wars. With this in mind, it is interesting to consider the magnitude of social issues between generations, and understand the role that governments play in cultivating trust and perspective within society.

The Changing Perception of Hardship

As Frank Buckles passing comes at a time of social discord, it is an opportunity to apply this perspective to contemporary USA and draw conclusions from its current situation. The first thing that becomes apparent is how the perception of hardship has evolved over the generations, which is obviously a clear consequence of progression and technological advancement. As living conditions improve in terms of health, technology and privilege, so too individuals become accustomed to particular standards and expect more from their existence.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech the internet and multiculturalism the internet as a guide to social harmony uk simply hired US citizens US government

The Internet as an Example of Global Harmony

The concept of a multicultural population is not new in terms of its principles, and through history there have been several prominent and forward thinking individuals who have sought to remove cultural barriers in society. This is with a view to integrating all cultures and belief systems within the boundaries of nations, where citizens will live, work and procreate in harmony and without the pressures of social prejudice regardless of their creed. However, while the concept is not new, it is still one that is at the mercy of an unstable global climate and the attitudes of civilians.

Interestingly, contemporary culture has seen a significant example of a global community, and how it has contributed to a vast improvement in an individuals ability to access information, interact and seek out truth. Of course, this refers to the World Wide Web and the online revolution, which over the last 2 decades has modified the methodology that we use to undertake both everyday and complex tasks alike. This should serve as an example of how a global community can succeed, regardless of the vast differences between the virtual and the real worlds.

How the Internet Provides Hope for the Future

When a society or faction of people are exposed to something on a frequent and daily basis, it begins to lose its mystique, regardless of its capabilities and the potential for growth. It is human nature to take for granted anything that resides as a permanent cultural or social fixture, especially in an age where brand new media and technological advancements are being made with impressive frequency. However, if we consider the mechanics of the internet and what it has the potential to deliver to its users, then its possibilities suddenly become endless and unlimited.

a democratic battleground a democratic battleground part 1 culture democratic government Discussions education in society forward thinking government global piece ideologies. multiculturalism multiculturalism in society News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. News, information, issues, discussions, solutions. people relationships religion religion restrictions religious beleifs religious education religious garments religious symbolism religious teachings simply hired blog UK terrorism the battles facing democracy the federal government and religion the freedom of speech uk simply hired US citizens US government

A Democratic Battleground, Part 2

To anyone fair minded who has the vision to see beyond their own generation, the ideal of democratic rule is the only reasonable method of government. In essence, it is government for the people by the people, and allows individuals within a society to elect their chosen political leaders while still retaining a voice and a right to protest. In theory, this should create a society of citizens who are entirely satisfied and comfortable with their nations rule, and one that is both progressive and in touch with each others needs.

However, there are issues with this ethos which lead to independent conflicts between individual factions of society and the government, which are being seen increasingly throughout contemporary USA. The main problem is that while democracy affords a voice to the society that it governs, it can not take into account each individual element of the population and the subsequent consequences of several subjective demands. This puts a strain on any liberal rule, as it is impossible to create legislation that satisfies everyone.

Fighting for Multiculturalism

Aside form the current events throughout the US, the are other underlying issues that support this theory. If we assess the continued strides multiculturalism, then we see a nation that is divided in its attitudes towards the concept, especially in specific geographically areas where both racial diversity and resource is minimal. Recent global events have only served to create even more conflict between those who support and those who disapprove of multiculturalism.

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Hate Groups on the Rise in the US

When a country is at the mercy of fiscal or social constraints, it is inevitable that a faction of its citizens will react in an emotive manner. This is indicative of any society, where certain personality types are prone to the acts of irrational and impulsive behavior. However, while this is accepted as the consequence of enhanced stress and a challenged standard of living, recent statistics have suggested that an increasing number of hate groups are emerging throughout the US.

The term ‘hate group’ is a rather generic and vague media term, but in fact applies to several different demographics of society. These groups are essentially radical right wing ensembles, who generally stand against various types of government and government reforms. Patriot and Nativist groups are relevant examples active in contemporary American culture, and share the common if misguided notion that the US state is their primary enemy.

The Facts of Right Wing Groups

The statistics are indeed significant, and reveal that 2010 saw a vast 7.5 percent increase in the number of hate groups who operated within US boundaries. It is estimated that 1002 hate groups are now active and progressive in the country, and this is the first time since these statistics have been tracked that over 1000 individual groups have been recorded. This number is startling with regards to both its volume and its presence in a liberal society, and points towards an increasingly dissatisfied public.

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A Reduced Deficit, but at What Cost?

Budget restrictions are in inevitable consequence of a recession, especially one which itself is the result of irresponsible fiscal management. Subsequently, society and its individuals are forced to endure several significant economic sanctions, which include sizeable reductions in public expenditure and also inflated levels of income and duty tax. While these are an accepted if much maligned aspect of economic recovery, there are serious questions as to how far governments should go to deliver financial stability.

This week, the governors of Michigan supported a move to close up to 70 schools in the troubled city of Detroit, with a view to halving the number of educational outlets in the region by the year 2014. This proposal is in addition to the legislation that closed 59 schools throughout 2010, and will mean that the average high school class would include an estimated 60 students by 2012. Regardless of the economic need, the question that needs to be addressed is whether this sacrifice is worth any amount of fiscal saving.

The Social Cost of Budgeting

This decision is been driven by a desperate need to reduce a vast $327 million school budget deficit, regardless of the cost to the educational well being of US students and parents. This is a government stand point, which states that there are bound to be unfavorable consequences of an economic recovery from a recession, and that the closure of schools is a necessary evil in the pursuit of financial prosperity. The issue with this assertion is that by doing whatever is necessary to secure a short term financial future, there is the potential of damage being done to the long term education of high school children.

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Could a Debit Card Cap Improve Financial Awareness?

It was revealed this week that leading US banks are considering imposing a cap on all consumer debit card transactions, with a view to limiting the swipe fees which cost retailers valuable revenue. Although the motion has yet to be confirmed, it would go further than simply assisting retailers in obtaining a higher level of profit, and would also potentially change the way in which American citizens purchased both everyday and luxury items.

While the benefits for US companies are obvious, any potential advantages for consumers are far more contentious and debateable. Firstly, it is unclear whether this restriction on how and when consumers use their debit cards is either entirely neccessary or reflective of a democratic society, where individuals should be free to spend their wealth as they desire. However, there is also a very pertinent argument that forcing consumers to make more cash purchases would lead to an enhanced fiscal responsibility within society.

Enhancing Economic Awareness

The second of these points is the most interetsing facing the contemporary consumer, especially in an age where consumer and credit card debt has soared beyond $26 billion in the US. Although this issue was not helped by the global recession, the excessive use of debit and credit cards has also been cited as a major influence, with the clear inference that consumers are more likely to spend higher volumes of their wealth through card payments.

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Tackling the National Deficit

While the common consensus of global opinion places the blame for the recent recession at the door of high level banking and investment operatives, its continuing effects are most significant amongst the working classes of society. Even as we continue along the steep and well worn paths of economic recovery, governments are still being forced to make budgetary cuts and modifications to combat the remnants of their financial deficits.

In Wisconsin this week, 15 educational facilities were forced to cancel classes in the midst of a staff protest at the state, in reaction to a proposed bill that would impinge their collective bargaining rights and reduce the governments contributions to their benefits. While the protest is perceived as one that is concerned with the financial implications, it is clearly more focused on worker rights and the punishment of staff for federal errors in judgement.

A Countrywide Issue

This issue is part of a larger picture, in which budgetary restrictions are being replicated and contested in many of the poorer US states. Put simply, the proposed legislation will implore workers to invest more in their individual health care premiums and pension contributions, while removing the burden from government institutions. Also, workers would default on their right to have dues deducted straight from their weekly or monthly salary.

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The Concept of Diminished Responsibility

If you consider the intricacies of democratic government, then there is no doubting the size of the tasks that face officlals in the US and similar civilized societies. From attempting to represent their citizens in the most fair and balanced way to seeking to impart the principles of democracy on affiliate countries afflicted by war and by conflict, their resources are often stretched in an attempt to create a more functional world and individual societies within.

While their intentions are good, you can not help but question whether the same democratic principles that define them are also taken advantage of by certain factions of society. As the US government look to battle a range of financial and health issues, they must face up to two especially prevalent aspects of contemporary culture. Firstly, that they are unable to appease everyone in a country of such diverse cultures and requirements, and secondly that a consequence of liberal government is the diminishing of personal responsibility.

Changing Circumstance Through Education

To give an example of the inhospitable situation that democratic officials find themselves in, you need only address the range of social issues that currently blight local and global societies. As obesity, consumer debt and instances of violent crime have shown general levels of oncreae over the last 3 years, there has been intense pressure to create resolutions and move the country forward. However, there is often little done to question the individuals own responsibliltiy for their personal plight, leaving them largely absolved an any accountability.

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The Federal Government and Religion

Of all the senstive issues which determine the success of a relationship between a government and its subjects, religion remains one of the most pertinent. These issues are enhanced in a multicultural age, as several diametrically opposed faiths and cultures subsist within a single society. Governments are therefore faced with the increasingly difficult task of finding an acute equilbrium between serving the practical needs of society and satisfying religious requirements, and there have been notable examples of conflicts emerging from particular instances.

What many faiths and bodies fail to understand are the pressures that face a government in a democratic society. Recently, a school in Michigan was forced to make a judgement concerning a Sikh student who wished to wear the kirpan, which is a small religious dagger that represents a traditional commitment to fight evil. A ban was placed on these items being worn in December due to the items being considered as potential weapons, but this was overturned after being deemed unneceesary and unconstitutional.

Against the Principles of America

The concept of religious symbols and affiliated wear is a good place to start on this issue, as there are vastly different approaches throughout western culture to regulating their usage. Governing bodies in France and similar western european countries have reacted to increasing religious uncertaintly by imposing a widespread ban on the wearing of religious garments in schools and public auditoriums, in an attempt to difuse tensions and public displays of affiliation. Similarly, a UK air stewardess was sacked for refusing to remove her crucifix during service, after the airline recieved complaints from various passengers and acted upon them.

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Should the US Government do More to Protect Domestic Interests?

Every fair minded and reasonable individual would advocate a democratic society, and champion a government regime that takes its peoples opinions and needs into consideration. This guarantees that a government acts in the interests of society at large, and implements legislation and policy to protect and serve the voting demographic that brought them to power in the first instance. While this is not only desirable for individual countries and communities, it would be wrong to suggest that this methodology of rule would not improve the perilous and hostile state of the world and its factions at large.

With this in mind, it is natural that many of the democratic super powers in the world seek to intervene and impart the democratic wisdom on others, and often go to great lengths to modify countries regimes to comply with their own. The US and the UK have historically taken a keen interest in foreign politics and regimes, both as a way of ensuring the safety of a global community and improving international politics at large. However, as western culture strives to battle hampered economic growth and frequent instances of violent crime, there is growing concern that domestic issues are not receiving the attention they deserve.

The Demands of Foreign Policy

The recent unrest and political protests in Egypt have only served to highlight the vast and significant role that the US continues to play in global peace. While reducing its representative presence of diplomats in the country, it is continuing to pledge aid and support to Egypt during its period of transition. In addition to this, the US is seeking to take a keen and considered interest in political reform in the country, by encouraging diplomatic values and the regulated processes of election.

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Assessing the Extremes in Political Opinion and Action

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting of democratic representative Gabrielle Griffiths at a neighborhood meeting yesterday, a sharp and sudden focus was drawn against the increasing extremities of feeling that exist within contemporary US politics. Although an exact motive for the attack that killed and wounded others has yet to be determined, their are rumblings of the accused gunman being extremely hostile towards the current government regime and also especially vocal about his inherent dislike and reasoning.

This reaction is extreme and entirely unjustified in a civilized society, but the instance is not isolated in terms of the level of threat and deep rooted animosity toward the existng political government. There have been several occasions in the last 18 months and 2 years where democratic representatives have been subjected to verbal abuse or vandalism, as concerns and issues with economic policies and health care legislation have combined to produce increased levels of frustration and discontentment with government representatives and legislation.

A Diversity of Opinion

While this particular instance and general type of political protest is repugnant, it is not the only reason for concern in federal circles. At the entirely opposite end of the spectrum, there continues to subsist a growing apathy towards voting and policies in particular geographical and age related demographics, and one which is born of the same levels of disenchantment that fuels acts of violence and anarchy. In a society where two opposed and yet deeply similar and related political issues are pertinent, there are several conclusions and portents that can be drawn.

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Learning the Lessons of the Global Recession

When the individuals of a country are afflicted by the hardship of a recession, the very suggestion of prosperity and optimism can seem foreign to the concept of logic. As unemployment rises and jobs are cut from the private and public sectors, so too consumer spending power diminishes to create a vicious cycle within the economy. However, there are signs emerging through the gradual recovery that adults in the US have not only taken heed of the financial portents of the recession, but also developed a positive attitude in moving forward in society.

A recent survey of young adults aged between 18 and 34 has revealed that this demographic have learned important financial lessons through the recession, and in fact resolved to save more of their disposable income and through budgeting and reducing their levels of impulse purchases. The published findings also suggest that this generation of citizens have also developed an increased responsibility concerning their debts and burdens, and are motivated to committing more money throughout 2011 to reduce their financial duty appropriately. Aside from the bare statistics, this survey also reveals some key points concerning young adults living in the US.

Adapting to Social Conditions

One of the most significant conclusions that can be drawn from the survey is the malleable and adaptable nature of young adults living in contemporary society. It is a well versed theory of psychology that young adults are more adaptable to the change in social conditions, and also more likely to modify their behavioural trends to a more positive end. This capability to conform to changing environment and conditions is believed to diminish over time, as adults more experienced in life are either too comfortable with their own wisdom or embittered by specific instances of hardship.

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How Law can Continue to Challenge Criminal Behaviour

Historically, the struggle between law and criminal behaviour is one that has been both prominent and persistent. It has been a global conflict which has been contested differently depending on the individual country or culture, and has seen many attempts by governing bodies to minimize criminal conduct and successfully reprimand and rehabilitate the perpetrators of crime. However, despite the variety of approaches from law enforcements agencies to uphold specific legislation, crime continues to harm society and its erstwhile citizens.

The main issue in the fight against crime is the simple matter of law and its implementation. Law and legislation is created and implemented to best fight criminal behavioural trends, and is then enforced by police and government officials as rigidly as possible. However, while the application of law must be to the letter and maintain a clarity of process, those who wish to defy the law are not bound by the restrictions of duty and transparency. Unfortunately, the nature of law and its application means that it will always be easier to break than it will be to uphold.

Law in Contemporary Society

The levels of crime reported and discussed on daily news bulletins throughout the US is currently at an unprecedented level, and although this has something to do with the vast amounts of media outlets that can be accessed it should not detract from the fact rising crime is a troublesome social issue. This trend is especially prominent amongst instances of violent crime, such as aggravated assaults and armed robberies, and this type of crime is also the most significant in terms of being targeted by government bodies and their legislation.

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Violent Crime and the Cultivation Theory

Of all the criminal activity that causes concern amongst society, it is undoubtedly violent crime that remains the most pertinent. The statistics for violent crime in the US have fluctuated over the previous 20 years, rising, falling and then rising again since the turn of the century. There were an estimated 1.8 million instances of violent crime reported in 1995, which reduced to 1.3 million in 2003. This approximate figure has risen again to more than 1.4 million in 2009, prompting concerns of a further increase and gradual decline of social conditions.

There have been several theories forwarded for increased violence amongst society’s members, some of which have been developed since an initial explosion of violent felonies in the 1960’s. The most forward thinking and relevant today is George Gerner’s renowned cultivation theory, which emerged from his experiments and research conducted over a 20 year period. His project involved looking at the effects of television and social media has on impressionable young minds, and their reaction and understanding of concepts such as politics, ideology and violence.

A Relevant and Innovative Study

The reason that Gerbner’s work remains so relevant is the focus from contemporary society on the frequency with which young children play video games. The development of games consoles and games with violent tendencies began to peak in the early 1990’s, coinciding with the sudden increase in instances of violent crime. Gerbner’s studies examined television and media outlets in how they influenced people’s thoughts and actions, and although violence and the effects of violence were a portion of his work, his findings were significant none the less.

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Consumer Debt and Responsible Spending

Statistics released by the Federal Reserve suggested that the level of consumer debt stabilized throughout 2009, amounting to an estimated sum of nearly $2.5 trillion. To help comprehend these figures, this amount equates a consumer of debt of just less than $8,100 for every single individual citizen in the US.

Despite showing signs of steadying, this level of consumer debt is still a sharp increase on the figures reported at the turn of the century. What is interesting is that despite the continuing growth in debt and financial burden, consumer spending continues to rise sharply and out of proportion to inflation.

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